

úåñ' ã"ä åäà çáì îùåðä äåà

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Kashya.)

áùìîà àé à'ãìé ÷àé, àéëà ìàå÷îà áçáì âøåò åéùï åáìåé, ãàåøçéä äåà ìéôñ÷ áçèéèä îåòèú, ùîçèèéï ìîöåõ äîéí ùáçáì.


Explanation #1: If it referred to the bucket, we could establish it by a rope that is frayed, old and worn-out, in which case it would be natural to break with the slightest amount of pecking, which the chicken performs, in order to suck out the water that it has absorbed.

àáì äùúà ã÷àé à'çáì, ò"ë àééøé áçáì çæ÷ ãùééëà áéä úùìåí.


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... but now that it refers to the rope , it must be speaking about a strong rope, by which payment is applicable.

àé ðîé, àé à'ãìé ÷àé, îöéðå ìôøù ã'ðôñ÷' äééðå ùäåúø ä÷ùø ùäéä áéä äãìé ÷ùåø áçáì.


Explanation #2: Alternatively, if it would refer to the bucket, we would be able to explain that 'Nifsak' refers to the knot with which the rope is attached to the bucket coming loose.



úåñ' ã"ä úôùåè ãìàå ëëçå ãîé

(Summary: Tosfos points out that the Gemara could have answered more simply.)

äåä îöé ìîéîø ãæéì äëà ÷îãçé ìéä åæéì äëà ÷îãçé ìéä ...


Implied Question: The Gemara could have said that whichever approach we try, they will reject by applying the second approach ...

àìà ãáìàå äëé îùðé ùôéø.


Answer: ... but the Gemara answers satisfactorily anyway.



úåñ' ã"ä åòì äâãéù îùìí ç"ð

(Summary: Tosfos explains the Beraisa according to both the opinion that holds 'Isho mishum Chitzav' and the opinion that holds 'Isho mishum Mamono'.

ì÷îï (ãó ëá.) îôøù ìî"ã 'àùå îùåí çöéå' - òì ëì äâãéù îùìí çöé ðæ÷, ãçöéå ãëìá äï åäåé öøåøåú, ìáã îî÷åí âçìú.


Explanation #1: Later (on Daf 22a) the Gemara explains that according to the opinion that 'Isho mishum Chitzav', he pays half-damages for the entire haystack, seeing as it is the 'arrows of the dog', which is Tzeroros - apart from the location of the coal.

åìî"ã 'àùå îùåí îîåðå' - òì ëì äâãéù ôèåø, åòì î÷åí âçìú çöé ðæ÷, áãàãééä àãåéé.


Explanation #2: Whereas according to the opinion that 'Isho mishum Mamono', he is Patur on the entire haystack, and on the location of the coal, half damages, provided he nudged it along.



úåñ' ã"ä ðæ÷ ùìí îâåôå îé àùëçï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

ôéøåù áëé àåøçéä.


Clarification: There where it damaged in the conventional manner.



úåñ' ã"ä áîåòã îúçéìúå îé ùîòú ìéä àìà ëâåï ãùðé åàééòã

(Summary: Tosfos cites two texts and discusses them in detail.)

æå âéøñú ä÷åðè' ...


Text #1: This is the text of Rashi ...

åîôøù - ëéåï ãàééòã, äãø ä"ì ëé àåøçéä, åëé äéëé ãáöøåøåú ëé àåøçééäå ùîåòãéí îúçéìúï, ç"ð, åúå ìà, äà ðîé ãùðé åàééòã, ìà çîåø îîåòã îúçéìúå ...


Explanation #1: ... who explains that, since it became a Mu'ad, it is now conventional, and just as by conventional Tzeroros which are Mu'ad from the beginning, one pays Chatzi Nezek and no more, so too, where it made a Shinuy and then became a Mu'ad, it is not more stringent than where it was initially a Mu'ad ...


Explanation #1: And there is no Din of Mu'ad by Tzeroros which are performed unconventionally.

åîã÷úðé ãîùìí îâåôå, àìîà ãöøåøåú ëé àåøçéä ðîé îâåôå, åúôùåè ãøáà.


Explanation #1 (concl.): And since he pays from the body, we see that Tzeroros that are performed conventionally also pay from the body - thereby resolving Rava's She'eilah.

å÷ùä, ãäéëé ôùéè äà ãøáà, ãìîà öøåøåú ëé àåøçéä îòìééä, àáì äéëà ãùðé, àò"â ãàééòã, îùìí îâåôå, ã'öã úîåú áî÷åîä òåîãú'?


Question: How can one resolve Rava's She'eilah from there, perhaps one pays conventional Tzeroros from one's pocket, and it is only where the animal made a Shinuy that he pays from the body, even after it becomes a Mu'ad, due to the principle 'Tzad Tamus bi'Mekomah Omedes' (the part of it that is a Tam remains intact).

åàéï ìåîø ãàéï äëé ðîé, ãìà àúé ìîôùè áòéà ãøáà àìà áà ìåîø ùéù ìééùá äáøééúà áò"à ...


Refuted Explanation #2: Nor can one explain that, yes, the Gemara is not coming to resolve the She'eilah of Rava, but to teach us that is another way of learning the Beraisa ...

ãàéï æä ñåâéú äù"ñ?


Refutation: ... since this is not the way of the Gemara?

åðøàä ëâéøñà ãâøñ 'àìà ëâåï ãàééòã' ...


Text #2: Therefore the correct Text is 'Ela k'gon de'Iya'ed' ...

åìòåìí îöé ìîôùè áòééï, åìà ú÷ùä îéãé ãøáé àìòæø, ãìà ôìéâé áôìåâúà ãñåîëåñ åøáðï ...


Explanation: ... and it is therefore possible to resolve our She'eilah, and one cannot ask anything on Rebbi Elazar, seeing as their Machlokes is not synonymous with that of Sumchus and the Rabanan ...

åìà áãùðé ëã÷àîøú åáôìåâúà ãøáé èøôåï åøáðï ...


Explanation (cont.): And it is not speaking where the animal made a Shinuy, and is therefore synonymous with the Machlokes Rebbi Tarfon and the Rabanan ...

àìà úøåééäå ëøáðï ãñåîëåñ, åäëà áöøåøåú ëé àåøçééäå, åáãàééòã.


Explanation (concl.): Only both of them hold like the Rabanan of Sumchus, and the case is regarding conventional Tzeroros, where the animal is a Mu'ad.

åäùúà ôùéè áòéà ãøáà ã'éù äòãàä ìöøåøåú', ãàééøé áöøåøåú ëé àåøçééäå.


Conclusion: And the Gemara resolves Rava's She'eilah in that 'Tzeroros are subject to Ha'ada'ah, since it is speaking about regular Tzeroros.

åëï îùîò, îã÷àîø 'àå ãìîà úåìãä ãøâì äéà' - îùîò ãàééøé áìà ùéðåé.


Support #1: This is also implied, since the Gemara says 'Or perhaps it is a Toldah of Regel' - implying tha it is speaking where there is no Shinuy.

åëï îãîééúé òìä 'äéãåñ àéðå îåòã', ãà'ëé àåøçéä' îééúé ìä ìòéì.


Support #2: And also from the fact that the Gemara cites in connection with it 'Dancing is not a Mu'ad', which refers to 'in the conventional manner' that the Gemara cited regarding it, earlier.

åúéîä, ãì÷îï (ãó éè.) îåëç ãîééøé òì éãé ùéðåé, âáé äà ãáòé øá àùé 'éù ùéðåé áöøåøåú', å÷àîø 'åúôùåè îãáòé øáà "éù äòãàä", îëìì ãàéï ùéðåé' ...


Question #1: Later (on Daf 19a) it is evident that it is speaking with a Shinuy, when Rav Ashi asks whether Tzeroros are subject to Shinuy, and where the Gemara tries to resolve it from Rava, who asks whether 'Yesh Ha'ada'ah ... ', so we see that there is no Shinuy' ...

ôéøåù ãàé 'éù ùéðåé', äéëé àúé îøáéò ðæ÷ ìðæ÷ ùìí?


Question #1 (cont.): ... because if we were to say 'Yesh Shinuy', how can one jump from a quarter of the damage to full damages?

åëï ì÷îï, ôøéê 'åäà îùåðä äåà', îùîò ãàé äåä îå÷îà ôìåâúééäå áäòãàä, ðéçà ...


Question #2: And similarly, later, where the Gemara asks 'But is this not unconventional?', it implies that if we were to establish the Machlokes by where it became a Mu'ad, there would be no problem ...

îùîò ãáòéà ãøáà òì éãé ùéðåé àééøé?


Question #2 (cont.): ... implying in turn, that the She'eilah of Rava speaks where there is a Shinuy?

åðøàä ãáúøåééäå îáòéà ìéä - àí éù äòãàä àå ìàå, ãàé éù äòãàä áöøåøåú ëé àåøçééäå, âí òì éãé ùéðåé éù äòãàä, ãòé÷ø äòãàä á÷øï ëúéáä ...


Explanation #3: It therefore seems that the She'eilah goes both ways - Whether there is Ha'ada'ah or not, because if there is Ha'ada'ah by conventional Teroros, then there is also Ha'ada'ah by unconventional Tzeroros, since the chief Parshah of Ha'ada'ah is written by 'Keren' ...

åàé àéï äòãàä áëé àåøçééäå, âí ò"é ùéðåé àéï äòãàä, ãò"é äòãàä ìà äåé èôé îëé àåøçéä.


Explanation #3 (cont.): Whereas if there is no Ha'adah, then even via a Shinuy there will be no Ha'ada'ah either, seeing as Tzeroros via Ha'ada'ah is no better than conventional Tzeroros.

åîä ùô"ä ãáòé' ã'éù äòãàä' ìà ùééê ìàå÷îà áëé àåøçéä, ãëéåï ãäåé àåøçéä, îä ìé ôòí øàùåðä îä ìé ôòí øáéòéú?


Refuted Explanation: And when Rashi comments that the She'eilah of 'Yesh Ha'ada'ah' is not applicable by conventional Tzeroros, because what is then the difference between the first time the animal damages and the fourth time?

ìàå ôéøëà äåà ...


Rejection: That is not a Kashya ...

ëéåï ããîééä øçîðà ì÷øï áçöé ðæ÷, ùééëà áéä äòãàä.


Reason: ... because since the Torah compares it to Keren with regard to Chatzi Nezek, Ha'ada'ah will apply to it as well.




úåñ' ã"ä àìà äà ãáòé øáà éù äòãàä ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos explains the Sugya in light of the fact that Rava was not aware of the Beraisa.)

åàò"â ãøáà ìà äåä éãò äáøééúà, îãáòé îâåôå îùìí ...


Implied Question: Even though Rava did not know the Beraisa, seeing as he asked whether one pays mi'Gufo ...

î"î ãéé÷ âîøà ãðôùåè îéðä úøåééäå.


Answer: ... the Gemara nevertheless tries to extrapolate both things from it ...

åãçé ìà ðôùåè îéðä ìà äà åìà äà.


Conclusion: And it concludes that one can derive neither the one nor the other.



úåñ' ã"ä áéï ìøáðï áéï ìøáé àìòæø ëñåîëåñ ñ"ì

(Summary: Tosfos equates this with the Gemara's earlier suggestion 've'Tisb'ra', and discussess why it pushes to establish the Beraisa like Sumchus.)

åäééðå ãéçåé ãìîòìä 'åúñáøà', [àìà ùìà äàøéê ìîòìä ëì ëê].


Equating this with the Earlier Gemara: This is synonymous with the Gemara's Dichuy earlier 've'Tisb'ra', only it did not elaborate there like it does here.

åà"ú, åìîä ãç÷ ìåîø ëñåîëåñ ñ"ì?


Question: Why does the Gemara push to establish the Beraisa like Sumchus?

åé"ì, îùåí ãàé ëøáðï, à"ë úôùåè ã'àéï ùéðåé ìöøåøåú ìøáéò ðæ÷'.


Answer #1: Because, according to the Rabanan, we could resolve that 'There is no Shinuy for Tzeroros to pay a quarter of the damage'.

åòåã, ãàé áöøåøå' ëé àåøçééäå éñáåø øáé àìòæø ç"ð ëøáðï, áöøåøåú ò"é ùéðåé ìà éúçééá ðæ÷ ùìí, àò"â ãñáø ëøáé èøôåï, ãìéëà ÷"å ...


Answer #2: Moreover, if Rebbi Elazar were to hold Chatzi Nezek by Tzeroros performed in the normal manner, like the Rabanan, then by Tzeroros performed with a Shinuy, one would not be Chayav full damages, even though he holds like Rebbi Tarfon, seeing as there is no Kal va'Chomer.

ãëéåï ãáöøåøåú ùï åøâì áçöø äðéæ÷ àéï îùìí àìà ç"ð, âí öøåøåú ã÷øï ìà éùìí ë"à ç"ð.


Answer #2 (cont.): ... because since by Tzeroros of Shen va'Regel in the Chatzer of the Nizak one only pays Chatzi Nezek, by Tzeroros of Keren too, one will only pay Chatzi Nezek.

åìà øöä ìäòîéã ëøáðï åáî÷åí âçìú, åëâåï ãàðçä àðåçé òì äâãéù áùéðåé ...


Conclusion: Nor does the Gemara want to establish it like the Rabanan in the location of the coal, and where the animal placed it on the haystack with a Shinuy ...

ãðéçà ìéä ìîéîø ãîùìí ç"ð òì ëì äâãéù ëøáé éåçðï.


Conclusion (cont.): ... because it prefers to say that he pays Chatzi Nezek on the entire haystack, like the opinion of Rebbi Yochanan.



úåñ' ã"ä äéëà ãìà îôøéê ÷"å àéú ìéä ãéå

(Summary: Tosfos explains as to why we do not say the other way round.)

åà"ú, åðéîà àéôëà - ÷"å ìùìí îï äòìééä, åãéå ìç"ð.


Question: Let us say the other way round - the Kal va'Chomer to pay from one's pocket, and 'Dayo' to pay only half the damage.

åé"ì, ãäëé ùôéø èôé, ãëé àîø 'ãéå' ìòðéï îâåôå, ìà îùðéðï ìç"ð ëìì îëîå ùäéä, àìà ùàðå îåñéôéï òìéå òåã ç"ð àçø ...


Answer: The current explanation is preferable, inasmuch as if one says 'Dayo' concerning paying from the body of the animal, one is not really altering the Din of Chatzi Nezek from the original ruling, one is merely adding another Chatzi Nezek ...

àáì àé àîøú 'ãéå' ìç"ð, ò÷øú ìéä ìâîøé îç"ð ÷îà, ãîô÷ú ìéä îúùìåîé âåôå åîå÷îéú à'úùìåîé òìééä.


Answer (cont.): Whereas if one would say 'Dayo' with regard to Chatzi Nezek, one would completely negate the initial Chatzi Nezek, in that one would taken it out of the Din of paying from the animal's body and is now making him pay out of his pocket.

åáëì öã ùàðå éëåìéï ìò÷åø ÷ì åçåîø åì÷ééí 'ãéå', éù ìðå ì÷ééí.


Conclusion: ... and wherever one is able to uproot the Kal va'Chomer and to maintain 'Dayo', one does.