

תוספות ד"ה בשלמא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos argues with Rashi regarding Shmuel's position, and the nature of his question on Rav.)

קסבר נותן טעם לפגם מותר לפום ריהטא משמע שאותם שאסרו קודם ר' יהודה כגון תלמידי שמאי והלל סוברין נותן טעם לפגם אסור ואתא ר' יהודה נשיאה וסבר מותר ושמואל סבר כוותיה שהיה מחזיק דברי רבי שמלאי


Opinion#1: He (Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah) holds that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam (if a prohibited matter only adds a negative taste to a permitted dish), it is permitted. This seems to mean that those that forbade oil of Nochrim before Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah, such as the students of Shamai and Hillel, hold that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is forbidden. Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah who held it was permitted therefore permitted the oil. Shmuel agrees with his opinion, as he agreed with the words of Rebbi Simlai.

ולקמן נמי פ"ה (דף סז.) גבי חומץ אשר שם לתוך הגריסין פסיק שמואל הכי הלכתא נותן טעם לפגם מותר


Opinion#1 (cont.): Later (67a), as well, regarding vinegar that was put in ground beans, Shmuel ruled that the law is that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is permitted.

ולקמן בפירקין (דף לח:) גבי מישחא שליקא סתם התלמוד אי משום גיעולי עובדי כוכבים נותן טעם לפגם הוא


Opinion#1 (cont.): Later (38b), the Gemara says without comment regarding cooked oil that if one would suggest the problem is that it was cooked by Nochrim (in their pots which have been used to cook unkosher food), there is no problem as it is Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam (as their pots are presumed to be Aino Ben Yomo)!

ודקדק ר"י היאך באו לחלוק על רבותינו שמאי והלל בדין נותן טעם לפגם להתירו נהי דשמן יכול להיות שמותר מטעם שלא פשט ואין רוב הצבור יכולין לעמוד בשאר דברים היאך הותר


Question#1: The Ri pointed out, how can these Amoraim argue on our Rabbis Shamai and Hillel that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam should be permitted? While it is possible to say that oil should be permitted because the decree did not become widespread and most of the public could not abide by it (and it therefore was not a real decree), how can we permit anything else (that was deemed halachically forbidden)?

ועוד קשיא אי ס"ל לתנא דמתני' דנותן טעם לפגם אסור תקשי הא דאמר לקמן (דף לט:) גבי דבש למאי ניחוש אי משום גיעולי עובדי כוכבים נותן טעם לפגם הוא ומה בכך הא תנא דמתני' מיסר קא אסר


Question#2: There is another difficulty. If the Tana of our Mishnah holds that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is forbidden, we should ask a question from the Gemara later (39b) concerning honey. The Gemara asks, what should we suspect? If we should suspect that it was cooked by Nochrim, there is no problem as it is Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam! Why should this make a difference (in understanding our Mishnah)? The Tana of our Mishnah forbids Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam!

לכך נראה לר"י דשמואל נמי ס"ל דכי גזור ב"ש וב"ה על השמן משום חתנות גזור ומיהו משום דלא שייך בה חתנות כ"כ כמו ביין הוצרך להם סעד בזליפתן של כלים אסורין אע"ג דאינהו סבירא להו בעלמא נותן טעם לפגם מותר


Opinion#2: The Ri therefore states that Shmuel also holds that when Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel decreed that oil should be forbidden, they did so due to a suspicion that this would cause intermarriage. However, being that olive oil does not promote intermarriage as much as wine, they needed a (i.e. an additional) secondary reason that the oil was in pots which contained prohibited foods. This is despite the fact that Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel in fact hold that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is permitted.

וכן סובר שמואל שמכח שני הטעמים גזרו אע"פ שאין די בכל אחד לבדו והיינו דקא"ל שמואל לרב בשלמא לדידי דאמינא דגזירת שמן לא היתה קדמונית מימי דניאל אלא שמאי והלל גזור מטעמי דפרישית ניחא דיכול להיות שהתיר ר' יהודה הנשיא כמו שמפרש התלמוד בסמוך דלא פשט איסורו וגם הטעמים לא נראו לו כי אין טעם חתנות טוב כל כך ועוד דנותן טעם לפגם מותר


Opinion#2 (cont.): Shmuel also holds that due to these two reasons together they made the decree, even though each one alone was not reason enough. Shmuel's question to Rav is as follows. My position, that the decree regarding oil was not from the days of Daniel but rather from the time of Shamai and Hillel due to the reasons stated above, is understandable. This is because Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah could have permitted this, as the Gemara states he did later, because the prohibition had not spread. The reasons also did not seem to him to be valid, as the reason of intermarriage is not a strong reason to forbid olive oil. Additionally, we in fact hold that Nosen Ta'am l'Fgam is permitted!

אלא לדידך דאמרת דניאל גזר עליו היאך היה יכול רבי יהודה הנשיא לבטלה דכיון שכתובה היא בתורה פשיטא הוא דפשט איסורו בכל ישראל


Opinion#2 (cont.): However, according to you (Rav), Daniel made this decree. How could Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah nullify this decree? If its source is in a Pasuk, it is obvious that the decree already was kept amongst (most of) Bnei Yisrael!

ועוד כי שמאי והלל שהיו אחריו יותר משלש מאות שנה שבאו והוסיפו עליו לגזור אף בשדה כמו שמפרש בסמוך א"כ משמע דגזירתו פשטה מיהא בעיר


Opinion#2 (cont.): Additionally, Shamai and Hillel lived more than three hundred years after Daniel. Rav states that while Daniel decreed that this applied in cities, Shamai and Hillel added that this should even apply in the fields, as explained later in the Gemara. If so, this implies that the decree had clearly been accepted practice in the fields! (This was Shmuel's question to Rav.)



תוספות ד"ה אשר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that the proper text of the Mishnah is Rebbi Yehudah Ha'Nasi, referring to Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah.)

פרשב"ם דהאי פת לאו פת ממש הוא דלישתמע מהכא דדניאל גזר על הפת אלא לפתן הוא והוצאת המלך הוא ריפוש"א בלע"ז


Explanation: The Rashbam explains that the bread mentioned here is not actually bread, meaning that we cannot deduce from here that Daniel made a decree on the bread of Nochrim as well. Rather, it refers to (some say cooked) food that was from the king's house, known as Rifusha [in Old French].

וכן ממקרא מוכיח דכתיב (דניאל א) ויהי המלצר נושא את פת בגם ונותן להם זרעונים ואין לומר שהיה נוטל פתן והיו אוכלים זרעונים בלא פת


Explanation (cont.): This is also apparent from the Pasuk that says, "And the waiter carried away their bread and gave them seeds." One cannot say that he took away their actual bread and that they would eat seeds without bread! (It must be that bread refers to the main food served by the king, not actual bread.)

במתני' כתב רשב"ם בשם רש"י דלא גרס רבי דר' יהודה הנשיא בר בריה ובית דינו התירוהו


Text: In the Mishnah (35b), the Rasham writes in the name of Rashi that we do not have the text mentioning Rebbi. This is because Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah, who was Rebbi's son's son, and his Beis Din permitted oil.

וחכמי דורו קבעו דבר זה במשנה שסדר רבי זקנו כי הוא היה בנו של ר"ג הנזכר במס' אבות (פ"ב מ"ב) ר"ג בנו של ר' יהודה הנשיא אומר יפה ת"ת כו'


Text (cont.): The scholars of his generation inserted this fact into the Mishnayos that his grandfather had edited, being that he was the son of Rabban Gamliel who was mentioned in Avos (2:3). The Mishnah there states, "Rabban Gamliel, the son of Rebbi Yehudah ha'Nasi says that Talmud Torah is nice etc."

ואותו רבי יהודה הנשיא הנזכר כאן הוא ר' יהודה נשיאה שהיה בימי האמוראים אלא בלשון משנה וברייתא קורא אותו הנשיא ובלשון אמורא קורא אותו נשיאה


Observation: This Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah mentioned here is the Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah who is mentioned in the times of the Amoraim. However, when he is mentioned in the language of the Mishnah and Beraisa they called him Ha'Nasi. In the language of Amoraim, they called him Nesi'ah.

ור' יהודה הביא ירושלמי רבי ובית דינו התירו את השמן בשלשה מקומות רבי יהודה הנשיא ורבותינו התירו בגיטין ובשמן ובסנדל


Implied Question: Rabeinu Yehudah pointed out that the Yerushalmi (here 2:8) states that Rebbi and his Beis Din permitted oil. In three areas Rebbi Yehudah Ha'Nasi and our Rabbis permitted: In Gitin (see 37a), oil, and sandals (see Nidah 25b). (This indicates that this Rebbi permitted oil, not Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah!)

ונראה לו שיש שם טעות סופר דקפריך וליקרו ליה ב"ד שריא שכל ב"ד המתיר ג' דברים נקרא ב"ד שריא ודחי א"ר יודן בר' ישמעאל בית דינו חלוק עליו בגיטין פירוש ואין זה מתיר ג' דברים


Answer: Rabeinu Yehudah understands that there must be a mistake in the text. This is because the Yerushalmi asks, why don't we call this a permissive Beis Din? Every Beis Din that permits three things is called a permissive Beis Din! Rebbi Yudan the son of Rebbi Yishmael answers that his Beis Din argued upon his ruling regarding (the leniency of) Gitin. This means that he did not effectively permit three things.

ואם הוא היה רבינו הקדוש א"כ היה לו למנות עוד אחרת שהתיר כדאמר בפרק קמא דחולין (דף ו:) דהתיר רבי בית שאן דבירושלמי דדמאי נמי איתא


Answer (cont.): If the Yerushalmi was discussing Rabeinu ha'Kadosh, it should have mentioned that he permitted something else as well! This is because in Chulin (6b), the Gemara states that Rebbi permitted Beis Shan (that it did not have the holiness of Eretz Yisrael and its produce could therefore be eaten without taking Terumos and Ma'aseros). This is also stated in the Yerushalmi in Dmai (2:1).

לכך נראה לו דגרס התם ר' יהודה הנשיא והוא ר' יהודה נשיאה


Answer (cont.): This is why it appears to Rabeinu Yehudah that the correct text in the Yerushalmi is Rebbi Yehudah Ha'Nasi, meaning Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah.

עוד כתוב שם בירושלמי רב יצחק בר שמואל בר מרתא נחת לנציבין אשכח לר' שמלאי הדרומי יתיב ודריש רבי ובית דינו התירו את השמן שמואל קבל עליו ואכל רב לא אכל א"ל שמואל לרב אכול או אנא כתיב עלך זקן ממרא א"ל עד דאנא תמן אנא ידע מאן ערער עליה שמלאי הדרומי א"ל אפשר מה דאמר בשם גרמיה לא בשם רבי ובית דינו אטרח עליה ואכל


Observation: The Yerushalmi (here 2:8) also relates that Rav Yitzchak bar Shmuel bar Marta went to Netzivin. He found Rebbi Simlai Ha'Dromi who was sitting and teaching that Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah (see Seder Yaakov that this must be the correct text) and his Beis Dn permitted oil. Shmuel accepted this and ate such oil, while Rav did not. Shmuel said to Rav, "Eat (oil) or I will write about you that you are a Zaken Mamrei!" Rav replied, "When I went to Eretz Yisrael I found out who was saying it was permitted to eat oil. It was Simlai Ha'Dromi." Shmuel replied, "Do you think he is saying this based on his own opinion? He is saying this based on Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah and his Beis Din!" Shmuel persisted, and Rav ate from the oil.



תוספות ד"ה ושמן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara did not ask that Daniel was not the source of forbidding Nochri wine.)

ה"נ ה"מ למפרך איין


Implied Question: The Gemara could have asked about (Daniel being the source for the decree against Nochri) wine. (Why didn't it ask this question?)

אלא משום דאשמן קאי נקטיה


Answer: Being that it is discussing oil, it only asked about oil.



תוספות ד"ה ורבי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara's question is also according to Shmuel.)

פרשב"ם דפריך בין לרב בין לשמואל דשמואל נמי מודי דמי"ח דבר הם


Explanation: The Rashbam explains that this question is both according to Rav and Shmuel. Shmuel also admits that this is part of the eighteen things. (See Avodah Berurah for different explanations of this Tosfos.)



תוספות ד"ה והתנן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how Shmuel could have thought he could annul Pruzbul.)

תימה בפרק השולח (גיטין לו: ושם ד"ה אלא) גבי פרוזבול דאמר שמואל האי פרוזבול עולבנא דדייני הוא אי איישר חיילי אבטליניה ומסיק אי איישר חיילי יותר מהלל


Question: This is difficult. In Gitin (36b) regarding a Pruzbul, Shmuel states that a Pruzbul is a brazen act by the judges, and if I had the power to abolish it, I would! The Gemara concludes that Shmuel meant that if he had more power than Hillel, he would have abolished it.

והיכי דמי אי פשטה תקנת פרוזבול אפילו היה גדול אין יכול לבטלו ואם לא פשטה א"כ למה לי איישר חיילי הרי ר' יהודה נשיאה התיר שמן אע"פ שהיה קטן מאותו טעם דלא פשט איסורו


Question (cont.): What would be the case? If Bnei Yisrael had already accepted Pruzbul, even if he was bigger than Hillel he could not repeal this custom! If it had not spread, why did he need to have more power than Hillel? Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah permitted oil even though he did not have as much power than those who previously forbade it, being that it was not widely accepted!

וי"ל דהכא נמי מטעם דלא פשט גרידא לא התיר אם לא היה ג"כ טעם דאין רוב הצבור יכולין לעמוד אבל פרוזבול נהי דלא פשט מ"מ רוב הצבור יכולין לעמוד בו


Answer#1: Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah did not permit oil for the sole reason that it was not widely accepted. It was also because most of the public could not abide by it. However, regarding Pruzbul, even though it was not widely practiced, most of the public would be able to abide by it.

מ"מ קשה דדבר תימה הוא היאך לא פשט מאחר שהוא ריוח המלוים


Question: However, this is difficult, as it is strange to say that Pruzbul was not widely practiced when it is clearly a benefit for the lenders! (Why wouldn't every lender make a Pruzbul, as is indeed common practice today?)

לכך נראה דודאי פרוזבול פשט


Answer#2: It therefore appears that Pruzbul was clearly widely practiced.

ודקשיא לך אפי' גדול היאך יכול לבטל ודאי בי"ח דבר דוקא אמר באם יבא אליהו ויאמר אין שומעין וכמו שמפורש בירושלמי הטעם מפני שעמדה להם בנפשותיהם


Answer#2 (cont.): The difficulty regarding how he could have nullified this decree even if he had the power is answered by the following rule. Only regarding the eighteen things do we say that if Eliyahu comes to say that they should be repealed, we do not listen to him. The reason for this is as the Yerushalmi states, because they put themselves in danger (to institute them, see below).

כך דקדק הרב רבי אלחנן מתוך גירסת הספרים שמצא בספרים ישנים דקאמר האמר רב משרשיא מה טעם כו' משמע שמשם מתחיל התירוץ


Answer#2 (cont.): This was deduced by Rebbi Elchanan from the text of the Sefarim, as he found that in the old Sefarim it said, didn't Rav Mesharshiya say what is the reason etc.? This implies Rav Mesharshiya (who mentions the eighteen things in the Yerushalmi) is starting to say an answer (and is not part of the question, as Tosfos thought until now).

וה"פ דשמעתין ור' יהודה נשיאה היכי אלים למישרי כו' והתנן אין בית דין כו' ועוד אפילו הוא גדול אינו יכול לבטל בי"ח דבר ולא הוצרך לפרש הטעם כי פשוט הוא


Answer#2 (cont.): This is the meaning (i.e. flow) of the Yerushalmi. It asks, how did Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah have the power...doesn't the Mishnah say that a Beis Din...Additionally, even if he was bigger, he cannot nullify one of the eighteen things. The Yerushalmi did not have to explain why (this is especially so by the eighteen things), as this is obvious (that they put themselves in danger to institute them).

ומשני האמר רב משרשיא מה טעם לפי שפשט ולפיכך ב"ד גדול נמי אינו יכול לבטל ושמן לא פשט לכך אפי' עמדו בנפשותיהם קטן יכול לבטל


Answer#2 (cont.): The Yerushalmi answers that Rav Mesharshiya said, what is the reason why the eighteen things cannot be nullified? It is because they have already spread amongst Bnei Yisrael. This is why even a bigger Beis Din would not be able to nullify it. This is as opposed to the decree of oil, that had not yet spread. This is why anyone could nullify the decree of oil, even though they had put themselves in danger.

וסמכו על דברי רבן שמעון בן גמליאל דאין גוזרין כו' ולפיכך הותר אף בב"ד קטן אבל ודאי שאר דברים אף כי פשטו יכול ב"ד גדול לבטל


Answer#2 (cont.): They relied on Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel's words that a decree cannot be instituted for the pulic unless etc. This is why it was able to be permitted even by a smaller Beis Din. However, other decrees, even if they had already spread they can be nullified by a bigger Beis Din.

ולפיכך גבי פרוזבול אמר שמואל דאי איישר חיילי מהלל אבטליניה ואע"פ שפשט


Answer#2 (cont.): Therefore, regarding Pruzbul we find that Shmuel says that if I would have more power than Hillel, I would nullify it, even though it had already spread.

והילך הירושלמי דפרק קמא דשבת א"ר בון אמר רב יהודה בשם שמואל ל"ש אלא חוץ לי"ח דבר אבל בי"ח דבר אפילו גדול אינו מבטל מפני שעמדה להם בנפשותיהם פירוש ממה שנעצו חרב בבית המדרש


Answer#2 (cont.): Here are the words of the Yerushalmi (which support this answer) in the first chapter of Shabbos. Rebbi Boon says in the name of Rav Yehudah in the name of Shmuel that we only learned this applies to everything besides the eighteen things. However, regarding the eighteen things, even a greater person could not abolish them, as they they put themselves in danger to institute them. This is because they stuck a sword in the Beis Hamedrash (and said that whoever wants to come in may do so, but nobody is allowed to leave, implying that they would be killed by sword if they tried to do so).




תוספות ד"ה אי איכא

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the decree stands, but it can be nullified.)

פי' אינה חלה כשאר גזירות ויכולה להתבטל אף בב"ד קטן


Explanation: It does not take effect like other decrees and can be nullified, even by a smaller Beis Din.

מיהו חלה היא לענין שצריכה שום היתר


Explanation (cont): However, it does take effect insofar as that it needs to be declared permitted.

שהרי שמן נהגו בו איסור עד שבא רבי יהודה והתירו


Proof: This is evident from the fact that the (official, though seemingly not widespread in practice) custom was that oil was forbidden, until Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah permitted it (which is why he had to permit it).



תוספות ד"ה גזרו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the decree that Nochri women were born Nidos was one of two similar decrees made at the time.)

וגם על בנות כותים גזרו ושתי גזירות הוו ותרוייהו צריכי כמו שפי' בפ"ק דשבת (טז:)


Observation: They also made this decree on the daughters of Kusim. These were two different decrees, and both were necessary, as explained in Shabbos (16b).



תוספות ד"ה דכתיב

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara is actually referring to the second half of this Pasuk.)

אסיפא דקרא סמיך דכתיב ובתו לא תקח לבנך דאילו לאו דלא תתחתן מיירי בגיורת כדאמרינן בהערל (יבמות עו.)


Explanation: The Gemara relies on the last part of the Pasuk (that a Jew cannot marry a gentile) which states, "And his daughter you should not take for your son." The prohibition of Lo Sischaten is referring to a convert, as stated in Yevamos (76a).

וכי האי גוונא פי' הר"ר אלחנן בפרק הערל (שם עט.) גבי בני שאול שהוקעו דפריך והכתיב לא יומתו אבות על בנים וע"כ אסיפא דקרא סמיך דכתיב איש בחטאו יומתו אבל רישיה דקרא מוקמי ליה (בסנהדרין דף כז:) בעדות אב על הבן [וע"ע תוס' כתובות כט. סד"ה אלו]


Explanation (cont.): Similarly, Rabeinu Elchanan explained the Gemara in Yevamos (79a) in this fashion. Regarding the sons of Shaul that were hung the Gemara asks, "Doesn't the Pasuk say, The fathers should not be killed for the sins of the sons?" This must be relying on the second part of the Pasuk which says, "A man will die for his sin." However, the first part of the Pasuk is established is Sanhedrin (27b) to be teaching that a father cannot give testimony for a son. [See also Tosfos in Kesuvos 29a, DH "Eilu."]



תוספות ד"ה כי יסיר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the assumed position of Rebbi Shimon.)

ע"כ הך דרשא לא קיימא אלא אבתו לא תקח לבנך דסליק מיניה דאילו שאר עובדי כוכבים בגירותן שרו


Explanation: It must be that this teaching is only referring to the previous Pasuk, "His daughter you should not take for your son." Other Nochrim who convert can be married by regular Jews.

ולר"ש דאסר פי' רשב"ם


Question: According to Rebbi Shimon, how can all Nochrim who convert be forbidden to marry Jews?! (The Maharsha explains that Tosfos means that "Ki Yasir" cannot be referring to the Pasuk, "Lo Sischaten." This would mean according to Rebbi Shimon that just as one cannot marry the seven nations even after they convert, so too one cannot marry any convert. However, we know one can marry a convert who is not from the seven nations!) This (all of Tosfos until now) was stated by the Rashbam.

הך דר"ש ליתא בכולהו תנאי אלא משום דשמעינן ליה לר"ש דדריש טעמא דקרא אם כן כי יסיר קרא יתירא הוא דכי נמי לא כתיב דרשינן האי טעמא מנפשיה [ועי' תוס' קידושין סח: ד"ה הניחא וכו']


Observation: We never see Rebbi Shimon quoted as making this statement. Rather, being that we know that Rebbi Shimon understands the parameters of a law based on its reason, it must be that the Pasuk, "When he will turn away" is an extra Pasuk (teaching us that one may not even marry a non-Jewish woman who is not from the seven nations and is not an idolater). The reason that "Ki Yasir" must be teaching this is because even if it would not be said, this reason (not to marry any non-Jewish woman who is into idolatry, even if she is not part of the seven nations) would be obvious. [See also Tosfos in Kidushin 68b, DH "Hanicha."]



תוספות ד"ה משום נשג"ז

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Torah status of Zonah, and whether or not there is Ishus for a Nochri.)

פירוש כהן הבא עליה חייב משום זונה


Explanation: This means that a Kohen who has relations with her is liable to be punished due to his being with a Zonah.

ומפ' בפ' הנשרפין (סנהדרין דף פב.) ואידך דאמר משום נשג"א קסבר נשייהו לא מפקרי בזנות ומשום הכי לא מחייב משום זונה


Observation: The Gemara in Sanhedrin (82a) explains that the opinion that says one is liable for Nashga (Ishus, instead of Zonah) holds they do not make their women ownerless as far as allowing them to have promiscuous relations. This is why they cannot be liable for Zonah.

והקשה הרב רבי משה מפושטוי"ש דאמר הכא בבית דין של חשמונאי גזרו בעובדת כוכבים משום זונה ותנן בפרק הבא ביבמות (דף סא:) וחכ"א אין זונה אלא גיורת או משוחררת ושנבעלה בעילת זנות וזו היא זונה האמורה בתורה ומפרש טעמא לפי שבאין עליה בנכריותה אלמא בעובד' כוכבים שייך זנות


Question: Rebbi Moshe from Fostoish asked that our Gemara says that the Beis Din of the Chashmonaim decreed that a non-Jewish woman has the status of a Zonah. The Mishnah says in Yevamos (61b) that the Chachamim say that a Zonah (according to Torah law, which says that a Kohen may not be with a Zonah) is only a convert, freed slave, or someone who had illicit relations. This is the Zonah stated in the Torah. The Gemara explains that this is because Nochrim had relations with her when she was a Nochris. This implies that it is possible that a non-Jewish is called a Zonah (according to Torah law)! (Why did the Beis Din of the Chasmonaim have to make this decree?)

ויש לדחות דהתם בגיורת שאני משום דהשתא היא בת קיחה וקיימא באיסור חללה וזונה לא יקח אבל בעובדת כוכבים דלית בה קיחה ליה בה משום זונה לא יקח


Answer: One can push this aside by saying that a convert is different, as she is now someone who can have Kidushin, and is therefore included in the Torah's prohibition that a Kohen cannot marry a Chalalah or Zonah. However, a Jew has no Kidushin in a Nochris, and therefore a Nochris cannot be who the Torah is talking about when it prohibits a Kohen from marrying a Zonah.

ולא משום חילול זרעו שאינו מתייחס אחריהן


Answer (cont.): It also cannot be who the Torah is discussing when it says regarding a Kohen, "And he will not make his children mundane" as if he has children with a Nochris they are not even (halachically) considered his children!

אכן קשה דאמרינן פרק כל האסורין (תמורה דף כט: ושם ד"ה ורבא) אמר אביי כהן הבא על העובדת כוכבים (אפי' א"א) אינו לוקה ורבא אמר לוקה אלמא מדאורייתא הוא מלקי עלה משום זונה ואפילו בעובדת כוכבים


Question#1: However, there is a difficulty. The Gemara says in Temurah (29b) that Abaye says that if a Kohen has relations with a Nochris he does not receive lashes. Rava says that he does receive lashes. This indicates that according to Torah law, Rava holds he receives lashes due to the prohibition of Zonah, even when she is a Nochris!

ואמר בפרק עשרה יוחסין (קידושין דף עח.) דפליגי רבי אלעזר בר יעקב ור' יהודה ור' יוסי ור' שמעון בגיורת לכהן ואפילו ר' שמעון לא שרי אלא בנתגיירה פחותה מבת ג' שנזרעו בתוליה בישראל אבל בעובדת כוכבים ודאי שייך זונה


Question#2: The Gemara in Kidushin (78a) says that Rebbi Elazar bar Yakov, Rebbi Yehudah, Rebbi Yosi, and Rebbi Shimon argue regarding a convert marrying a Kohen. Even Rebbi Shimon only permits her to marry a Kohen if she converted when she was less than three, being that her Besulim grew back when she was a Jew. However, the Gemara indicates that an older Nochris is certainly classified as a Zonah!

וי"ל דההיא דרבא דתמורה וכן ההיא דפ' י' יוחסין וההיא דיבמות דמשמע דבעובדת כוכבים שייך זונה היינו ודאי ליאסר לכהן ואף הכהן לוקה עליה כבעולה ודאי


Answer: Rava's opinion in Temurah (ibid.), the Gemara in Kidushin (ibid.), and the Gemara in Yevamos (ibid.) that imply that a Nochris is forbidden to a Kohen by Torah law and receives lashes for having relations with her is only when she has definitely had relations before. (This explanation is based on the text of the Bach in Tosfos. His text is supported by Tosfos in Sanhedrin 82a, DH "v'Idach.")

ואביי דפליג ואמר אינו לוקה היינו משום דקסבר דהא דמתסרא עובדת כוכבים זונה לכהן מדאורייתא לאו משום זונה דכתיב בקרא מתסרא אלא מגזרת הכתוב דכתיב בתולה מעמיו ולא גיורת ולאו הבא מכלל עשה עשה ולהכי לא לקי


Answer (cont.): Abaye argues that the Kohen does not receive lashes because he holds that a Nochris Zonah who is forbidden to a Kohen according to Torah law is not forbidden because of the Pasuk prohibiting a Zonah, but rather because of the Pasuk states, "a Besulah from his nation" (Vayikra 21:14) excluding a convert. This is a negative prohibition implied by a positive prohibition, which does not warrant lashes. (The Mahari Shapira explains that Tosfos must be referring to a Pasuk in Yechezkel, "Only Besulos from the seed of the house of Israel" (44:22). He cannot be referring to "a Besulah from his nation" as this Pasuk is referring to a positive commandment that only applies to a Kohen Gadol.)

והך גזירה דב"ד של חשמונאי הוי בסתם עובדת כוכבים שאין ידוע לנו שנבעלה דמספיקא לא לקי ואפי' לרבא


Answer (cont.): The decree of the Beis Din of the Chashmonaim is regarding a Nochris whom we are unsure whether or not he had relations. We will not give a Jew who has relations with her lashes, being that we are in doubt (about her status), even according to Rava.

ומיהו לרבין גזרו חכמים לחייבו משום זונה ולרב דימי נשייהו לא מפקרי הלכך משום זונה לא גזרו


Answer (cont.): However, according to Rabin the Chachamim decreed to make him liable for Zonah, and according to Rav Dimi they do not let their wives have promiscuous relations. Therefore, they did not make a decree that she is a Zonah.

ומפ' נמי התם בפ' הנשרפין מ"ד נשג"ז לא אמר נשג"א דאישות ליה להו


Observation: The Gemara also states in Sanhedrin (ibid.) that the opinion that says Nashgaz did not say Nashga, as they do not have a status of being married.

וק' דהא מצרכינן בפ"ק דקידושין (דף כא:) גבי יפת תואר אשת לרבות א"א אלמא איכא בהו אישות


Question: This is difficult, as the Gemara in Kidushin (21b) understands that the Pasuk "Eishes" stated by the Torah regarding Yefas Toar was in order to even permit a Nochri woman who was married. This clearly indicates that Nochrim are considered married!

וי"ל דודאי עשה מיהא איכא ולכך הוצרך לרבות אשת איש


Answer: There is clearly a Mitzvas Asei that Nochrim who are married are considered halachically married (and therefore a Jew who has promiscuous relations with a married Nochris, besides for transgressing Nashgaz also transgresses a Mitzvas Asei of "v'Davak b'Ishto"). This is why we require "Eishes" regarding Yefas Toar to permit Yefas Toar even if she is an Eishes Ish. (However, she is not considered married like Jews, which also have negative prohibitions regarding married women. Accordingly, when this opinion says they do not have Ishus, he means that there was no need to make a decree due to Ishus, as there is already a Torah prohibition.)

והא דדרשינן בפ' ד' מיתות (סנהדרין דף נב:) אשר ינאף אשת רעהו פרט לאשת אחרים פי' עובד כוכבים אלמא לא שייך בהו אישות כלל


Implied Question: The Gemara teaches in Sanhedrin (52b), "Asher Yinaf Es Eishes Rei'eihu" excludes the wife of "others." Others refers to Nochrim. This implies that they have no status of marriage whatsoever!

היינו לענין חיוב מיתה


Answer: This only refers to no punishment of death (for a Jew who has relations with a Nochris who is married to a Nochris).

והא דאמרינן (בריש) [בירושלמי בפ'] אין עומדין י' באו על הזונה ראשון קנאה ואחרים חייבים עליה משום אשת איש הדא אמר בעילה קונה בבני נח


Implied Question: The Yerushalmi states in Kidushin (1:1, see Yefei Einaim here) that if ten people had relations with a Zonah, the first one acquired her, and the others were liable for having relations with a married woman. The Gemara says that relations acquire for a Nochri. (This implies that they are liable to be killed. Additionally, it implies that the other nine are liable even though she is acting as a Zonah, not as his wife.)

היינו דוקא גבי בני נח אבל בישראל אינו חייב בעשה אלא בעולת בעל ואשתו גמורה


Answer: This is specifically regarding Nochrim (with Nochri women). However, for a Jew to be liable for transgressing the positive command not to have relations with a married Nochri woman, she must have had relations with someone and be his full fledged wife.



תוספות ד"ה צער

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that all of these people lived in the time of Rebbi.)

מדאמרינן ופלוני אצל פלוני משמע שכולם היו בדור אחד וכולם בימי רבי


Observation: Being that Rebbi Zeira says that each was by the other, the implication is that they all lived in the same generation during the time of Rebbi.