

úåñ' ã"ä àîø øáà ìòåøå

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this Sugya with the Sugya in Zevachim.)

úéîä, ãäëà îùîò àôéìå áôñåì ÷åãí æøé÷ä, åâí ëùäòåø îçåáø òãééï ááùø åðòùä áå ôñåì ÷åãí ùçéèä, ùäáéàå ÷åãí äëñó ùøé áäðàä ...


Question: The Gemara here implies that even with regard to a P'sul that occurs before the Zerikah, and even when the skin is still connected to the Basar and the P'sul occurred before the Shechitah, if he brought it before the money, it is Mutar be'Hana'ah ...

åáæáçéí áôø÷ èáåì éåí (ãó ÷ã. åùí) àîø øáé 'ãí îøöä òì äòåø áôðé òöîå' -ôé' ëùäåà îåôùè åàéøò ôñåì ááùø, äãí îøöä òì äòåø ...


Question (cont.): ... whereas in Perek T'vul Yom (Zevachim, Daf 104a, See Tosfos 103b DH 'ha'Olah') Rebbi says that the blood atones for the skin on its own' - meaning that it has been stripped, and when a P'sul occurred to the Basar, the blood atones for the skin on its own ...

åëùäåà òí äáùø åðåìã áå ôñåì ÷åãí æøé÷ä, äøé äåà ëéåöà áå; àçø æøé÷ä, äåøöä áùø ùòä àçú, éôùéèðå åòåøå ìëäðéí' ...


Question (cont.): ... but if a P'sul occurs before the Zerikah (See Mesores ha'Shas), whilst the skin is still attached, it has the same Din as the Basar; after the Zerikah, since the Basar was atoned for a short while, one strips the skin and it is goes to the Kohanim ...

àìîà ëùäåà òí äáùø åðôñì ÷åãí æøé÷ä, éåöà ìùøéôä ...


Question (cont.): So we see, that as long as the skin is still attached to the Basar, and becomes Pasul before the Zerikah, it must be burned ...

åäëà àéøò áå ôñåì ÷åãí ùçéèä -ùäåáà ÷åãí äëñó, åàîàé ìà éöà äòåø ìùøéôä?


Question (concl.): ... and here, seeing as it was brought before the money, the P'sul occurred before the Shechitah, so why is it not taken out to be burned?



úåñ' ã"ä ú"ì äòåìä òåìä øàùåðä

(Summary: After clarifying the issue, Tosfos reconciles this Sugya with the Sugya in Zevachim.)

ôé' øàùåðä ùáôøùú ôðçñ, åëé äéëé ã"îìáã òåìú äá÷ø" âìé ìê áäãéà ã'îìáã' ãáø ä÷åãí ìå ÷àîø, äëé ðîé "îìáã àéì äëôåøéí" ãáø ä÷åãí ìå ÷àîø.


Clarification: This means the first Olah in Parshas Pinchas, and just as "Mil'vad Olas ha'Boker" specifically reveals that it is besides what preceded it, so too, does "Milevad Eil ha'Kipurim" mean besides what preceded it.

åúéîä, ãéìéó äëà î"äòåìä" ,åáôø÷ ëì äúãéø (æáçéí ãó ôè. åùí) éìéó î"îìáã òåìú äá÷ø" ìçåãéä?


Question: The Gemara here learns it from "ha'Olah", whereas in Perek Kol ha'Tadir (Zevachim, Daf 89a, See Tosfos DH 'Kol') it learns it from "Milevad Olas ha'Boker" on its own?

åé"ì, ãäúí ðîé à"äòåìä" ÷ñîéê.


Answer #1: There too, it relies on "ha'Olah".

åòåã éù úéøåõ àçø åàéï ìäàøéê ëàï.


Answer #2: There is another answer, but this is not the place to elaborate (See Mesores ha'Shas).



úåñ' ã"ä åéìîã ä÷ãù îäãéåè åäãéåè îä÷ãù

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara earlier, regarding 'Heivi Ashamo ad she'Lo Heivi Gezeilo', does not simply learn Hedyot from Hekdesh directly.)

úéîä, àîàé àéöèøéê ÷øà ìòéì âáé äãéåè, ùàí äáéà àùîå òã ùìà äáéà âæéìå, ìà éöà -ðéìó îä÷ãù?


Question: Why does the Gemara require a Pasuk above, with regard to Hedyot, that a person who brings his Asham before the Gezeilah, is not Yotzei? Why can we not learn it from Hekdesh?

åéù ìåîø, ãàé ìàå ãàùëçï ùäùåä äëúåá äãéåè ìä÷ãù ìäê îéìúà, ìà äåä éìôéðï äàé îäàé ìòðéï ùàø ãáøéí...


Answer: If there was no Pasuk that equated Hedyot with Hekdesh in this regard, we would not learn one from the other regarding other issues ...

àáì äùúà ãàùëçï ùäùåä àåúï, ãáúøåééäå àí äáéà àùîå úçéìä, ìà éöà, ëîå ëï éù ìäùååúí ìòðéï ùàø ãáøéí.


Answer (cont.): ... but now that the Torah compares them, that in both cases he is not Yotzei if he brings his Asham first, we can also compare them with regard to other issues.





úåñ' ã"ä äâåæì åîàëéì

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Tana says specifically 'Ma'achil'.)

ìàå ãå÷à 'îàëéì, ' ãä"ä ðåúï ìäí, ãôèåøéï ìøá çñãà, ãîå÷é áâîøà îúðéúéï ìàçø éàåù...


Implied Question: La'av Davka 'Ma'achil', since even if he simply gave it to them, they will be Patur according to Rav Chisda, who maintains that the Gemara establishes the Mishnah after Yi'ush ...

ãäåä ìéä éàåù åùéðåé øùåú...


Reason: ... since it is now Yi'ush and Shinuy R'shus ...

àìà àåøçà ãîéìúà ð÷è.


Answer #1: Only the Tana states the more common case.

àé ðîé, ãå÷à ð÷è 'îàëéì' àôé' ìøá çñãà...


Answer #2: Alternatively, it specifically mentions 'Ma'achil', even according to Rav Chisda ...

ãìà çùéá ùéðåé øùåú áîä ùðåúï ìáðéå äñîåëéï òì ùåìçðå, àôéìå ìùîåàì ãàîø áááà îöéòà (ãó éá.) ãîöéàúï ìòöîï...


Reason: ... because he does not consider it Shinuy R'shus by virtue of the fact that the father handed it to his sons who are eating at his table, even according to Shmuel, who says in Bava Metzi'a (Daf 12a) that whatever they find belongs to them ...

ëéåï ãìàëéìä ðåúï ìäí åîæåðåúéå òìéå, ìà çùéá ùéðåé øùåú.


Reason (cont.): ... because, seeing as he gives it to them to eat, and (when all's said and done) the onus to feed them lies on him, it is not considered Shinuy R'shus.

åîéäå ìøá ãàéú ìéä 'éàåù ëãé ÷ðé' ,åàîø ðîé áôéø÷éï (ãó ÷èå.) ãàéú ìéä ãøá çñãà, åà"ë ìãéãéä ðîé öøéê ìàå÷îé îúðéúéï ìàçø éàåù, ëãîå÷é øá çñãà...


Answer #3: According to Rav however, who holds (earlier, on Daf 67b) that Yi'ush on its own is Koneh, and who later in the Perek (115a) concurs with Rav Chisda, and according to whom, we will therefore also have to establish the Mishnah after Yi'ush - like Rav Chisda does ...

ìãéãéä åãàé 'îàëéì' ìàå ãå÷à, ãä"ä ðåúï.


Answer #3 (cont.): ... 'Ma'achil' is La'av Davka, as the same will apply where he gave it to them.

åòåã é"ì, ãìøá ðîé 'îàëéì' ãå÷à -åáãáø äîñåééí.


Answer #4: Alternatively, according to Rav too, 'Ma'achil' is Davka' - and it speaks by a Davar ha'Mesuyam (a specific item).



úåñ' ã"ä âæì åìà ðúééàùå äáòìéí åáà àçø ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the issue in detail.)

àáì ðúééàùå, àéï âåáä àìà îï äøàùåï, ëéåï ãàëìå äàçøåï...


Clarification: But if the owner was Meya'esh, he can only claim from the first Ganav, seeing as the latter one ate them ...

åàôé' äéëà ãàéìå ìà àëìå, äéä çééá ìäçæéø -ëâåï äéëà ãìéëà ùéðåé øùåú, ùðúééàù àçø ùáà ìéã äùðé.


Clarification (cont.): .. and even there where, had he not eaten it, he would have been Chayav to return it - such as where there was no Shinuy R'shus, where the owner was Meya'esh only after it was in the hands of the second Ganav.

åëï îùîò ì÷îï, ãàå÷éí øá çñãà áøééúà ãø' àåùòéà, ã÷úðé 'âæéìä ÷ééîú, çééáéï' àçø éàåù, îùåí ã'øùåú éåøù ìàå ëøùåú ìå÷ç ãîé, ëãøáà...


Support: And it is implied later when Rav Chisda establishes the Beraisa of Rebbi Oshaya, which states 'Gezeilah Kayemes, Chayavin' by after Yi'ush, because 'R'shus Yoresh La'av ki'Reshus Loke'ach Dami' , like Rava ...

åàô"ä àéï âæéìä ÷ééîú ÷úðé ãôèåø.


Support (cont.): ... nevertheless, the Beraisa rules that if the Gezeilah is not available, he is Patur.

åúéîä, ëéåï ãëé äâæéìä ÷ééîú, çééáéï, àîàé ôèåøéï ëùàëìåí?


Question #1: ... seeing as, if the Gezeilah would be available, they would be Chayav, why are they Patur if they ate it?

åëï ÷ùä ìøîé áø çîà, ãîå÷é ìä ìôðé éàåù.


Question #2: The same Kashya will apply to Rami bar Chama, who establishes it before Yi'ush.

åòåã ìøá çñãà åìøáà, ëéåï ã'øùåú éåøù ìàå ëøùåú ìå÷ç ãîé' îä ìé ìôðé éàåù îä ìé ìàçø éàåù, àôé' àéï âæéìä ÷ééîú, çééáéï?


Question #3: Furthermore, according to Rav Chisda and Rava, since 'R'shus Yoresh La'av ki'Reshus Loke'ach Dami', what is the difference between before Yi'ush and after Yi'ush, they ought to be Chayav even if the Gezeilah is not available?

åé"ì, ããøùéðï î÷øà ì÷îï áùîòúéï ãôèåø áàéï âæéìä ÷ééîú , ãëúéá "àùø âæì" -àí ëòéï ùâæì, éçæéø; îëàï àîøå 'äâåæì åîàëéì ...'...


Answer: The Gemara Darshens later in the Sugya (on 112a) that he is Patur if the Gezeilah is not available, from the Pasuk "asher Gazal" - if it is as it was when it was stolen, only then must he return it. From here they learned 'ha'Gozel u'Ma'achil ... '.

åîñúáøà ìéä ìøá çñãà ìàå÷îé ÷øà ããå÷à ìàçø éàåù, åøîé áø çîà îå÷é ìä ìôðé éàåù.


Answer (cont.): ... and based on a S'vara, Rav Chisda establishes the Pasuk specifically after Yi'ush, and Rami bar Chama, before Yi'ush.

åîéäå ìøá ãàîø éàåù ëãé ÷ðé, åñáø ðîé ëøá çñãà, ìãéãéä ö"ì ãàñîëúà äéà, ãáìàå ÷øà ðîé ôèåøéï, ëéåï ãáéàåù ëãé ÷ðé.


Answer (cont.): According to Rav however, who says above (on Daf 67b) that Yi'ush alone is Koneh, and who also concurs with Rav Chisda, the Pasuk must be an Asmachta, because, seeing as Yi'ush is Koneh, they will be Patur even without it.

åîä ù'áâæéìä ÷ééîú, çééáéï' ,ðôøù áñîåê áò"ä.


Conclusion: And as for the reason that they are Chayav when the Gezeilah is still available, that Tosfos will discuss shortly (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim).

åîéäå ÷ùä ìî"ã áîøåáä (ìòéì ãó ñæ.) ã'ùéðåé ìà ÷ðé' ,åãøéù "åäùéá äâæéìä" î"î ...


Rejection: This is dificult however, according to the opinion in 'Merubeh' (earlier, Daf 67a) that 'Shinuy is not Koneh', since he Darshens "ve'Heishiv es ha'Gezeilah", 'under all circumstances' ...

åìà ãøéù "àùø âæì" ' -àí ëòéï àùø âæì, éçæéø' ,àìà ìîòåèé âæì àáéå...


Rejection: ... and he does not Darshen "asher Gazal" - 'If it is unchanged from the way it was when he stole it, he must return it', but to preclude a case where one steals from one's father ...

îðà ìéä äàé ãøùä?


Rejection (cont.): ... from where does he learn the current D'rashah?

åàéï ìåîø, ãàåúå àîåøà éñáåø ã'éàåù ëãé ÷ðé' ,ãäùúà ìà öøéê ìäàé ãøùä, åàñîëúà äéà...


Refuted Answer: Nor can one answer that that Amora holds 'Yi'ush alone is Koneh', in which case the current D'rashah is not needed, and it is merely an Asmachta ...

ãäà ø' çééà áø àáà àîø ø' éåçðï ãøéù áøéù 'äâåæì' (ìòéì ãó öã:) 'ãáø úåøä âæéìä äîùúðéú çåæøú áòéï , î"åäùéá àú äâæéìä î"î" , 'åìéú ìéä ãøùä 'ëòéï ùâæì' ...


Refutation: ... because Rebbi Chiya bar Aba Amar Rebbi Yochanan at the beginning of 'ha'Gozel' (above, on Daf 94b) states that min ha'Torah a stolen article that has been changed is returned as it is, based on the Pasuk "ve'Heishiv es ha'Gezeilah", and he does not hold of the D'rashah 'Ke'ein she'Gazal' ...

åñåáø á'îøåáä' (ìòéì ãó ñç:) åáôéø÷éï ã'éàåù ëãé ìà ÷ðé' .åà"ë, îðìéä áàéï âæéìä ÷ééîú, ãôèåøéï îìùìí?


Refutation (cont.): Though he does hold in 'Merubeh' (on, Daf 68b) and in this Perek that 'Yi'ush alone is not Koneh' . If so, from where will he learn that, if the Gezeilah is not available, they are Patur from paying?

ìëê ðøàä ãäê ãøùä ãì÷îï àñîëúà äéà ìë"ò, åîñáøà îçì÷ øá çñãà áéï ìôðé éàåù áéï ìàçø éàåù...


Final Answer: We must therefore say that the forthcoming D'rashah, is an Asmachta according to all opinions, and it is based on a S'vara that Rav Chisda differentiates between before Yi'ush and after Yi'ush ...

ãìà äåé ëì ëê áøùåú îøéä àçø éàåù ëîå ìôðé éàåù -ùð÷ì ìöàú îøùåú áòìéí áùéðåé øùåú àå áùéðåé äùí.


Reason: Seeing as it is not in the domain of the owner after Yi'ush to the extent that it is before Yi'ush - since it will easily leave his domain via Shinuy R'shus or Shinuy ha'Shem.

åàéï æä ãåç÷ -ãëé äåä îô÷éðï ðîé î÷øà, öøéê ñáøà æå ...


Proof: And this is not a Dochek - because even if we would learn it from a Pasuk, we would have to apply this S'vara ...

ãàîàé îå÷îéðï ÷øà èôé àçø éàåù îìôðé éàåù, ëéåï ãâí àçø éàåù çùéáà áøùåú îøéä?


Proof (cont.): ... seeing as otherwise, why would we establish the Pasuk more after Yi'ush than before Yi'ush, bearing in mind that even after Yi'ush it is still in the owner's domain?

åìøîé áø çîà ðéçà èôé, ãàéäå ìéú ìéä èòîà ãøùåú îøéä ëìì, ãëéåï ùäåà ìà âæìï àéðå éëåì ìúåáòå ëìì...


Precluding Rami bar Chama: According to Rami bar Chama however, this is not a problem, since he does not hold of the reason of 'the owner's domain' at all, because, since he did not steal it, one cannot claim from him at all ...

ùäøé àéï ìâîøé áøùåú îøéä -ùäøé àéðå éëåì (ìå) ìä÷ãéùå, åâí äâæìï éëåì ì÷ðåúå áùéðåé îòùä.


Precluding Rami bar Chama (cont.): ... since it is entirely not in his domain - seeing as he is not able to declare it Hekdesh, and what's more, the Gazlan is able to acquire it with Shinuy Ma'aseh.

åúãò -ãäà øá çñãà äåöøê ìôøù 'î"è ... ... '


Proof #1: Proof of this is that specifically Rav Chisda needs to explain the reason why ...

åâîøà ðîé ôøéê ìéä îîúðéúéï.


Proof #2: ... and the Gemara too, queries him from the Mishnah.



úåñ' ã"ä åàí äðéç ìäï àáéäï àçøéåú ðëñéí çééáéï ìùìí

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this ruling with the opinion that holds 'Milveh al Peh Eino Govah Lo min haYorshin ve'Lo min ha'Lekuchos'.)

ìî"ã 'îìåä òì ôä àéï âåáä ìà îï äéåøùéí åìà îï äì÷åçåú' áâè ôùåè (á"á ãó ÷òä:) -àéëà ìàå÷îé ëùòîã áãéï, ãäåä ëîìåä áùèø ...


Implied Question: According to the opinion in 'Get Pashut' (Bava Basra, Daf 175b) that one cannot claim a Milveh-al-Peh either from the heirs or from the purchasers' one can establish the case where they took the claim to Beis-Din, thereby rendering it a Milveh-bi'Shetar ...

ëãîåëç áëîä ãåëúé [åòé' úåñ' ìòéì ÷ã: ã"ä îìåä ò"ô].


Answer: ... as is evident in many places (See for example, above 108a [See also Tosfos, above, Daf 104b, DH 'Milveh al Peh']).



úåñ' ã"ä ãîúøéöðà îúðéúéï ëååúéä

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)

ëê äéä øâéì ìúøõ îùðéåú ëîåúå, ëãàùëçï áàéæäå ðùê (á"î ãó ñá:) âáé 'ëéöã ì÷ç äéîðå çéèéí' ...


Clarification: This was how he was accustomed to resolve Mishnayos like him, as we find in 'Eizehu Neshech' (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 62b) in connection with 'Keitzad? Lakach heimenu Chitim'.

àáì áùáéì ùäéä îúøõ îùðä àçú, ìà äéä àåîø ëï.


Clarification (cont.): But he would not have said this simply because he resolved one Mishnah like him.



úåñ' ã"ä àéï âæéìä ÷ééîú ôèåøéï ìéîà úéäåé úéåáúà ãøá çñãà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara opts to ask from the Seifa rather than from the Reisha.)

îøéùà ã÷úðé 'äâåæì åîàëéì àú áðéå. ôèåøéï' ä"î ìîôøê ìøá çñãà, ëì ëîä ãìà éãò ãìàçø éàåù îééøé ...


Implied Question: The Gemara could have asked from the Reisha - 'ha'Gozel u'Ma'achil es Banav, Peturin', according to Rav Chisda, as long as the Gemara has not ascertained that it speaks after Yi'ush ...

ëé äéëé ãôøéê ìéä ìòéì îîúðéúéï ...


Precedent: ... just as it asked above from the Mishnah ...

àìà îùåí ãðéçà ìéä ìîôøê îñéôà, îùåí ãôøéê îéðä ìúøåééäå ìøîé áø çîà åìøá çñãà.


Answer: Only it prefers to ask from the Seifa, since it is able to ask from it on both Rami bar Chama and Rav Chisda.



úåñ' ã"ä øá çñãà îå÷é ìä ìàçø éàåù

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies Rav's opinion and explains the Machlokes Tana'im according to all the opinions.)

åà"ú, øá ãñáø 'éàåù ëãé ÷ðé' åñáø ðîé ëøá çñãà, åò"ë öøéê ìàå÷îé ðîé ìàçø éàåù ...


Question: Since, according to Rav who holds a. 'Yi'ush alone is Koneh', and b. like Rav Chisda (later, on Daf 115a), in which case he too, will establish the Mishnah after Yi'ush ...

à"ë ëé âæéìä ÷ééîú, àîàé çééáéï, ëéåï ã'éàåù ëãé ÷ðé? '


Question (cont.): ... why are they Chayav if the Gezeilah is still available, seeing as 'Yi'ush alone is Koneh'?

åé"ì, ãøá îå÷é ìä áãáø äîñåééí.


Answer: Rav will establish it by a Davar ha'Mesuyam (a specific object).

åäà ã÷úðé 'àéï âæéìä ÷ééîú, ôèåøéï' ,ä"ä ãä"î ìôìåâé áâæéìä ÷ééîú âåôä áéï ãáø äîñåééí ìùàéï îñåééí ...


Implied Question: ... in which case when the Tana says 'Ein Gezeilah Kayemes, Peturin', it could equally well have drawn a distinction even where the Gezeilah is available - between an object that is specific and one that is not ...

àìà ãðéçà ìéä ìàùîåòéðï ãàôéìå áãáø äîñåééí áàéï âæéìä ÷ééîú, ôèåøéï...


Answer: ... only it prefers to teach us that even in the case of a specific object, if it is not available, they are Patur ...

àò"â ãàååùà îéìúà, ùàëìå îä ùâæì àáéäï.


Answer (cont.): Despite the fact that they ate what their father stole has become publicized.

åëï áøééúà ãì÷îï ã÷úðé 'äâåæì åîàëéì àú áðéå, ôèåøéï îìùìí' åîéáòé ìéä ìàå÷îé àìéáà ãøá çñãà ìàçø éàåù ...


Precedent #1 (to former answer): Similarly the Beraisa later, which states 'ha'Gozel u'Ma'achil es Banav, Peturin mi'Leshalem', which, according to Rav Chisda, the Gemara attempts to establish after Yi'ush ...

ìøá öøéê ìàå÷îé áãáø äîñåééí, îã÷úðé 'àí äðéç ìáðéå âãåìéí, çééáéï ìùìí' .


Precedent #1 (to former answer [cont.]): ... according to Rav, we will have to establish it by a Davar ha'Mesuyam, since it states 'Im Hini'ach le'Banav Gedolim, Chayavin Leshalem'.

åëï áàéãê ÷úðé 'áéï âãåìéí áéï ÷èðéí, çééáéï' -åàé áãáø ùàéðå îñåééí, àîàé çééáéï ìøá, ëéåï ãàééøé ìàçø éàåù?


Precedent #2: And similarly, regarding the other Beraisa, which states 'bein Gedolim u'bein Ketanim, Chayavin' - if it is speaking about a Davar she'Eino Mesuyam, why does Rav declare them Chayav, seeing as it speaks after Yi'ush?

åôìéâé äðé áøééúåú àìéáà ãøá àí ÷èðéí çééáéï îùåí ëáåã àáéäï àé ìàå...


Clarification (According to Rav): According to Rav, these Beraisos argue as to whether Ketanim are Chayav on account of Kavod Avihem or not ...

åäà ëñåîëåñ åäà ëøáðï, ãôìåâúà ãñåîëåñ åøáðï áñîåê îéáòé ìéä ìàå÷îé àìéáà ãøá ãôìéâé áäëé -àé ùééê á÷èðéí èòîà ã'ëáåã àáéäï' àé ìà ...


Clarification (According to Rav) cont: One goes according to Sumchus and one, according to the Rabanan, since, according to Rav, the Gemara will shortly attempt to establish their Machlokes in this point - whether the reason of 'Kavod Avihem' applies to Ketanim or not.

àáì ìøîé áø çîà, ãîééøé áøééúåú ìôðé éàåù, ðéçà .


Clarification (According to Rami bar Chama): But according to Rami bar Chama, who establishes the Beraisos before Yi'ush, it is straightforward ...

åìøá çñãà ãàééøé ìàçø éàåù, ôìéâé áâæéìä âîåøä ùáéã ÷èï åìà ÷ðàä ÷èï, àí î÷áìéï òãéí ìäåöéà îéãå àå ìà.


Clarification (According to Rav Chisda): Whereas according to Rav Chisda, who establishes them after Yi'ush, they are arguing over a proper Gezeilah in the hands of a Katan, which he is not Koneh, as to whether one can accept witnesses to take it from him or not ...

åëï ôìåâúà ãñåîëåñ åøáðï.


Clarification (cont.): ... and that is also the point over which Sumchus and the Rabanan are arguing.