
OTHER WAYS OF ACQUIRING HEFKER (Yerushalmi Halachah 4 Daf 2b)

משנה ראה את המציאה ונפל לו עליה ובא אחר והחזיק בה זה שהחזיק בה זכה בה


(Mishnah): If a person saw a hefker item and he fell on it and another person came and took hold of it, the second one acquires it.

ראה אותן רצין אחר המציאה אחר צבי שבור אחר גוזלות שלא פיריחו ואמר זכת לי שדי זכת לו


If he saw people chasing a hefker item - after a lame deer or after young chicks (that cannot yet fly) and he said that his field should acquire for him, it is acquired to him.

היה צבי רץ כדרכו או שהיו הגוזלות מפריחין ואמר זכת לי שדי לא אמר כלום


If he was chasing a deer that was running normally or chicks that could fly and he said that his field should acquire for him, he has said nothing.

גמרא ריש לקיש אמר אבא כהן ברדלייה אדם זכה במציאה בתוך ד' אמות שלו


(Gemara - Raish Lakish): Aba Kohen Bardelayah said that a man can acquire a hefker item when it is within 4 amos of him.

ר' יוחנן אמר והוא שתפול לתוך ידו.


R. Yochanan disagrees: Only when it actually comes to his hand.

מתניתא פליגא על ריש לקיש נטל מקצת הפיאה וזרק בשאר אין לו בה כלום.


Question against Raish Lakish (Mishnah in Maseches Peah): If a poor man took a small amount of Peah produce (corners of the field that are left to the poor) and threw it on the rest of the Peah (as a way of claiming ownership on it all) he has not made an acquisition on it.

אמר תיפתר בשלא אמר יזכו לי בד' אמות שלי.


Answer: This was because he did not say that he wanted his 4 amos to acquire it for him.

ומור דבתרה נפל עליה ופרס טליתו עליה מעבירין אותו ממנה.


Question: The latter part of that Mishnah says that if he fell on the Peah or spread his garment over it, we remove him from there (and allow others to acquire it).

[דף ג עמוד א] עוד היא בשלא אמר יזכו לי בד' אמות שלי.


Answer: We can give the same answer, that it was because he did not say that he wanted his 4 amos to acquire for him.

והתני רבי חייה שניהם שהיו מתכתשין בעומר ובא עני וחטפו מלפניהן זכה בו.


Question (R. Chiya's Beraisa): If there were two poor men fighting over a sheaf of wheat and a third one came and grabbed it, he acquires it...?

עוד היא בשלא אמר יזכו לי בד' אמות שלי.


Answer: We can give the same answer, that it was because he did not say that he wanted his 4 amos to acquire for him.

והתנינן ראה את המציאה ונפל עליה ובא אחר והחזיק בה זה שהחזיק בה זכה בה.


Question from our Mishnah: If a person saw a hefker item and he fell on it and another person came and took hold of it, the second one acquires it.

עוד היא בשלא אמר יזכו לי בד' אמות שלי.


Answer: We can give the same answer, that it was because he did not say that he wanted his 4 amos to acquire for him.

והתנינן קרוב לה מגורשת קרוב לו אינה מגורשת מחצה למחצה מגורשת ואינה מגורשת.


Question (Mishnah in Maseches Gitin): )If she was standing in a Public Domain and he threw to her her get) if it landed closer to her, she is divorced; if it was closer to him, she is not divorced; if it was equidistant, she is doubtfully divorced...?

חזקיה אמר בשכר הליבלר היא מתניתא.


Answer (Chizkiyah): The Mishnah is referring to the responsibility to pay the scribe for a new get that must be written (whether it is him, her, or both of them that must pay for the new document).

התיבון והכתיב והני בעוניי הכינותי וגו'


Question (against R. Yochanan): The pasuk states (that King David said to his son Shlomo, when commanding him to build the Temple) (Divrei Hayamim 1, 22, 14), "Behold, in my poverty, I have prepared (gold and silver for the Temple of Hash-m) etc.''

[דף ב עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] והיכי אם בנתונין בתוך ידו עשיר הוא אי בשאינן נתונין לתוך ידו יש אדם מקדיש דבר שאינו שלו הוי אומר בנתונין בתוך ד' אמות שלו.


Conclusion of question: What was the case there? If all of the money used to produce the vessels was in his hands, he was rich! If it was not in his hands, how could he consecrate it for Temple use? Therefore, it must be that the 4 amos of a person acquire for him.

[דף ג עמוד ב] אמר רבי אבין מהו בעוניי שאין עשירות לפני מי שאמר והיה העולם.


R. Avin: What is the meaning of "in my poverty''? There is no concept of wealth before The Creator of the world.

דבר אחר שהיה מתענה ומקדיש סעודתו לשמים.


Another explanation - that (unlike other kings) he would fast and consecrate his meal to Hash-m (and the word should be read "b'inuyi' - in my affliction'' i.e. my fasting).