BAVA METZIA 71 (1 Iyar 5784) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Reb Yakov Yosef ben Nosson Neta Friedman Z'L, in honor of his Yahrzeit. May Jack Friedman's exceptional Ahavas Yisrael and Ahavas Chesed be a Zechus for bringing peace and joy to his children, grandchildren and all of Klal Yisrael. Dedicated by his sons, Ari (Lawrence NY) and David (Jerusalem).


תניא אמר ר׳ יוסי בא וראה סמיות עיניהם של מלוי ברבית אדם קורא לחבירו רשע יורד עמו לחייו והם מביאין עדים ולבלר וקולמוס ודיו וכותבין וחותמין פלוני זה כפר באלהי ישראל
Translation: It was taught in a Baraisa: Rabbi Yosi said: Come and see the blindness of those who lend with interest. When a man calls another 'wicked,' the one who was called 'wicked' (Yored Imo L'Chayav) 'comes down on the life' of the one who insulted him. At the same time, they bring witnesses, a scribe, a pen and ink, and they write a document and sign: So-and-so has denied the God of Yisrael.

What is the meaning of the term 'Yored Imo L'Chayav'?


Rashi: He often quarrels with him as if he hit him and is coming to kill him.


Tosfos: The Teshuvos ha'Geonim bring from Rav Tzadok Gaon that he is permitted to burn one third of the person's produce.


Maharsha: If the person is a craftsman with a store, he may open a store next to him.


Ben Yehoyada: The Pasuk in Shir ha'Shirim states "His cheeks (L'Chayav) are like a bed of spice". Chazal compare the spice bed to the different aspects of Torah. Thus, the cheeks are the place of Torah. It is known that when one gives a bad name for his friend, he gives over his merits to him. This is the meaning of 'Yored Imo L'Chayav' - he will also take from him the Torah that is in his cheeks.


How did he 'deny Elokei Yisrael'?


Ben Yehoyada: Chazal say that the Name 'Elokei Yisrael' connotes Hash-m's supervision over this world. One who charges interest does not trust in Hash-m and his actions show that he denies Hash-m's Divine supervision.


Maharal: Jews are brothers, who have a Father who sustains them, giving them life. When someone charges another Jew interest, he is taking from him that which sustains him, thereby denying that it is Hash-m who sends them the sustenance.



תניא ר׳ שמעון בן אלעזר אומר כל מי שיש לו מעות ומלוה אותם שלא ברבית עליו הכתוב אומר כספו לא נתן בנשך ושוחד על נקי לא לקח עושה אלה לא ימוט לעולם הא למדת שכל המלוה ברבית נכסיו מתמוטטין והא קא חזינן דלא מוזפי ברבית וקא מתמוטטין אמר רבי אלעזר הללו מתמוטטין ועולין והללו מתמוטטין ואינן עולין
Translation: It is taught in a Baraisa: Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar said: Whoever has money and lends it without interest, about him the Pasuk states: "He has not given his money on interest, nor has he taken a bribe against the innocent, he who does these (i.e. does not lend with interest or take a bribe) will not fall, forever." (Tehillim 15:5) You learn from here that whoever lends with interest, his assets will collapse. (He will lose them.) But we see people who do not lend with interest and their assets collapse. R. Elazar said: Those who do not lend with interest collapse and rise up again, but those who lend with interest collapse and do not rise up again.

Do we not find that those who do not lend on interest sometimes fall?


Shev Shmaatsa (Intro): One who lends in interest - his assets will collapse and will not go to anyone. One who does not, even if his assets collapse, they will go to others. This also explains the Midrash Eicha - on the Pasuk (Yechezkel 7:19), "They will cast their silver in the streets and their gold will be repugnant" - this refers to the silver of those who lend on interest.