BAVA BASRA 9 (28 Sivan) - Today's study material has been dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Hagaon Rav Yisroel Zev Gustman ZT"L (author of 'Kuntresei Shiurim') in honor of his Yahrzeit, by his Talmid Dr. Yehoshua Daniel.

[9a - 53 lines; 9b - 56 lines]

1)[line 1]ואתני עלהASNI ALAH- make a condition on it (to distribute the charity to whomever you see fit)

2)[line 3]אדעתא דידי אתיA'DA'ATA DIDI ASI- [they who come to give Tzedakah] come [and give money to me] on my discretion (to do with the money as I see fit)

3)[line 4]ולמאן דבעינא יהיבנא ליהUL'MAN D'VA'INA YAHIVNA LEI- and to whomever I want I will distribute the funds

4)[line 5]טבחיTABACHEI- slaughterers

5)[line 5]דעבדי עניינא בהדי הדדיD'AVDEI INYANA BA'HADEI HADADEI- who made a pact with each other

6)[line 6]נקרעוה למשכיהNIKRE'UHA L'MASHCHEI- they will rip the hide (of the animal that was slaughtered out of turn)

7)[line 13]לאו כל כמינייהו דמתנוLAV KOL KEMINAIHU D'MASNU- they do not have the right to make a pact (since it should have been done in the presence of the prominent person of the town)

8)[line 14]מחשביןMECHASHVIN- make a reckoning

9)[line 16]"וְלֹא יְחַשְּׁבוּ אֶת הָאֲנָשִׁים אֲשֶׁר יִתְּנוּ אֶת הַכֶּסֶף עַל יָדָם לָתֵת לְעוֹשֵׂי הַמְּלָאכָה, כִּי בֶאֱמוּנָה הֵם עוֹשִׂים""V'LO YECHASHEVU ES HA'ANASHIM ASHER YITENU ES HA'KESEF AL YADAM LASES L'OSEI HA'MELACHAH, KI VE'EMUNAH HEM OSIM"- "They did not make an accounting with the men into whose hand they gave the money to give to those doing the work, because they worked faithfully" (Melachim II 12:16).

10)[line 20]יצור וימנהYATZUR V'YIMNEH- he should wrap and count it (his money)

11)[line 20]"וַיָּצוּרוּ וַיִּמְנוּ""VA'YATZURU VA'YIMNU"- "[Whenever they saw that the money in the chest was abundant, the scribe of the king and the Kohen Gadol would go up] and they wrapped and counted [the money that was found in the house of HaSh-m]." (Melachim II 12:11)

12)[line 21]בודקין למזונותBODKIN LI'MEZONOS- we verify [the legitimacy of a person's appeal] for food

13)[line 23]קא מבזיKA MIVZI- he is disgraced (for lack of proper clothing)

14)[line 24]"הֲלוֹא פָרֹס לָרָעֵב לַחְמֶךָ, וַעֲנִיִּים מְרוּדִים תָּבִיא בָיִת; כִּי תִרְאֶה עָרֹם וְכִסִּיתוֹ, וּמִבְּשָׂרְךָ לֹא תִתְעַלָּם""HALO FAROS LA'RA'EV LACHMECHA, VA'ANIYIM MERUDIM TAVI VAYIS; KI SIR'EH AROM V'CHISISO, UMI'BESARCHA LO SIS'ALAM" - "Surely you should distribute your bread to the hungry, and bring the poor, who are cast out, into your house; when you see the naked, cover him, and do not hide yourself from your own flesh" (Yeshayah 58:7) (A GENUINE FAST)

(a)This verse is the Navi's answer to the people who had asked why their fasts were not being accepted. His answer was: What is the use of fasting and bowing one's head in mock humility, wearing sack-cloth and ashes, even as one indulges in squabbling?

(b)What HaSh-m wants, he explained to them, is that they rid themselves of their evil ways, stop harassing the poor, set free their servants and that they fulfill the requirements in the above verse. Then, as the Navi concludes in verse 9, HaSh-m will be happy to answer their prayers and heed their cries.

(c)Interestingly, all the Navi's complaints concerned sins Bein Adam la'Chaveiro (between HaSh-m and man). No mention is made of sins between man and G-d (of which there were plenty, including the three cardinal sins - idolatry, adultery, and murder).

15)[line 25]בשי''ן כתיבB'"SHIN" KESIV- it is written with the letter Shin (altering the meaning from "distribute" to "verify")

16)[line 25]פרוש, והדר הב ליהPEROSH, V'HADAR HAV LEI- first verify (that he is really in need), and then give to him

17)[line 32]וכדקרינןCHED'KARINAN- as it is read (i.e. we should understand the word according to how it sounds, and not how it is spelled)

18)[line 33]כשיראה לךKESH'YERA'EH LACH- when it appears to you (that he is not an imposter and is really in need of a handout)

19)[line 36]מככר בפונדיון מארבע סאין בסלעMI'KIKAR B'FUNDYON, ME'ARBA SE'IN B'SELA- from a loaf of bread that is sold for a Pundyon (a certain small coin), when the price of wheat is such that one Sela (a coin equal to 48 Pundyonin) could buy four Se'in (approx. 29, 33 or 58 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) of wheat. Chazal estimated that two meals could be eaten from this loaf (see Background to Bava Kama 34:11 for the equivalents of coins and amounts used in the Gemara).

20)[line 37]פרנסת לינהPARNASAS LINAH- provisions for sleeping

21a)[line 37]פוריאPURYA- a bed

b)[line 37]ובי סדיאU'BEI SADYA- a cushion

22)[line 37]שבתSHAVAS- if he (the poor person) spends Shabbos in the town

23)[line 38]מחזיר על הפתחיםMACHAZIR AL HA'PESACHIM- walking around [begging] from door to door

24)[line 38]אין נזקקין לוEIN NIZKAKIN LO- we are not required to help him (by giving him money from the communal charity fund)

25)[line 43]שלישית השקלSHELISHIS HA'SHEKEL- a third of a Shekel

26)[line 47]גדול הַמְּעַשֶּׂה יותר מן העושהGADOL HA'ME'ASEH YOSER MIN HA'OSEH- greater is the one who influences others [to do a Mitzvah, such as giving Tzedakah] than the one who actually does [the Mitzvah]

27)[line 47]"וְהָיָה מַעֲשֵׂה הַצְּדָקָה שָׁלוֹם, וַעֲבֹדַת הַצְּדָקָה הַשְׁקֵט וָבֶטַח עַד עוֹלָם""V'HAYAH MA'ASEH HA'TZEDAKAH SHALOM, VA'AVODAS HA'TZEDAKAH HASHKET VA'VETACH AD OLAM"- "And the deed of charity will be peace, and the act of charity [will result in] serenity and security forever" (Yeshayah 32:17) - The Gemara interprets the first words of this verse to mean, "And those who influence others on the matter of [giving] charity will have peace."

28)[line 47]"וְהֶעֱמַדְנוּ עָלֵינוּ מִצְוֹת לָתֵת עָלֵינוּ שְׁלִשִׁית הַשֶּׁקֶל בַּשָּׁנָה לַעֲבֹדַת בֵּית אֱלֹקֵינוּ""V'HE'EMADNU ALEINU MITZVOS LASES SHELISHIS HA'SHEKEL BA'SHANAH..." - "And we undertook a Mitzvah to give a third of a Shekel annually for the Avodah of the House of our G-d" (Nechemyah 10:33) (RAISING THE VALUE OF THE HALF-SHEKEL)

(a)The returnees from Galus took upon themselves to strengthen their commitment towards Torah and Mitzvos, including Shabbos and Shemitah.

(b)One of the Takanos they adopted in the realm of Kodshim was to give a third of a Shekel annually, over and above the half-Shekel that was already mandatory. The Malbim, citing a verse in Melachim I (7:26), explains that they had just raised the value of the Shekel, so that what they were really giving was an additional half-Shekel.

29)[line 49]ועניים מרודים תביא ביתVA'ANIYIM MERUDIM TAVI VAYIS- and you will bring home the Roman Empire (who are always shouting (the translation of Merudim - O.F. conpleinient), "Give us [more taxes]!" "We need [more money]!")

30)[line 50]במטותא מנייכוB'MATUSA MINAICHU- I beg of you

31)[line 50]עוּשׂוּ בהדי הדדיUSU BAHADEI HADADEI- influence one another [to give Tzedakah]

32)[line 52]ונוטלין בזרועV'NOTLIN BI'ZERO'A- and they take by force [the money that you should have given to charity]

33)[last line]"וְנוֹגְשַׂיִךְ צְדָקָה""V'NOGSAYICH TZEDAKAH"- "[And I will place your appointed officials for peace,] and your governors for righteousness" (Yeshayah 60:17) - The Gemara interprets this verse as saying, "[The moneys that] your oppressors [take] are considered Tzedakah."

34)[last line]אישתעי ליISHTA'I LI- he told me

35)[last line]ע ולא משגש ארחתיה דאימיהULA MESHAGESH ORCHOSEI D'IMEI- the child that corrupted the path of his mother (as the Gemara later explains)


36)[line 2]"וַיִּלְבַּשׁ צְדָקָה כַּשִּׁרְיָן""VA'YILBASH TZEDAKAH KA'SHIRYAN"- "He wore righteousness (Tzedakah) like a suit of armor" (Yeshayah 59:17).

37)[line 3]כל קליפה וקליפה מצטרפתKOL KELIPAH U'KELIPAH MITZTAREFES- each and every scale (O.F. maille) combines [to make an entire suit of armor]

38)[line 6]"וּכְבֶגֶד עִדִּים כָּל צִדְקֹתֵינוּ""UCH'BEGED IDIM KOL TZIDKOSEINU"- "And like a soiled garment is all of our righteousness (Tzedakah)" (Yeshayah 64:5).

39)[line 7]כל נימא ונימאKOL NIMA V'NIMA- each and every thread

40)[line 11]למצורע בימי ספורוMETZORA B'YMEI SIFURO - a Metzora during his days of counting (METZORA: YEMEI SEFIRO)

(a)THE PROCESS BY WHICH A METZORA BECOMES TAHOR - On the day that a Metzora is healed from his Tzara'as, he takes two kosher birds (Tziporei Metzora), a piece of cedar, some crimson wool and a hyssop branch. One of the birds is slaughtered over fresh spring water in a clay bowl. A Kohen dips the other bird, along with the other articles, into the spring water that is mixed with the blood and sprinkles it seven times on the Metzora. The living bird is sent away towards the fields. Both birds are Asur b'Hana'ah, but the Isur is removed from the living bird after it is sent off to the fields.

(b)The Metzora next shaves with a razor all places on his body that have a collection of hair and that are exposed, and immerses in a Mikvah. He is now considered Tahor to the extent that he may enter a settlement, but marital relations are forbidden (Moed Katan 7b). He counts seven days (Yemei Sefiro), and on the seventh day he again shaves and immerses. He is now completely Tahor, but is still a Mechusar Kaparah until he brings his Korbanos. (See Background to Nedarim 35:9. For a description of the Korbanos that the Metzora brings on the eighth day, see Background to Nazir 39:26:c-e.)

41)[line 13]טומאה בחבוריםTUM'AH B'CHIBURIM- Tum'ah that is transferred to what is attached to it (in this case, the clothes that the person is wearing)

42)[line 14]הסיט נבילהHESIT NEVEILAH - to move or carry a carcass of an animal that was not properly slaughtered (NEVEILAH)

A Neveilah is a carcass of an animal that died without a Halachic slaughtering. The Torah states, "You shall not eat anything that dies by itself (Neveilah). You shall give it to the stranger who is in your gates, that he may eat it, or you may sell it to a Nochri, for you are a holy people to HaSh-m, your Elokim" (Devarim 14:21). The flesh of a Neveilah is prohibited to be eaten, and a k'Zayis or more of a Neveilah makes a person or object Tamei through Maga (contact) and Masa (carrying). If a person carries a k'Zayis of Neveilah, both he and the clothing he is wearing at the time receive the status of Rishon L'Tumah.

43)[line 15]שרץSHERETZ (TUM'AS SHERETZ)

A dead Sheretz (a crawling pest - see Background to Shabbos 107:5), even if it is only the size of an Adashah (lentil bean), is an Av ha'Tum'ah. It makes a person or object Tamei through Maga (contact), whether the Sheretz was touched willingly or unwillingly. The person who becomes Tamei by touching a Sheretz may not eat Terumah or Kodshim. However, he can immediately immerse in a Mikvah. After nightfall he becomes Tahor and may eat Terumah or Kodshim.

44)[line 18]שכבת זרעSHICHVAS ZERA- semen; it is considered an Av ha'Tum'ah and causes clothing or even a person to become Tamei through contact

45)[line 21]אהדר ליה בבדיחותאAHADER LEI BI'VEDICHUSA- he responded to him jokingly (that Rav Sheshes was not able to give a clear response)

46)[line 22]חלש דעתיה דרב ששתCHALASH DA'ATEI D'RAV SHESHES- Rav Sheshes felt upset, dejected

47)[line 23]אישתיק רב אחדבויISHTIK RAV ACHDEVOY- Rav Achdevoy became mute

48)[line 23]ואתיקר תלמודיהV'ISYAKAR TALMUDEI- and he forgot everything he learned

49)[line 26]חזי להני חדייCHAZI L'HANEI CHADYEI- look at these breasts

50)[line 26]דמצית מינייהוD'MATZIS MINAIHU- from which you nursed (according to the RASHBAM, this was the mother of Rav Sheshes. According to RABEINU CHANANEL, this was the mother of Rav Achdevoy, who had been the nursemaid of Rav Sheshes; see Daf-Discuss)

51)[line 27]ואיתסיV'ITSI- and he was healed

52)[line 29]בימי חלוטוBI'YEMEI CHALUTO - and the days when a Metzora is decisively Tamei (METZORA MUSGAR / METZORA MUCHLAT)

(a)When a person develops a mark that looks like Tzara'as, a Kohen must ascertain whether or not it is a Nega Tzara'as. If it is indeed a Nega Tzara'as, the Kohen tentatively pronounces him Tamei for one or two weeks, making him a Metzora Musgar. The Kohen returns after a week to see what changes, if any, occurred to the mark. If the Kohen confirms the Tum'ah of the Metzora due to the appearance of Simanei Tum'ah in the mark, the Kohen pronounces him a Metzora Muchlat. A Metzora Muchlat remains Tamei until his Simanei Tum'ah go away.

(b)The names and colors of four types of marks that make a person a Metzora are:

1.Baheres, which is the color of snow;

2.Se'es, which is the color of clean, white newborn lamb's wool;

3.Sapachas of Baheres, which is the color of the plaster used to whitewash the Beis ha'Mikdash;

4.Sapachas of Se'es, which is the color of the white membrane found on the inside of an egg.

(c)On the day that a Metzora is healed from his Tzara'as, he takes two kosher birds (Tziporei Metzora), a piece of cedar, some crimson wool and a hyssop branch. One of the birds is slaughtered over fresh spring water in a clay bowl. A Kohen dips the other bird, along with the other articles, into the spring water that is mixed with the blood and sprinkles it seven times on the Metzora. The living bird is sent away towards the fields. Both birds are Asur b'Hana'ah, but the Isur is removed from the living bird after it is sent off to the fields.

(d)The Metzora next shaves with a razor all places on his body that have a collection of hair and that are exposed, and immerses in a Mikvah. He is now considered Tahor to the extent that he may enter a settlement, but marital relations are forbidden (Moed Katan 7b). He counts seven days (Yemei Sefiro), and on the seventh day he again shaves and immerses. He is now completely Tahor, but is still a Mechusar Kaparah until he brings his Korbanos. (See Background to Nedarim 35:9. For a description of the Korbanos that the Metzora brings on the eighth day, see Background to Nazir 39:26:c-e.)

53)[line 32]"כִּי יָגוֹרְתִּי מִפְּנֵי הָאַף וְהַחֵמָה""KI YAGORTI MIPNEI HA'AF VEHA'CHEMAH"- "For I was terrified of the anger and the wrath" (Devarim 9:19).

54)[line 34]"מַתָּן בַּסֵּתֶר יְכְפֶּה אָף, [וְשֹׁחַד בַּחֵיק חֵמָה עַזָּה]""MATAN BA'SESER YICHPEH AF, [V'SHOCHAD BA'CHEK CHEMAH AZAH]"- "An anonymous gift will cover up anger, [and an unseen bribe [will appease] strong wrath]" (Mishlei 21:14).

55)[line 37]אע''פ ששוחד בחיקAF AL PI SHE'SHOCHAD B'CHEIK- even though a bribe is given discreetly (this bribe is referring to money given to charity)

56)[line 41]והמפייסו בדבריםHA'MEFAISO BI'DEVARIM- he who appeases him with words

57)[line 45]"וְתָפֵק לָרָעֵב נַפְשֶׁךָ, וְנֶפֶשׁ נַעֲנָה תַּשְׂבִּיעַ; וְזָרַח בַּחֹשֶׁךְ אוֹרֶךָ, וַאֲפֵלָתְךָ כַּצָּהֳרָיִם""V'SAFEK LA'RA'EV NAFSHECHA, V'NEFESH NA'ANAH TASBI'A; V'ZARACH BA'CHOSHECH ORECHA, VA'AFELASCHA KA'TZAHARAYIM"- "[And if you] offer your soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; your light will shine forth in the darkness, and your darkness will be like the noon" (Yeshayah 58:10).

58)[line 49]ממציא לו מעותMAMTZI LO MA'OS- makes money available to him

59)[line 52]"וְאַתָּה ה', יָדַעְתָּ אֶת כָּל עֲצָתָם עָלַי לַמָּוֶת, אַל תְּכַפֵּר עַל עֲוֹנָם וְחַטָּאתָם מִלְּפָנֶיךָ אַל תֶּמְחִי; וְיִהְיוּ מֻכְשָׁלִים לְפָנֶיךָ, בְּעֵת אַפְּךָ עֲשֵׂה בָהֶם""V'ATAH HASH-M, YADATA ES KOL ATZASAM ALAI LA'MAVES, AL TECHAPER AL AVONAM V'CHATASAM MI'LEFANECHA AL TEMCHI; V'YIHEYU MUCHSHALIM LEFANECHA, B'ES APECHA ASEH BAHEM" - "And now HaSh-m, You know all their plans against me to kill me, do not pardon their sin and may it not be erased from before You; may they be caused to stumble before You, at the time of Your anger act against them" (Yirmeyahu 18:23) (YIRMEYAHU'S PRAYER AGAINST HIS ENEMIES)

(a)Following one of his numerous prophesies, warning of the impending destruction of Yerushalayim and the punishments that awaited its inhabitants if they failed to repent, Yirmeyahu's detractors planned to kill him. They claimed that his demise would be no big loss to the people, as there were other Kohanim who would teach them Torah, other wise men who would advise them when they needed it, and other prophets, who would not issue such harsh prophesies.

(b)Aware of all this, Yirmeyahu condemned their ingratitude towards him, bearing in mind all the occasions that he had prayed to HaSh-m to save them from His evil decrees. They constantly repaid his kindness with plans to kill him, repaying good with evil.

(c)Therefore, he asked G-d to let their children starve, and to let them die by the sword, and the young men fall in battle; their wives would become widows and bereaved of their children at one and the same time.

60)[last line]בעלי אגדהBA'ALEI AGADAH- masters of Agadah (homiletic, non-Halachic parts of Torah)

61)[last line]דכתיב "יִמְצָא חַיִּים"DI'CHSIV, "YIMTZA CHAYIM"- Regarding wisdom, the verse states, "For he who finds me, finds life..." (Mishlei 8:35).