BAVA METZIA 105 (6 Sivan) - Dedicated by Eddie and Esther Turkel in memory of Chaim Yosef ben Ephraim Henoch HaLevi z”l.


TOSFOS DH Hani Bei Trei d'Kiblu Iska ba'Hadei Hadadei


(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not teach about a lone acceptor.)


Explanation: [They accepted an Iska] from one person.



Question: Why does it discuss such a case, and not one who accepted an Iska from his friend?



Answer: The acceptor can retract before the time and say "I will not toil more. I will take what is due to me until now', for a worker can retract in the middle of the day;


However, perhaps the investor cannot retract, for half is a loan in the acceptor's hand.



Also the deposit half, he gave to him rights in it, and authorized him to profit through it until the [designated] time. It would not be any Chidush to teach that the acceptor can stop him from retracting, for the reason is obvious, like I explained. Therefore, it did not discuss such a case.


TOSFOS DH Mazla d'Bei Trei Adif


(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not give this reason above.)


Implied question: We could have said so regarding all of these (also the suggestions that they split just the profit, or the profit and principal)!



Answer: We gave better reasons [to refute those suggestions].


TOSFOS DH R. Chananel Garis me'Hai Gisa Oh me'Hai Gisa

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(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains R. Chananel's text.)


Explanation: Is it enough to stand the wide side [of the pitchfork] below? Then, not so much grain is needed, for in a small amount it stands and does not fall;


Or, is the top side [of the pitchfork], which is not wide? Then, much grain is needed.



Explanation (cont): [R. Avahu] resolved that since it says "as long as its Kones does not see the sun", this is the wide side, which has somewhat of a receptacle to receive grain [between its prongs].



TOSFOS DH Kol she'Nichbeis b'Chezyonah


(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this Shi'ur.)



Question: Why is this called "not weak", because it is not hidden in his fist? It is [possible that even so, the branch] shakes under them!


TOSFOS DH Al Adam she'Kocho Ra she'Yachol Lehasito Tamei


(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he is not Tamei for other reasons.)


Question: Even if his strength is not weak, and [the rider] cannot cause [the bone] to move, why is [the rider] Tahor? The person below is Metamei the person on top!

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Also, this is Tum'ah b'Chiburim (touching one who touches Tum'as Mes. Also the rider) is Tamei for seven days (and requires Haza'ah with Mei Chatas), like it says in Avodah Zarah (37b)!



Answer #1: The case is, the one below is a Nochri, who is not Mekabel Tum'ah. The person on top is Tahor from Tum'ah mid'Oraisa.



Answer #2: Even if the one below is a Yisrael, the case is, they are wearing many garments. Tum'ah b'Chiburim is Metamei only one person or one garment. The Sheni (what that person or garment touches) has only Tum'as Erev (it is a Rishon l'Tum'ah. One immerses it, and it is Tahor at night.) It is not Metamei people or Kelim;

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Even if it has Tum'ah mid'Rabanan, like the Ri explained in Shabbos (17a) regarding [one who was carrying] a plowshare [and one end of it towered above Tum'as Mes], in any case the third [the garment that touches the Sheni] is only a Rishon l'Tum'ah, and it is not Metamei people.


TOSFOS DH Mitpachas Shelahen


(SUMMARY: Tosfos prefers R. Chananel's text.)



Alternative text: R. Chananel's text says "of bread."



Support: It seems that this is correct, for we do not find that people put Tefilin in a cloth. We find only that they put in a bag or case.


TOSFOS DH Arba'as Sa'in l'Kor


(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that four Sa'im grew instead of 30.)

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Explanation: In a place proper to grow a Kor (30 Sa'im), only four Sa'im grew. This is Kedei Nefilah, for in a place where they plant four Sa'im of seeds, usually a Kor grows;

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In the years of R. Ami, one needed to plant eight Sa'im in order that a Kor will grow.



Distinction: Below, regarding Leket, it discusses a Kor of seeds.