[55a - 52 lines; 55b - 22 lines]

1)[line 15]àáèéìàåúAVTILA'OS- (O.F. contrede) provinces

2)[line 22]"åúàø äâáåì""V'SA'AR HA'GEVUL"- "and the border was drawn" (Yehoshua 18:14)

3)[line 23]äëúåá òùàå âáåì áôðé òöîåHA'KASUV ASA'O GEVUL BIFNEI ATZMO- the verse makes it a boundary by itself; that is, although Ever ha'Yarden is considered to be Eretz Yisrael, the Yarden River serves as a boundary with regard to Ma'asar Behemah, separating two flocks of animals

4)[line 35]îáéú éøçå åìîèäMI'BEIS YERICHO UL'MATAH- Tosfos understands this to mean from its source until Yericho

5a)[line 39]îòøú ôîééñME'ARAS PAMYAS (alt. PANYAS)- the cave of Pami'as (in which the Banyas spring, one of the main water sources of the Yarden River, originates). Pami'as is the name of an ancient city in the north-east of Eretz Yisrael which is known today as Banyas.

b)[line 39]áéîä ùì ñéáëéB'YAMAH SHEL SIVCHAI- in the Lake of Sivchai, the Chula Lake (apparently, this was the small lake that, until recently, was located to the north of the Kineret; the lake was dried in recent times because the area around it turned into swampland which bred malaria-infested mosquitoes, and it is now known as the Chula Valley)

c)[line 40]åáéîä ùì èáøéàUV'YAMAH SHEL TEVERYAH- and the Sea of Tiberias; i.e., Lake Kineret

6)[line 45]æëøåúéä ãéøãðàZACHRUSEI D'YARDENA- the source, chief supply of the Jordan


7)[line 1]òéðúà ãîéãìééïEINASA D'MIDALYAN- springs that are on a high altitude

8)[line 2]ñåìîé ãôøú ðéðäåSULAMEI D'PRAS NINHU- they rise up under the ground from the Euphrates like ladders

9)[line 4]äåà ôøú ãîòé÷øàHU PRAS D'MEI'IKARA- it is Euphrates, that is already mentioned previously without a name

10)[line 7]ùîéîéå ôøéí åøáéíSHE'MEIMAV PARIM V'RAVIM- its waters increase and multiply; that is, although the waters of all other rivers also increase and multiply, as Rebbi Meir asserts in the next line, nevertheless the name Peras is more appropriate to the Euphrates because (a) it is outstanding among rivers, and its waters increase even more than those of other rivers; (b) it causes the waters of all the other rivers in the world to increase (TOSFOS DH Mesaye'a)

11)[line 9]ðäøà îëéôéä îéáøéêNAHARA MI'KIPEI MIVRICH- a river's own underground source (lit. "from its rock") is what causes its water-level to periodically increase (and not an influx of rainwater)

12)[line 10]îéèøà áîòøáà ñäãà øáä ôøúMITRA B'MA'ARAVA SAHADA RABAH PERAS- the rise of the Euphrates is great testimony that rain has fallen in the vicinity of Eretz Yisrael

13)[line 12]ìáðàúéäL'VENA'ASEI- for his daughters

14a)[line 12]î÷åäMIKVAH- a Mikvah of rainwater

b)[line 12]îôöéMAFTZEI- mats