

úåñ' ã"ä ùëáø äåãä îôé òöîå

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this Sugya in ha'Mafkid of with the Gemara's presentation of the story of the Chasid cited on the previous Amud.)

îäàé ìéùðà ãéé÷ áäîô÷éã (á"î ãó ìæ:), åâí îçîú ôéøëà àçøéúé, îå÷é ìä ááà ìöàú éãé ùîéí.


Two proofs: The Gemara in 'ha'Mafkid' (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 37b) extrapolates both from this Lashon and from another Pircha that it is speaking where he comes to fulfill his moral obligation.

åúéîä, à"ë, ääåà îòùä ãçñéã àçã, àîàé àîø ìéä øáé èøôåï 'äðç ãîé î÷çê áéðéäí' ,äà ëéåï ãçñéã äåä, îñúîà äéä áà ìöàú éãé ùîéí?


Question: That being the case, in the case of the Chasid, why did Rebbi Tarfon tell him to place the value of his sale among them, since, seeing as he was a Chasid, we can assume that he wanted to fulfill his moral obligation?

åé"ì, ãìëúçéìä áà òîå ìãéï, àí äåà çééá îï äãéï, åùåá îä ùòùä, òùä.


Answer #1: Initially, he came for litigation, to know whether he was Chayav min ha'Din, and whatever happened subsequently, happened.

à"ð, àôéìå ìöàú éãé ùîéí àéï çééá ìø' èøôåï àìà áâæì, àáì áô÷ãåï åî÷ç ãìà òùä àéñåøà, ìà.


Answer #2: Alternatively, one is not even Chayav to fulfill one's moral obligation according to Rebbi Tarfon, other than by Gezel, but not by a Pikadon or by a sale.

åëï îùîò áäîô÷éã (ùí ãó ìæ. åùí) ...


Proof: And this is also implied in 'ha'Mafkid' (Ibid, Daf 37a, See Tosfos there, DH 'Hasam') ...

ãëé øîé äúí âæì à'âæì îùðé 'äëà ááà ìöàú éãé ùîéí' ;åìòéì îéðéä ëé øîé ô÷ãåï à'ô÷ãåï, ìà áòé ìùðåéé äëé.


Proof (cont.): ... because when the Gemara asks there from 'Gezel' on to 'Gezel', it answers that the current case is speaking where he is coming o fulfill his moral obligation; whereas when the Gemara asked earlier from 'Pikadon' on to 'Pikadon', it did not want to give that answer.

åàéï ìäàøéê ëàï áñåâéà ãäúí.


Conclusion: But here is not the place to elaborate on the Sugya in 'ha'Mafkid'.



úåñ' ã"ä àîø øáà ùàðé îúðé' ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos discusses two possible interpretations of Rava's answer, depending on the text.)

ìôé äñôøéí ãì"â 'àìà' ,îùîò ãàúà øáà ìúøåöé ôéøëà ãôøëéðï ìø' èøôåï, ãìòåìí øáé èøôåï äéà...


Explanation #1: According to the texts that do not read 'Ela', it implies that Rava is coming to answer the Kashya that the Gemara asked according to Rebbi Tarfon - to say that really the author is Rebbi Tarfon ...

å÷àîø ëéåï ãàåãé ìéä, ëî"ã 'éäà áéãê' ãîé, à"ë îñúîà îééøé ëùäåãä áôðéå...


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... and it is saying that, since he admitted to him, it is as if he explicitly said 'Let it be in your hand', in which case, it probably speaks where he admitted in front of him ...

ãàí ìà ëï, àîàé äåé ëî"ã 'éäà áéãê' ...


Proof: ... because otherwise, why should it be as if he said 'Let it be in your hand' ...

åëéåï ãáäåãàä áôðéå îééøé îúðéúéï, àëúé ú÷ùä àîàé ìà îå÷é îúðé' ðîé ëø"ò?


Explanation #1 (concl.): And since the Mishnah is speaking where he admitted in front of him, one can still ask why the Gemara does not establish it like Rebbi Akiva as well?

åàò"â ã÷ðéñ ø"ò àôéìå äéëà ãìà ðùáò...


Implied Question: ... because even though Rebbi Akiva penalizes even where he did not swear ...

ä"î ãìà äãø îîåðà ìîøéä, àáì áîúðé' äéëà ãìà ðùáò åäåãä ìå áôðéå, äãø îîåðà ìîøéä...


Answer: ... that is only where the money is not returned to the owner, whereas since the Mishnah is speaking where he did not swear and where he admitted in his presence, the money is returned to the owner ...

ãëéåï ãäåãä ìå áôðéå, îä ìé úåôñ áéãå î"ì ðúï áéã á"ã? äìëê ìà é÷ðåñ ø"ò.


Reason: ... because, since he admitted in his presence, what difference does it make whether he holds it in his hand or whether he gives it over to the Beis-Din? Consequently, Rebbi Akiva will not issue a K'nas.

åé"ì, ãñáøú âîøà äéä ëéåï ã÷ðéñ ø"ò, áëì î÷åí ÷ðéñ, ëéåï ãòáã àéñåøà, åìà éçì÷.


Answer: The Gemara maintains that, since Rebbi Akiva penalizes, he does so in all cases, since he did an Aveirah, and he does not draw any distinctions.

åîéäå àéï ðøàä ãîééøé äëà áùäåãä áôðéå, ãà"ë, àôéìå ðùáò ðîé àéï öøéê ìäåìéëå àçøéå ìîãé, åéëåì ìäáéà ëôøä...


Retraction: However, it does not seem to speak here where he admitted in front of the owner, because if he did, even if he swore to him, he would not need to take it after him to Madai, and he can bring his Kaparah ...

ãëéåï ãäåãä ìå áôðéå åäðéçå áéãå åäìê, äøé äåà ëäô÷éãå áéãå, åàîàé éäà öøéê ìäåìéëå àçøéå?


Reason: ... because, since he admitted in front of him and placed the money in his hands and left, it is as if he deposited it in his hand, so why should he need o take it after him?

àìà åãàé îééøé ëùäåãä ùìà áôðéå àìà áôðé òãéí.


Retraction (con.): It must therefore speak where he admitted not in his presence, but in the presence of witnesses.

åäùúà à"ù ãìà îúå÷îà îúðé' ëø"ò, ãìà îäãø îîåðà ìîøéä ëéåï ùìà ðúï áéã á"ã.


Conclusion: And that explains why it cannot establish the Mishnah like Rebbi Akiva, because, since he did not hand over the money to Beis-Din, it has not been returned to the owner.

åìôé îä ùôé' á÷åðèøñ 'àìà àîø øáà' à"ù ...


Explanation #2: But according to Rashi, who has the text 'But Rav said', the there is no problem ...

ãøáà ìà áà ìúøõ ôéøëà ãôøëéðï ìø' èøôåï ,àìà èòîà ãîúðé' îôøù áëä"â ãîöé ìàå÷îé áéï ëø"ò áéï ëøáé èøôåï.


Explanation #2 (cont.): ... since then Rava is not coming to answer the Kashya on Rebbi Tarfon; but to explain the Mishnah in a way that makes it possible to establish it according to both Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Tarfon.



úåñ' ã"ä ùìéç ùòùàå ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

ìëàåøä ðøàä ãàééøé ëâåï ãìà àîø ìå 'ùìç ìé òì éãå' ,ø÷ òãéí îòéãéí ùòùàå ùìéç...


Explanation #1: Initially, it seems to be speaking where he did not say to him 'Send it through him!' (See Hagahos ha'Bach), only witnesses testify that he appointed him a Shali'ach ...

àáì àí äéä àåîø 'ùìç ìé òì éãå' ,ôùéèà ãäåé ùìéç...


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... because had he done so, it is obvious that he would be a Shali'ach ...

ãäà úðï áäùåàì (á"î ãó öç: åùí) àîø ìéä äùåàì 'ùìç ìé áéã áðé áéã òáãé áéã ùìåçé, àå áéã áðê àå áéã òáãê àå áéã ùìåçê åùìçä, çééá' ...


Source: ... since the Mishnah in 'ha'Sho'el' (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 98b & 99a) states that, if the borrower tells the owner to send it with his (the borrower's) son, his Eved or his Shali'ach, or with the son, the Eved or the Shali'ach of the owner, he is Chayav ...

åî"ì à"ì áôðéå 'ùìç' åî"ì àîø ìéä ùìà áôðéå 'ùìç?'


Source (cont.): ... and what difference does it make whether he told him to send it in his presence or not in his presence.

åîéäå ì÷îï ìà îùîò äëé -ãáòé ìùîåàì 'îàé ú÷ðúéä? ; 'äåì"ì ùùìç ìéä 'ùìç ìé ò"é æä' ,ãàæ äåé ùìéç?


Refutation: However, this is not implied later (on Amud Beis), when the Gemara asks according to Shmuel what he can do about it - where it should have answered that where he sends a message 'Send me the money via this man', in which case he is a Shali'ach.

ìëê ö"ì ãáëì òðéï ùìà áôðéå ìà äåé ùìéç òã ùéàîø ìå áôðéå 'ùìç ìé òì éãå! ...'


Explanation #2: We will therefore be forced to say that he is never a Shali'ach when it is not in his presence, until he says to him in his presence 'Send it to me via him!'

ëääéà ãäùåàì ãàééøé áôðéå...


Proof: ... like the case in 'ha'Sho'el', which speaks specifically in his presence.

åëï îåëéç îúåê ä÷åðèøñ.


Support: And this is also evident from Rashi.



úåñ' ã"ä øáä àîø ìà äåé ùìéç

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles Rabah here with Rabah in 'ha'Mocher es ha'Sefinah'.)

éù î÷ùéí ãøáä à'ãøáä -ãäëà ÷àîø øáä ãìà äåé ùìéç...


Question: Some commentaries query Rabah here, when he says that he is not a Shali'ach ...

åáô' äîåëø àú äñôéðä (á"á ãó ôæ:) àîøéðï øáä åøá éåñó ãàîøé úøåééäå 'äëà áçðåðé îåëø öìåçéú òñ÷éðï, åàæãà ø' éäåãä ìèòîéä ãàîø "ìàúåéé ùãøéä" ...


Question (cont.): ... from the Gemara in Perek ha'Mocher es ha'Sefinah (Bava Basra, Daf 87b), where Rabah and Rav Yosef establish the case by a shop-keeper, adding that Rebbi Yehudah follows his reasoning - that he sent him to bring it (and not merely to obtain information).

äøé ìøáä àìéáà ãø' éäåãä äåé ùìéç?


Question (concl.): So we see that according to Rabah in Rebbi Yehudah, he is a Shali'ach?

åé"ì, ãùàðé äúí, ãëéåï ùðúï ìå ôåðãéåï åöåä ìå ìäáéà áàéñø ùîï, äåé ëàéìå à"ì áäãéà 'ùìç ìé òì éãå' .åôèåø.


Answer #1: It is different there, because, since he gave him a Pundiyon with instructions to bring him back an Isar's-worth of oil, it is as if he expressly told him to send it through him, and he is Patur.

åìôé îä ùôéøùúé ããå÷à ùàîø ìéä áôðéå, àéú ìï ìîéîø ãëéåï ãðúï äôåðãéåï, äåé ëàéìå àîø ìéä áôðéå 'ùìç' ;äìëê àîø ø' éäåãä 'ìàúåéé ùãøéä ' .


Answer #2: And according to what Tosfos wrote (earlier, in DH 'Shali'ach') - that it is specifically where he told him in his presence ... , we can answer that, since he gave him the Pundiyon, it is as if he said 'Send it!' in his presence, which explains why Rebbi Yehudah says 'He sent him to bring it'.



úåñ' ã"ä äëé ÷à"ì àéðéù îäéîðà äåà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why he is liable for Onsin, despite the fact that the owner has proclaimed him trustworthy.)

úéîä, àîàé çééá äåà îï äãéï áàçøéåú àåðñ äãøê, åäà àéï éëåì ìåîø 'àéï øöåðé ùéäà ô÷ãåðé áéã àçø' ,ëéåï ãúôéñ ìéä áàéðéù îäéîðà?


Question: Why is he liable for the Onsin of the journey, seeing as the owner, who proclaimed him trustworthy, cannot claim that he did not want his Pikadon to be handed over to a stranger (as in Gitin, Daf 29a)?

åé"ì, ãðøàä ãàôéìå äåà òöîå äáéàå áãøê åðàðñ, çééá...


Answer: It seems that even if he himself would bring the animal along that route and an Oneis would occur, he would be Chayav ...

ãôùéòä äåà òåùä ùîåìéëå áãøê áî÷åí ôìåðé ùéù áå ñëðä...


Reason: ... because the fact that he took it along that dangerous route is in itself, an act of negligence ...

åáò"ë çééá ìùîåø òã ùéçæéøðå ìå áéùåá, áî÷åí ùäô÷éãå àöìå...


Answer (cont.): ... and whether he likes it or not, he is Chayav to look after it until he returns it to the owner in a residential area, in the location where he received it.

ëãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó ÷éç.) ã'äîô÷éã àöì çáéøå áéùåá, ìà éçæéø ìå áîãáø' ...


Proof: ... as the Gemara says later (on Daf 118a) 'Someone who deposits an article by his friend in a residential area, he is not permitted to return it to a desert' ...

îùîò ãáòì ëøçå çééá ìùîåø òã ùéçæéøðå áéùåá áî÷åí ùäô÷éãå, åìàå ëì ëîéðéä ìäçæéø ìå áîãáø áî÷åí ñëðä.


Proof (cont.): ... implying that he is obligated to look after it until he has returned it in the residential area that he received it, and he has no right to return it to him in a desert, which is a location of danger.



úåñ' ã"ä àé ãìà òùàå áòãéí îðà éãòéðï

(Summary: Tosfos explains the Kashya.)

ëìåîø -äéëé îñø ìå îùàéì, ëéåï ãìà éãò àé äàé ùìéç ùì ùåàì äåà.


Clarification: In other words, how did the owner hand him the cow, seeing as he did not know whether he was the Shali'ach of the Sho'el?



úåñ' ã"ä áùëéøå åì÷éèå

(Summary: Tosfos poses two basic Kashyos on this Sugya.)

úéîä, àîàé ìà àîø øá çñãà ðîé à'äà?


Question #1: Why did Rav Chisda himself not give his explanation on this case?

åòåã úéîä, àîàé ìà ôøéê ìéä îòé÷øà îîúðé' ,åäãø äåä ìéä ìîôøê îääéà ãô' äùåàì?


Question #2: Moreover, why did the Gemara not first ask from our Mishnah and then from the Mishnah in 'ha'Sho'el'?




úåñ' ã"ä àéï îùìçéï îòåú áãéå÷ðé àôéìå òãéí çúåîéí òìéä

(Summary: Tosfos presents two ways of explaining the statement.)

ôé' -àí àîø ìñåôø 'ëúåá ìôìåðé ùéùìç ìé îòåú ò"é ôìåðé' ! åàçø ëê çúí áãéå÷ðé ùìå -åàôéìå òãéí çúåîéí òìéä ùäéà ãéå÷ðé ùìå, àéðå îåòéì ...


Explanation #1: This means that if Reuven tells the Sofer to write to Shimon that he should send him money via Levi, and he then signs it with a D'yukni (a figure in place of his signature) - even if witnesses sign that this is indeed his 'trademark', it is ineffective ...

àáì àí äéå çúåîéí òì æä ùàîø ìéä ìùìåç òì éãå, àæ äåé ùìéç.


Explanation #1 (cont.): Though if the witnesses were to sign on the fact that he issued the instructions, Levi would be a Shali'ach.

àé ðîé, àí ëúá áëúá éãå 'ùìç òì éãé ôìåðé' ! .


Explanation #2: Alternatively, it means that he wrote in his own handwriting 'Send it through Levi!'

åà"ú, åàîàé ìà îäðé ãéå÷ðé ãéãéä? åäà àîøéðï áäùåìç (âéèéï ãó ìå.) åáäîâøù (ùí ãó ôæ:) ã'îø çúéí ëååøà åîø çúéí îëåúà ' ?


Question: Why is a D'yukni not effective, in face of the Gemara in 'ha'Shole'ach' (Gitin, Daf 87b) where 'One Amora signed in the shape of a fish, and another, in the shape of a mast'?

åé"ì, ãäðé îéìé áùîåú çëîéí ãô÷éòé, àáì àéðéù àçøéðà, ìà.


Answer: That applies exclusively to the names of Chachamim who are well-known, but not to anybody else.

åìôé îàé ùôéøùðå ìòéì 'àôéìå ëúá áëúá éãå åçúí áãéå÷ðé, àéï îåòéì' ,ëì æîï ùìà àîø ìéä áôðéå.


Explanation #3: According to what Tosfos explained earlier (on Amud Alef, DH 'Shali'ach'), even if he wrote in his own handwriting and signed with a D'yukni, it will not help, as long as he does not instruct him personally.



úåñ' ã"ä åøáé éåçðï àîø àí òãéí çúåîéí òìéå ùåìçéï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies Rebbi Yochanan's opinion, and issues a ruling with regard to 'Shali'ach she'As'o be'Eidim'.)

åä"ä ìøáé éåçðï áìà ãéå÷ðé, áùìéç ùòùàå áòãéí, ëãàîø øáé éåçðï ìòéì ãäåé ùìéç...


Clarification: The same will apply according to Rebbi Yochanan without a D'yukni, in the case of a Shali'ach whom he appointed with witnesses, who is a Shali'ach, as Rebbi Yochanan stated earlier.

åäëà àúà ìàùîåòéðï ããéå÷ðé áìà òãéí ìà îäðé åìà îéãé.


Clarification: ... and he is coming to teach us here that a D'yukni without witnesses is not effective.

åðøàä ãäìëúà ëøá çñãà -ã'ùìéç ùòùàå áòãéí äåé ùìéç' ...


Halachah: The Halachah is like Rav Chisda - that 'A Shali'ach whom one appoints with witnesses, is a Shali'ach' ...

ãäà ø' éåçðï åø' àìòæø ÷ééîé ëååúéä.


Reason: Since Rebbi Yochanan and Rebbi Elazar hold like him.

åàò"â ãùîåàì ÷àé ëøáä ...


Implied Question: And even though Sh'muel concurs with Rabah ...

÷é"ì ãøá åø' éåçðï äìëä ëø' éåçðï, åä"ä ãìâáé ùîåàì äìëä ëø' éåçðï.


Answer: ... we Pasken like Rebbi Yochanan when he argues with Rav, so too will we Pasken like him when he argues with Sh'muel.



úåñ' ã"ä àâá àñéôà ãáéúéä

(Summary: Tosfos discusses how much Karka is required and presents an alternative to owning Karka in order to write a Harsha'ah.)

åîä ùëåúáéï áäøùàä 'åä÷ðéúé ìå ã' àîåú áçöøé' ...


Implied Question: And what one writes in a Harsha'ah that the owner is Makneh to him four Amos in his Chatzer ...

ìàå ãå÷à...


Answer: ... is La'av Davka ...

ãäà àîøéðï áô"÷ ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ëå: åùí) ã÷ø÷ò ëì ùäå çééá áôàä ... ,å÷åðéï òîä ðëñéí ùàéï ìäí àçøéåú.


Source: ... seeing as the Gemara states in the first Perek of Kidushin (Daf 26b & 27a) that the smallest measure of Karka is Chayav Pe'ah ... and one can acquire Metalt'lin together with it.

åîä ùëåúáéï äøùàä àôéìå àåúí ùàéï ìäí ÷ø÷ò...


Implied Question: And the fact that even people who do not own Karka tend to write a Harsha'ah ...

é"î îùåí ã'äåãàú áòì ãéï ëîàä òãéí ãîé' .


Answer: ... some attribute this to the principle 'The admission of the litigant is akin to a hundred witnesses'.

å÷ùä, ãáôø÷ çæ÷ú äáúéí (á"á ãó îã: åùí) ãôøéê 'åìéçåù ãéìîà à÷ðé ìéä îèìèìé àâá î÷ø÷òé? 'åîùðé 'ìà öøéëà ãàîøé òãéí "éãòðà áéä áäàé âáøà ãìà äåä ìéä àøòà îòåìí"


Question #1: The Gemara in Perek Chzkas ha'Batim (Bava Basra, Daf 44b & 45a) asks 'Let us suspect that he was Makneh to him Metalt'lin together with Karka?' And it answers 'The case must be where witnesses testify that they know for a fact that the man in question never owned Karka'?

åáôø÷ îé ùîú (ùí ãó ÷îè.) âáé 'òåáãà ãàéñåø âéåøà' ã÷àîø 'áîàé ìé÷ðé øá îøé áøéä ìäðäå æåæé? àé ãìé÷ðé ìéä àéñåø âéåøà àâá ÷ø÷ò, ìéú ìéä ÷ø÷ò. '


Question #2: And in Perek Mi she'Meis (Ibid. Daf 149a) in connection with the case of Isur Giyora, where the Gemara, in response to the question as to how he would be Makneh the money to his son, Mari, answers 'If it was together with Karka - Isur did not own any Karka'.

åé"ì, ãääåà ãàéñåø âéåøà îòé÷øà åãàé ìà àñé÷ àãòúéä èòîà ãäåãàä, àáì áîñ÷ðà ÷àîø 'à'ãäëé ðô÷ àåãéúà îáé àéñåø.'


Answer (to first question): Initially, the reason of admission did not occur to the Gemara there (regarding Isur Giyora); but later on, it concludes 'In the meantime, an admission was issued from the house of Isur'.

åääéà ãç"ä -ëéåï ùàéï àìà çùùà áòìîà -ãìîà à÷ðé ìéä' ,ëéåï ãìéú ìéä àøòà, ìà çééùéðï.


Answer (to second question): And as for the Gemara in Chezkas ha'Batim - seeing as it was merely a suspicion that perhaps he was Makneh it to him, since he did not own any land, we do not act on it.

åääéà ãô' äæäá (á"î ãó îå. åùí) âáé 'äéä òåîã áâåøï' ãôøéê 'åìé÷ðé ìéä àâá àøòà? 'åîùðé 'ãìéú ìéä àøòà' ...


Implied Question: And as for the Gemara in Perek ha'Zahav (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 46a & 46b), which, in connection with the case 'Hayah Omeid be'Goren', asks 'Let him be Makneh it (the Ma'aser-Sheini money) together with Karka?', and it answers that he does not own Karka ...

äúí îãàåøééúà áòéðï ãàéú ìéä àøòà, ãàé ìéú ìéä àøòà, ìà äéå ÷øåéï îòåúéå îãàåøééúà, ùéåëì ìôãåú áäï ôéøåú îòùø ùðé...


Answer: ... there, min ha'Torah he (the purchaser) has to own Karka, because otherwise, the money would not be considered his (the owner of the Ma'aser Sheini) min ha'Torah, with which to redeem his Ma'aser Sheini.

àáì ìòðéï ìâáåú, ëéåï ùäåãä ùéù ìå åä÷ðä ìå àâá ÷ø÷ò, ìîä ìà éâáä? [òé' úåñ' ëúåáåú ðã: ã"ä àò"ô, åá"á îã: ã"ä ãìà].


Answer (cont.): ... whereas with regard to claiming money, since he admitted that he owns land, and he was Makneh it together with Karka, why should he not be able to claim it? See also Tosfos, Kesuvos, Daf 54b Tosfos DH 'Af-al-Pi' & Bava Basra, Daf 44b, DH 'de'Lo').


TOSFOS DH CHUTZ MI'PACHOS SHAVEH P'RUTAH BE'KEREN (This Dibur belongs to the Mishnah on Daf 103a)

úåñ' ã"ä çåõ îôçåú ùåä ôøåèä á÷øï

(Summary: Tosfos queries the need to insert this in the Mishnah.)

úéîä, àîàé àéöèøéê ìîéúðé äà? ëéåï ãáøéùà úðï 'ùåä ôøåèä' îùîò àáì ôçåú ìà?


Question: Why does the Tana need to mention this? Since the Reisha states 'Shaveh P'rutah', it implies not less than that?



úåñ' ã"ä ðúï ìå àú ä÷øï åðùáò ìå òì äçåîù

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the case and elaborates.)

äåà äãéï àí ìà ðúï ìå àú ä÷øï åðùáò à'úøåééäå à'÷øï åà'çåîù, äéä îåñéó çåîù òì çåîù...


Implied Question: Even if he had not paid the Keren, but swore on both the Keren and the fifth, he would have to add a fifth on to the fifth ...

àìà àåøçà ãîéìúà ð÷è, ãà'÷øï àéï ðùáòéï ùðé ôòîéí.


Answer: Only the Tana presents a regular case, since one does not swear twice on the Keren.

åäåà äãéï àí ðùáò òì äçåîù, ãéåìéëðå àçøéå ìîãé...


Chidush: On the other hand, if he swears on the fifth, he will be obligated to take it after him to Madai ...

ãëéåï ùðùáò òìéå, ðòùä ëâæìï.


Reason: ...because, since he swore on it, he became a Gazlan.



úåñ' ã"ä éù úìîåã ÷àîéðà åîøéáåéà ã÷øàé

(Summary: Tosfos asks why a special Pasuk is necessary for the Keren.)

úéîä, àîàé àéöèøéê ÷øà ì÷øï? ãàîàé ìà éùìí ÷øï, ëéåï ãàéëà àçøéåú ðëñéí åòîã áãéï; ãáäëé îå÷îéðï ìä áñîåê?


Question: Why do we need a Pasuk for the Keren? Why should he not be Chayav to pay it, seeing as there is Achrayus Nechasim and he already attended the court-hearing - as the Gemara will establish shortly?



úåñ' ã"ä îìåä òì ôä äéà åàéï âåáä ìà îï äéåøùéí åìà îï äì÷åçåú

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case and elaborates.)

ìî"ã 'ùéòáåãà ìàå ãàåøééúà' ôøéê, ãäëà îùîò ãîãàåøééúà âåáéï îéåøùéï.


Clarification: The question is according to the opinion that holds 'Shibuda La'av d'Oraysa', since here it implies that it is mi'd'Oraysa that one claims from the heirs.

åîääéà áøééúà ãäâåæì åîàëéì (ì÷îï ãó ÷éà:) 'àí äðéç ìäí àáéäí àçøéåú ðëñéí, çééáéí ìùìí' ìéëà ìîôøê ìéä îéãé...


Refuted Question: One cannot however, ask from the Beraisa in 'ha'Gozel u'Ma'achil' (later, on Daf 111a) which states that if their father left them Karka, they are obligated to pay' ...

ãàéäå îå÷é ìéä îãøáðï -ëãé ùìà úðòåì ãìú áôðé ìåéï' ,ëãôñé÷ øá ôôà áôø÷ âè ôùåè (á"á ãó ÷òå. åùí).


Refutation: ... because he will establish that mi'de'Rabanan - 'In order not to close the door before the borrowers', as Rav Papa Paskens in Perek Get Pashut (Bava Basra, Daf 176a & 176b).

åîéäå ìøá åùîåàì ãàîøé 'îìåä ò"ô àéï âåáä ìà îï äéåøùéï åìà îï äì÷åçåú, åàôéìå îãøáðï -ëãîåëç áç"ä (ùí ãó îá.) åáñåó îé ùîú (ùí ãó ÷ðæ.)...


Question: According to Rav and Shmuel however, who say that one cannot claim an oral loan from the heirs or from the purchasers - even mi'de'Rabanan, as is evident in 'Chezkas ha'Batim' (Ibid. Daf 42a) and at the end of 'Mi she'Meis' (Ibid. Daf 157a) ...

àéëà ìà÷ùåéé îääéà áøééúà ãì÷îï.


Question (cont.): ... one can ask from that later Beraisa.

åàéëà ìîéîø ãàéðäå îå÷îé ìä áùòîã áãéï.


Answer: One can answer though, that they will establish it where he has already attended the court-hearing (be'she'Amad ba'Din).

åîä ùä÷ùä á÷åðè' ãäê äòîãä áãéï îàé îäðé, äøé ëôø åðùáò...


Question: And with regard to Rashi's Kashya as to how can be'she'Amad ba'Din make any difference, bearing in mind that their father denied the claim and swore to that effect ...

ãäà àå÷éîðà ìòéì áùìà äåãä àáéå åäåãä áðå?


Source: ... seeing as the Gemara established the case earlier where the father did not admit, but the son did?

é"ì, áòîã áãéï ìàçø ùáåòä ò"é òãéí, ãìà îéçééá äàá çåîù...


Answer: It speaks where the court hearing took place after he swore in front of witnesses, in which case the father is not Chayav to pay the fifth ...

ëãúðï ì÷îï áîúðéúéï -ãäéëà ãàéëà òãéí, ìà îéçééá çåîù.


Source: ... as we will learn in the Mishnah later (on Daf 109b) - that where there are witnesses, he is not Chayav to pay the Chomesh.