FLAX OF A CONVERT (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 8b)
תמן תנינן אם היה מחובר לקרקע ותלש כל שהוא קנה
A Mishnah: If the flax was attached to the ground and he picked a small part of it, he acquires it.
שמואל אמר לא קנה אלא מה שתלש.
Shmuel: He only acquires what he picked.
אמר רבי אבדומא נחותא בניכסי הגר אתאמר.
R. Avduma Nechusa: Shmuel was speaking about the property of a convert. (Since there is no-one giving it him, each part of the field is viewed as a separate piece of land that is not automatically acquired.)
רב חסדא אמר ר' יצחק בגין דלא תימר קשיא לשמואל את מר בניכסי הגר איתאמרת.
Question (Rav Chisda quoting R. Yitzchak): Just because you wished to avoid a question against Shmuel, must you force yourself to understand that it is the case of a convert?!