
TOSFOS DH v'Ha Ishtabdei Lehu Nichsei

úåñôåú ã"ä åäà àéùúòáãé ìäå ðëñé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of this.)

ã÷ñáø äùúà äàçéï ùçì÷å éåøùéï äï åîìåä òì ôä âåáä îï äéåøùéï


Possibility #1: He holds now that brothers who divided are heirs, and a Milveh Al Peh (a loan without a document) is collected from heirs.

àé ðîé ÷ñáø îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä ëëúåáä áùèø


Possibility #2: He holds that a Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah (a debt that the Torah was Mechadesh) is like [a debt] written in a document (so it is collected from heirs).

åîéäå áîñ÷ðà ÷àîø ãáäëé ôìéâé


Conclusion: However, in the conclusion it says that they argue about this (brothers who divided. R. Meir holds that they are half heirs and half buyers, and R. Yehudah holds that they are heirs, and a Milveh Al Peh is not collected from buyers. Alternatively, all hold that they are half heirs, half buyers. R. Meir holds that a Milveh Al Peh is not collected from buyers, and R. Yehudah holds that it is - Yad Binyamin.)


TOSFOS DH d'Kuli Alma Eis Lehu d'Rav Asi v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãëåìé òìîà àéú ìäå ãøá àñé ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with their opinions about Bereirah elsewhere.)

îùîò äëà ãø''î îñô÷à ìéä àé àéú áøéøä àå ìà ëøá àñé


Inference: R. Meir is unsure whether Yesh Bereirah or Ein Bereirah, like Rav Asi.

åúéîä ãø''î (ìéú) [ö"ì àéú] ìéä áøéøä áääéà ãäìå÷ç ééï îï äëåúéí (åáîøåáä) [ö"ì áîøåáä - ç÷ ðúï] (á''÷ ñè:) åáôø÷ ëì äâè (âéèéï ëä.)


Question #1: R. Meir holds that Yesh Bereirah regarding one who bought wine from Kusim, in Bava Kama (69b) and Gitin (25a)!

åøáà âåôéä ãîå÷é ìäå äëà ëøá àñé éù ìúîåä ãáô' ëì äâè (ùí ëå.) ÷àîø ãáéï ø' éäåãä áéï ø''ù àéú ìäå áøéøä


Question #2: Rava himself establishes here [R. Meir and R. Yehudah] like Rav Asi. This is astounding, for in Gitin (26a) he says that both R. Yehudah and R. Shimon hold that Yesh Bereirah!

åéù ìçì÷ ãéù áøéøä äéëà ãîúðé áôéøåù ëâåï ùðé ìåâéï ùàðé òúéã ìäôøéù åäøéðé áåòìéê òì îðú ùéøöä àáà åæä âèéê àí îúé


Answer: We can distinguish Bereirah in which he explicitly stipulates, e.g. "two Lugim that I will separate later [should be Terumah now]", or "I have Bi'ah with you [to make Kidushin] on condition that father will be pleased", and "this is your Get if I will die [from this illness." Perhaps Bereirah helps then, even if normally Ein Bereirah.]

åáäëé îúøöà ÷åùéà ãùîåàì àãùîåàì ãìéú ìéä áøéøä áñåó áéöä (ãó ìæ:) âáé ùðéí ùì÷çå áäîä áùåúôåú åáääéà ãîé ùàçæå (âéèéï ãó òä:) ãàéú÷éï ùîåàì áâéèà ãùëéá îøò àéú ìéä áøéøä åäåé âéèà ìëé îééú ëããéé÷ áøéù ëì äâè


Support: This answers a contradiction in Shmuel. He holds that Ein Bereirah in Beitzah (37b) regarding two who bought an animal in partnership, and in the case in Gitin (75b) Shmuel enacted [a text] for a Get of a Shechiv Mera (one who is dangerously ill) he holds that Yesh Bereirah, and it is a Get when he dies, like [the Gemara] infers in Gitin (25b).


TOSFOS DH d'Amar Rav Asi Achin she'Chalku Mechetzah Yorshin v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãàîø øá àñé àçéï ùçì÷å îçöä éåøùéï ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the reason to say so.)

îéìúà ãøá àñé àéúà áôø÷ ÷îà ãá''÷ (ãó è.) åáááà áúøà áñåó áéú ëåø (ãó ÷æ.) ãôìéâé äúí áàçéï ùçì÷å åáà áòì çåá åèøó çì÷å ùì àçã îäí


Reference: Rav Asi's teaching is in Bava Kama (9a) and in Bava Basra (107a). They argue there about brothers who divided, and a creditor [of the father] came and took the portion of one of them;

ãøá àîø áèìä îçìå÷ú ãéåøùéï äí åùîåàì àîø åéúø ãì÷åçåú äï åùìà áàçøéåú


Rav taught that the division is Batel, for they are heirs (and all must pay the debt together). Shmuel said that [the brother who lost his land] lost (his brothers do not compensate him), for they are like buyers without Achrayus.

åøá àñé îñô÷à (áðëñéí äðùàøéí àìà ùàéðå çì÷å ãäåà) [ö"ì ìéä åðåèì áðëñéí äðùàøéí çì÷å øáéò - äøù"ù] äðëñéí ðåèì á÷ø÷ò åçöé äàçø áîòåú îùåí ãîñô÷à ìéä àé ëéåøùéï åðåèì äëì á÷ø÷ò àå ëì÷åçåú áàçøéåú åéëåì ìñì÷å áîòåú


Explanation #1: Rav Asi is unsure. [The brother who lost his land] receives his portion (what his brother should have paid, i.e. half of what was taken from him) from the remaining property. A quarter [of the amount taken] he receives in land, and the other half in coins, for he is unsure if [brothers] are heirs, and he receives everything in land, or like buyers with Achrayus, and [his brother] can dispel him with coins.

åìôéøåù æä ìà éúëï âéøñú øáéðå çððàì ãâøñ áô' áéú ëåø (ùí) ùìùä àçéï


Consequence: According to this Perush, R. Chananel's text cannot be. His text in Bava Basra says "three brothers.'

åéù îôøù ùðåèì çöé çì÷å äøàåé ìå åøáéò çì÷å ðåèì á÷ø÷ò åøáéò áîòåú åçöé çì÷å îôñéã


Explanation #2: Some say that [the brother who lost his land] receives half his portion that it is proper for him. A quarter he receives in land, and a quarter in coins, and the other half he loses;

îùåí ãàí äåà éåøù éù ìå ìéèåì çì÷ îùìí åàí [ö"ì ìå÷ç - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùìà áàçøéåú éù ìå ìäôñéã åðåèì çöé çì÷å îñô÷


This is because if he is an heir, he should receive his full portion (the amount he paid that his brother(s) should have paid). If he is a buyer without Achrayus, he should lose [everything]. He receives half amidst Safek;

åîä ùðåèì ðîé îñô÷à ìï àí îëç éøåùä ðåèì åéù ìå ìé÷ç äëì á÷ø÷ò àå îëç ãäåé ëìå÷ç áàçøéåú åðåèì [ö"ì äëì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áîòåú äìëê ðåèì îçöä á÷ø÷ò ãäééðå øáéò åîçöä áîòåú [ö"ì ãäééðå øáéò äùðé - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


And what he receives, also we are unsure if he receives due to inheritance, and he should take everything in land, or because he is like a buyer with Achrayus, and he receives everything in coins. Therefore, he receives half [of the half he receives] in land, i.e. a quarter, and half in coins, i.e. the other quarter.

å÷ùä ìôéøåù æä ãäùúà àé ìà äåä ìñôå÷é ìï àìà àé ëéåøùéï àé ëì÷åçåú ùìà áàçøéåú (ðåèì) [ö"ì äéä ðåèì çöé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] çì÷å á÷ø÷ò


Question #1: Now, if we had a Safek only if they are like heirs, or like buyers without Achrayus, he would receive half his share in land;

åîùåí ãàéëà ðîé ìñôå÷é ãàôéìå àé äåä ìå÷ç ùîà ìå÷ç áàçøéåú äåà äåøò ëçå àãøáä äåä ìï ìåîø ãçöé çì÷å éèåì á÷ø÷ò åäøáéò áîòåú


Because there is also a Safek, that even if he is a buyer, perhaps he is a buyer with Achrayus, are his rights weaker?! Just the contrary, we should say that he gets half his portion in land, and [another] quarter in coins!

åòåã ãîå÷îéðï äëà îúðé' ëâåï ãìéëà àìà çîùä ñìòéí åàé ìà çùéá ìäå øá àñé ëéåøùéï àìà áøáéò àôéìå éù ùí òùø ñìòéí ôèåøéí ùìà éëåì ìâáåú äëäï ëé àí äøáéò ãäåå áäå ëéåøùéí åäééðå çöé çîù


Question #2: Here we establish our Mishnah, e.g. there are only five Sela'im. If Rav Asi considers them like heirs only for a quarter, even if there are 10 Sela'im they are exempt, for the Kohen can collect only the quarter for which they are like heirs, i.e. half of five!

åììùåï øàùåï ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ áá''÷ (ãó è.) ùðåèì çöé çì÷å á÷ø÷ò àå áîòåú îùåí ãîñô÷à ìï àé äåå ëéåøùéï àå ì÷åçåú ùìà áàçøéåú


Explanation #3: According to the first version that Rashi explained in Bava Kama (9a), that he receives half his portion in land, or in coins, for we are unsure if they are like heirs or like buyers without Achrayus...

àåúå ìùåï ðîé éúëï áéï âéøñú ùðé àçéï áéï âéøñú ùìùä


Also according to that version, it is possible that the text says two brothers, or three brothers.

åîéäå ÷ùéà îðà ìéä ìäù''ñ ùîñô÷à ìøá àñé ëìì áéåøùéï ãìîà ôùéèà [ö"ì ìéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãìàå éåøùéï ðéðäå àìà îñô÷à ìéä àé äåå ëì÷åçåú áàçøéåú àå ëì÷åçåú ùìà áàçøéåú


Question #1: What is the Gemara's source that Rav Asi is unsure at all about heirs? Perhaps it is obvious to him that they are not heirs, but he is unsure if they are like buyers with Achrayus or without Achrayus!

åòåã ãìà äåä ùééê ìîéúðé úøé æéîðé øáéò ëéåï ãàå àå ÷úðé


Question #2: It was not appropriate to teach twice "a quarter", since it teaches or [land] or [coins]!

åëìùåï àçøåï [ö"ì ùá÷åðèøñ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ðøàä


Conclusion: The latter version of Rashi [in Bava Kama, which is like Explanation #1 in this Tosfos] is correct.

åìà éúëï ìâøåñ ëìì ùìùä àçéï (ãîàé) [ö"ì ãàîàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àéú ìéä ìîéð÷è ùìùä


Consequence: It is impossible for the text to say "three brothers." Why should it discuss three?!

[áùìîà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àé äåä ð÷è çîùä àåøçéä ãäù''ñ äåà áëì ãåëúé ëîå äéå çîùä úåáòéï àåúå ä' ðùéí ùðúòøáå åìãåúéäï (ëì) [ö"ì âæì - ùéèä î÷åáöú, äøù"ù] àçã îçîùä


Granted, had it mentioned five, the Gemara is wont [to do so] everywhere, e.g. five people claim from him, five women whose babies became mixed, if one stole from one of five;

àáì ùìùä ìàå àåøçéä ìîéð÷è ëéåï ùëê ùåéï ùðéí ëùìùä


However, it is not wont [to mention] three, since [the law of] two is the same as three.

åà''ú îàçø ãîñô÷à ìéä ìøá àñé àé ëéåøùéï äåå àé ëì÷åçåú ìéîà äîåöéà îçáéøå òìéå äøàéä


Question: Since Rav Asi is unsure if they are like heirs, or like buyers, he should say ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah!

ãàôéìå ìñåîëåñ ìà îñúáø äëà ìåîø çåì÷éï áñô÷ (æä - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) áæä ùçëîéí îñåô÷éí áäåøàä


Even according to Sumchus (who says that we divide money in doubt), here it is unreasonable to say that they divide due to this Safek that Chachamim are unsure how to rule!

åé''ì ùéù ãáøéí ãäéëà ãäãéï îñåô÷ ìçëîéí ëé äëà òùå àåúå ëåãàé ôìâà äëé åôìâà äëé


Answer: There are matters that when Chachamim are unsure of the law, like here, they made them like Vadai half so and half so.

ëãàùëçï ðîé áôø÷ äùåëø àú äàåîðéí (á''î ôâ.) âáé äðé ããøå áàâøà [ö"ì åàéúáø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìéùìí ôìâà ÷øåá ìôùéòä å÷øåá ìàåðñ


Support #1: We find like this also in Bava Metzi'a (83a) regarding people who carry on shoulder-poles (one burden in front and one in back), and it broke. He pays half, for it is close to negligence, and close to Ones;

ãîä ðôùê àå ëåìéä ôùéòä àå ëåìéä àåðñ åàé îñô÷à ìï ä''ì ìîéîø äîò''ä


No matter what you will say, this is difficult! Either it is total negligence (if it is improper to carry like this), or it is total Ones (if it is proper). And if we are unsure, we should say that ha'Motzi me'Chavero Alav ha'Re'ayah! (Rather, they enacted to make it like Vadai half negligence and half Ones.)

åëï áô' îé ùîú (á''á ÷îä.) ã÷àîø ø' éåñé ÷ãùä áòùøéí ðåúï Ñ(ìå) [ö"ì ìä - ãáù úîø] ùìùéí çöàéï ãîñô÷à ìéä àé ÷ãåùéï ìèéáåòéï àå ìà åòåùä ëàéìå åãàé îçöä ìèéáåòéï åîçöä ìàå ìèéáåòéï


Support #2: In Bava Basra (145a), R. Yosi says that if [a Kohen] was Mekadesh a woman with 20 [Sela'im, and she was raped, and he must divorce her], he gives to her 30 half [Shelamim], for he is unsure whether or not Kidushin money is given l'Tivu'in (to stay with her, or if it must be returned if he cannot marry her). He considers it as if Vadai, half is l'Tivu'in, and half is not l'Tivu'in.

åáô' éù ðåçìéï (ùí ÷ëå.) âáé áëåø ãàîøéðï åáîìåä ùòîå (ôìéâé) [ö"ì ôìâé - öàï ÷ãùéí]


Support #3: In Bava Basra (126a) regarding a Bechor, we say that a loan with him (he owed money to his father), they divide (he keeps half his extra share of it, and gives half to his brothers. We are unsure whether it is considered Muchzak to his father.)

åìôéøåù æä àúéà ðîé ùôéø ääåà ãîøçõ ãäùåàì áñåó äô' (á''î ÷á.) ã÷àîø éçì÷å àú çãù äòéáåø ìëåìé òìîà åìà öøéê ìàå÷îä ëñåîëåñ


Support #4: According to this Perush, it is fine the case of the bathhouse in Bava Metzi'a (102a. It was rented for 12 Dinarim for the year, a Dinar per month.) They split the month added in a leap year according to everyone. We need not establish it like Sumchus.

åéù ãáøéí ùàîøå çëîéí åäùúà ãìà àéúîø äìëúà ìà ëîø åìà ëîø ãòáã ëîø òáã åãòáã ëîø òáã


Observation: In some matters, Chachamim said that now that it was not said that the Halachah follows Ploni, and not that it follows Almoni, if one did like Ploni, it stands, and if one did like Almoni, it stands.

åéù ãáøéí ùàîøå çëîéí ùåãà ããééðé ëé äúí áøéù äîåëø àú äáéú (á''á ñá: åùí) ãàîøé ìä ìäàé âéñà åàîøé ìä ìäàé âéñà ùåãà ããééðé


Observation: In some matters, Chachamim said Shuda d'Daina (it is left to the judges' discretion), like in Bava Basra (62b) "some say this way, and some say this way. Shuda d'Daina."


TOSFOS DH ud'Kuli Alma Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah Lav k'Kesuvah bi'Shtar Damya

úåñôåú ã"ä åãëåìé òìîà îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä ìàå ëëúåáä áùèø ãîéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with R. Yehudah's opinion elsewhere.)

âí áîñ÷ðà éäéä ëï ãàîøéðï áãøá àñé àå áãøá ôôà ÷îéôìâé ãîùîò àé ëåìäå àéú ìäå ãøá àñé åãøá ôôà äéå ôèåøéï îèòí çîù åìà çöé çîù


Explanation: Also in the conclusion it is so. We say that they argue about Rav Asi's law or Rav Papa's law. This implies that if all held like Rav Asi and like Rav Papa, they would be exempt, due to "five, and not half of five."

åúéîä ãì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó îè:) àîø ãøáé éäåãä ñáø ëëúåáä áùèø ãîéà


Question #1: Below (49b), it says that R. Yehudah holds that [Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah] is like a debt written in a document!

åòåã ÷ùä ìîàé ãîñ÷éðï áãøá ôôà ÷îéôìâé ãìéú ìéä ìøáé éäåãä ãøá ôôà àìîà ÷ñáø ãîìåä òì ôä âåáä àó îï äì÷åçåú


Question #2: According to the conclusion that they argue about Rav Papa's law, that R. Yehudah does not hold like Rav Papa, this means that he holds that a Milveh Al Peh is collected from buyers;

àèå îé ìéú ìéä ìø' éäåãä äà ãúðï áâè ôùåè (á''á ãó ÷òä.) äîìåä àú çáéøå áùèø âåáä îðëñéí îùåòáãéí òì ôä âåáä îï áðé çåøéï


Does R. Yehudah argue with the Mishnah (Bava Basra 175a) "if one lent to his friend with a document, he collects from Meshubadim. A Milveh Al Peh, he collects from Bnei Chorin"?!

åòé÷ø îéìúéä ãøá ôôà ìàå àéúîø àìà ìàùîåòéðï ãâåáä îï äéåøùéí ìàôå÷é îãøá åùîåàì ãàîøé îìåä òì ôä àéðå âåáä ìà îï äéåøùéï åìà îï äì÷åçåú


Rav Papa's teaching was said primarily to teach that he collects from heirs, unlike Rav and Shmuel, who say that a Milveh Al Peh is not collected from heirs, and not from buyers;

àáì ìîàé ãàéðå âåáä îï äì÷åçåú æä àéðå ùåí çéãåù åãáø ôùåè äåà áëì äù''ñ


Rav Papa's teaching was said primarily to teach that he collects from heirs, unlike Rav and Shmuel, who say that a Milveh Al Peh is not collected from heirs, and not from buyers;

åðøàä ìôøù ìôé äîñ÷ðà ãìàå îîù (ëøá ôôà ÷àîø àìà ëîìåä) [ö"ì áãøá ôôà ÷àîø ãôìéâé àìà áîìåä - ç÷ ðúï] òì ôä ëé äê ãôãéåï äáï (ëùäéà) [ö"ì ùäéà - ç÷ ðúï] ëúåáä [ö"ì áúåøä - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã]


Answer #1: According to the conclusion, they do not truly argue about Rav Papa's teaching. Rather, they argue about a Milveh Al Peh like this case of Pidyon ha'Ben, which is Kesuvah b'Torah;

åáô''÷ ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ëè:) àéúà ìäà ãì÷îï åâøñéðï ùí ø' éäåãä ìèòîéä ãàîø îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä ëëúåáä áùèø ãîéà åäééðå (ìèòîà ãäëà) [ö"ì ìèòîéä ëã÷àîø äëà - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


The Sugya below (49b) is [also] in Kidushin (29b), and the text says there "R. Yehudah holds like he taught elsewhere, that Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah is like [a debt] written in a document." This is according to his reason, that he said here.

àé ðîé áãøá ôôà îîù ÷îéôìâé ãøá ôôà âåôéä öøéê ìåîø ãàééøé ðîé áîìåä äëúåáä áúåøä


Answer #2: They truly argue about Rav Papa's teaching. Rav Papa himself, we must say that also he discusses Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah;

ãáôø÷ ÷îà ã÷ãåùéï (ãó éâ:) ÷àîø øá ôôà äìëúà îìåä òì ôä âåáä îï äéåøùéï ùéòáåãà ãàåøééúà


Source: In Kidushin (13b), Rav Papa says that the Halachah is, a Milveh Al Peh is collected from heirs, for Shibud is mid'Oraisa;

åáô' âè ôùåè (á''á ãó ÷òå.) îôøù èòîà ùìà úðòåì ãìú áôðé ìååéï


Implied question: In Bava Basra (176a), he explains the reason due to Ne'ilas Delet Bifnei Lovin (if lenders cannot collect from heirs, perhaps people will be reluctant to lend)!

åö''ì ãá÷ãåùéï àééøé áîìåä äëúåáä áúåøä (ã÷ñáø) [ö"ì ãàçéåá ÷øáï ÷àé å÷ñáø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] âåáä îï äéåøùéí åìà îï äì÷åçåú


Answer: We must say that in Kidushin he discusses Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah, for he discusses the Chiyuv to bring a Korban, and he holds that it is collected from heirs, but not from buyers;

åáääéà àééøéðï äëà ãø' éäåãä ìéú ìéä ãøá ôôà å÷ñáø ãâåáä îï äì÷åçåú


This is what we discuss here. R. Yehudah argues with Rav Papa, and holds that it is collected from buyers.


TOSFOS DH Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah

úåñôåú ã"ä îìåä äëúåáä áúåøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what is considered Milveh ha'Kesuvah b'Torah.)

äééðå ãå÷à ëâåï ôãéåï äáï åòøëéï åðæ÷éï åëéåöà áäï ùìà (ðúçééáå) [ö"ì äééúé îçééáå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àí ìà ùçééáúå úåøä


Explanation: This is something like Pidyon ha'Ben, Erchin, damages, and similar matters, that I would not obligate him, had the Torah not obligated him;

àáì îìåä òì ôä àò''â ãëúéá (ãáøéí ëã) äàéù àùø àúä ðåùä áå éåöéà àìéê àú äòáåè ìà (î÷øà) [ö"ì î÷øé - öàï ÷ãùéí] ëúåáä ìäéåú ëúåáä áùèø åàò''â ãàééøé òì ôä


However, a Milveh Al Peh, even though it is written "ha'Ish Asher Atah Nosheh Bo Yotzi Elecha Es ha'Avot", is not called Kesuvah (b'Torah), to be [like] written in a document, even though [the verse] discusses [Milveh] Al Peh;

ãìà çééáúå îîä ùëúåáä áúåøä ëéåï ãáìàå äëé ôùéèà äåà ùéù ìå ìùìí îä ùäìååäå:


This is because he is not obligated due to what is written in the Torah, since even without this, obviously he must pay what [the other one] lent to him!



TOSFOS DH d'R. Meir Savar Chamesh

úåñôåú ã"ä ãøáé îàéø ñáø çîù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes this from five half-cattle.)

åìà ãîé ìçîùä á÷ø ãîñ÷éðï (á''÷ ãó òà:) àôéìå çîùä çöàé á÷ø àîø øçîðà


Implied question: Why is this unlike Chamishah Bakar (that one who stole and slaughtered or sold an ox must pay)? We conclude even five half-cattle the Torah said (e.g. if the thief was a partner and already owned half of the cow, he pays five halves)!

ãúùìåîéï ðéðäå åéù ìå ìùìí îä ùäåà çééá àáì äëà îöåú çîù ñìòéí øçîðà øîé òìéä åìà î÷ééîà áôçåú îçîù


Answer: That is payment, and he should pay what he is liable. Here, the Torah imposed on him a Mitzvah of five Sela'im. It is not fulfilled through less than five.

àò''ô ùéëåì ìùìí ìòùøä ëäðéí áæä àçø æä


Implied question: He can pay [half a Slea to each of] 10 Kohanim one after the other! (This is according to Tosfos' text/understanding below (51b), unlike that of Rashi and others.)

ìà ãîé äëà ãìà îùúòáã àìà áçöé çîù


Answer: Here is different, for he is obligated only half of five.


TOSFOS DH v'Im li'Shnei Kohanim Nasan Ein Yachol Lehozti mi'Yadam

úåñôåú ã"ä åàí ìùðé ëäðéí ðúï àéï éëåì ìäåöéà îéãí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike Takfo Kohen.)

åà''ú ëéåï ãàí ìà ðúï àéï æ÷å÷ ìéúï äùúà ðîé ãðúï (ðîé - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ìéäåé ëú÷ôå ëäï ãîåöéàéï îéãå ëãàîø áôø÷ ùðéí àåçæéï (á''î ãó å:)


Question: Since if he did not give, he is not obligated to give, also now that he gave, it should be like if a Kohen seized [a Safek Bechor]. We take it from him, like it says in Bava Metzi'a (6b)!

(åäëà) [ö"ì îéäå äëà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ðéçà èôé ãàéï éåãò îîé ìäåöéà


Answer: Here it is better, for he does not know from whom to take (so he cannot take from either).

àáì ì÷îï ÷ùä èôé âáé îú áéåí ùìùéí ã÷àîø ø' ò÷éáà àí ðúï ìà éèåì åàí ìà ðúï ìà éúï


Question: Below it is more difficult, regarding a baby that died on day 30. R. Akiva says that if he gave, he does not take back. If he did not give, he does not give;

ãëéåï ãàí ìà ðúï ìà éúï äùúà ðîé ëùðúï ìéäåé ëú÷ôå ëäï


Since if he did not give, he does not give, also now that he gave, it should be as if a Kohen seized!

åé''ì ëéåï ãîúçìä ðåúï ìå áúåøú îúðåú ëäåðä àò''ô ùàç''ë ðúâìä ùàí ìà ðèì ìà äéä øàåé ìéèìå îñô÷ ìà àîøéðï îåöéàéï îéãå


Answer: Since initially, he gives to him due to Matanos Kehunah, even though afterwards it became revealed that if he did not receive, it was not proper to take amidst Safek, we do not say that we take it from him.

åëï ääåà ãáà áàîöò äçãù áñåó äùåàì (á''î ãó ÷á:) ãàò''â ãáúçìú äçãù ëåìå ìîùëéø ìà îãîéðï ìéä ìú÷ôå ëäï


Support: The same applies in Bava Metzi'a (102b, regarding a bathhouse rented for 12 Dinarim for the year, a Dinar per month). Even though at the beginning of the month, the entire month belongs to the landlord, we do not compare it to a Kohen who seized.


TOSFOS DH Im Nasno Ad she'Lo Chalko v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä àí ðúðå òã ùìà çì÷å ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why the argument needed to be taught twice.)

öøéê ùåí öøéëåúà àîàé ÷úðé áúøåééäå ôìåâúà ãø''î åøáé éäåãä:


Implied question: We need some Tzerichusa why it taught in both of them the argument of R. Meir and R. Yehudah (in the Mishnah on 48a, when twins became mixed, and here, when boys of two wives became mixed, and one of them previously gave birth).