[39a - 29 lines; 39b - 25 lines]

1)[line 6]אמרו ליה, "לא אמרינן ליה"AMRU LEI, "LO AMRINAN LEI"- they (the witnesses, in front of whom the Me'ar'er made a Mecha'ah) said to him (the Me'ar'er), "We are not going to tell him (the Machzik)!"

2)[line 10]לא תיפוק לכו שותאLO SEIPUK LECHU SHUSA- "Do not let a word [of this Mecha'ah] get out (not to the Machzik and not to anyone else)!"

3)[line 14]כל מילתא דלא רמיא עליה דאיניש, אמר לה ולאו אדעתיהKOL MILSA D'LO RAMYA ALEI D'INISH, AMAR LAH V'LAV A'DA'ATEI- any matter in which a person does not have a vested interest (and does not have a direct command not to reveal), he will reveal to others without realizing it

4)[last line]כל מילתא דמתאמרא באפי תלתא, לית בה משום לישנא בישאKOL MILSA D'MIS'AMRA B'APEI TELASA, LEIS BAH MISHUM LISHNA BISHA (LASHON HA'RA)

The Torah forbids Lashon ha'Ra, making derogatory statements about others, whether they are true or not (Vayikra 19:16, see Erchin 16a et seq., the commentaries to Erchin ibid. and Chofetz Chayim by Rav Yisroel Meir ha'Kohen mi'Radin). In our Gemara, Rabah bar Rav Huna rules that any derogatory statement that is said in front of three people is no longer prohibited as Lashon ha'Ra (i.e. one is permitted to pass it on to the person about whom it is spoken). Once three people are told something, it is considered as if everyone knows about it. Rebbi Chiya bar Aba, citing Rebbi Yochanan, disagrees, ruling that even when two people know about it, it is as if the whole world knows.


5a)[line 9]סהדותאSAHADUSA- testimony

b)[line 10]גלויי מילתאGILUYEI MILSA- exposure of the matter

6)[line 19]תהי בה רבי יוחנןTAHI BAH REBBI YOCHANAN- Rebbi Yochanan wondered about and contemplated it (Bar Kapara's ruling)