[75a - 33 lines; 75b - 57 lines]

1a)[line 3]ברטיבתאRETIVTA- moist (the pit of the winepress is still moist with the wine of the Nochri, and thus ashes must be used first to dry the area before it can be cleaned)

b)[line 3]ביבשתאYABESHTA- dry (and water should be used first)

2)[line 3]איתמר בי רב משמיה דרבITMAR BEI RAV MI'SHEMEI D'RAV- it was said in the Yeshiva of Rav, in the name of Rav

3)[line 4]תרתי תלת / תלת ארבעהTARTEI TELAS / TELAS ARBA'AH- two, three / three, four. Rav and Shmuel argue about how many processes are needed when cleaning a winepress purchased from a Nochri. Rav says that two processes (ashes, water) are necessary for a moist winepress, while three processes (water, ashes, water) are necessary for a dry one. Shmuel counts three processes (ashes, water, ashes) that are necessary for a moist winepress, and four processes (water, ashes, water, ashes) that are necessary for a dry one. (RASHI, 1st explanation - See Chart.)

4a)[line 5]בסורא מתנו הכיB'SURA MASNU HACHI- in the Yeshiva of Sura, they learned [the Machlokes between Rav and Shmuel] thusly (as just described)

b)[line 6]בפומבדיתא מתנוB'PUMBEDISA MASNU- in Pumbedisa, they learned (as follows)

5)[line 10]גורגי דארמאיGORGEI D'ARAMA'EI- (a) (O.F. redorte) a kind of lattice work, belonging to Nochrim, made of poles interwoven with thin branches or reeds, which covers and keeps together the olives or grapes beneath the press (RASHI); (b) a box-like, flexible woven basket, belonging to Nochrim, made of thin branches or palm leaves, used as a receptacle in an olive press (RAV HAI GA'ON, cited by Rashi)

6)[line 11]ובית בדיוBEIS BADAV- his olive press

7)[line 12]הדפיןDAPIN- the boards placed over the pile of grapes or olives being pressed

8)[line 12]והעדשיןADASHIN- (O.F. mait) the press itself, where the grapes or olives are placed

9)[line 12]והלולביןLULAVIN- (a) (O.F. escove) [twigs used as] brooms, brushes (RASHI); (b) the two posts supporting the beams of the press (ARUCH)

10)[line 13]מדיחןMADICHAN- one must wash them them (with water, and this is sufficient to remove any traces of non-Kosher wine)

11)[line 13]והעקליןAKALIN- see above, entry #5

12)[line 13]נצריןNETZARIN- thin branches (see above, entry #5)

13)[line 13]בצבוץBATZBUTZ- (O.F. chenevaz) hemp (cannabis), a tall Asiatic herb with tough fiber that is used for making cloth, floor covering, and cords

14)[line 14]שיפהSHIFAH- (O.F. paveil) a kind of rush (a marsh or water-side plant with a slender, tapering, pith-filled stem)

15)[line 14]גמיGEMI- (O.F. jonc) reed-grass, bulrush

16)[line 14]מישנן י"ב חדשMEYASHNAN 12 CHODESH- one must age them (leave them unused) for twelve months

17)[line 16]היינו תנא קמא!HAINU TANA KAMA!- that is the same as the first Tana! (That is, the Tana Kama says that one must leave these items unused for twelve months, while Raban Shimon ben Gamliel says that one must leave them from one pressing season until the next, which, presumably, is also a period of twelve months)

18)[line 16]חורפיCHURFEI- early (when the following year's pressing season comes early, there are less than twelve months from season to season)

19)[line 16]ואפליAFELEI- late (when the following year's pressing season comes late, there are more than twelve months from season to season)

20a)[line 17]מגעילן ברותחיןMAG'ILAN B'ROSCHIN- he may immerse them in boiling water

b)[line 18]חולטן במי זיתיםCHOLTAN B'MEI ZEISIM- (O.F. eschalder) he may scald them in the liquid that emerges from olives when they are cooked

21)[line 19]צינורTZINOR- a pipe

22)[line 20]מקלחיןMEKALCHIN- pouring forth

23)[line 20]במעיןMA'AYAN- a wellspring

24)[line 20]שמימיו רודפיןSHE'MEIMAV RODFIN- (O.F. rabdes) whose water gushes rapidly

25)[line 21]עונהONAH- time period

26)[line 22]כלפי לייא?!KELAPEI LAYA?!- Towards which direction is it turning? (The opposite would be reasonable!)

27a)[line 28]בתקופת ניסן ותשריTEKUFAS NISAN V'TISHREI- [days during] the seasons of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes (when the length of the day and the length of the night are the same)

b)[line 29]בתקופת תמוז וטבתTEKUFAS TAMUZ V'TEVES- [days during] the seasons of the summer and winter solstices (when the nights are very short and the days are very long, or when the nights are very long and the days very short)

28)[line 30]רווקי דארמאיRAVAKEI D'ARAMA'EI- straining bags of Nochrim

29a)[line 30]דמזיאD'MAZYA- made of human hair

b)[line 31]דעמראD'AMRA- made of wool

c)[line 31]דכיתנאD'CHISNA- made of linen

30)[line 32]קטריKITREI- knots

31)[line 32]שרי להוSHARI LEHU- untie them (so that any wine absorbed in them will come out)

32)[line 32]דקוליDEKULEI- baskets

33)[line 32]וחלאתאCHEL'ASA- a wine-strainer

34)[last line](דחיטי) [דחייטי] בחבלי דצוריD'CHAITEI B'CHAVLEI D'TZUREI- that are woven with ropes made of peeled palm leaves


35)[line 1]דצבתאTZAVSA- (O.F. lesche) [that are woven with ropes made of] carex (sedge) twigs, a type of grass-like herb

36)[line 2]עם הארץAM HA'ARETZ- an unlearned person who is not careful to remain Tahor

37)[line 3]באשכולותESHKOLOS- a cluster of grapes

38)[line 4]וכל סביבותיוKOL SEVIVOSAV- all of its surrounding area (the grapes and wine that are adjacent to the cluster that the Am ha'Aretz touched)

39)[line 8]שרץSHERETZ

(a)A dead Sheretz (a crawling pest - see Background to Shabbos 107:5), even if it or a part of it is only the size of an Adashah (lentil bean), is an Av ha'Tum'ah (Vayikra 11:29-38, Chagigah 11a). It makes a person or object Tamei through Maga (contact), whether the Sheretz was touched willingly or unwillingly.

(b)The person who becomes Tamei by touching a Sheretz may not eat Terumah or Kodshim or enter the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash. However, he can immediately immerse in a Mikvah. After nightfall he becomes Tahor and may eat Terumah or Kodshim or enter the Azarah.

40)[line 8]ברחיםRECHAYIM- the crushing stone used to grind olives before placing them in the press

41)[line 10]לא מפסק ולא מידיLO MAFSAK V'LO MIDI- there is nothing intervening [between the Sheretz and all of the olives and oil in the crushing stone, as the liquid joins them together and transfers the Tum'ah to everything there]

42)[line 10]הכא מפסקי אשכולותHACHA MAFSEKEI ESHKOLOS- here, the clusters of grapes separate [the source of the Tum'ah from the other grapes]

43)[line 15]את שדרכו להטבילES SHE'DARKO L'HATBIL- that type of utensil whose normal manner [of purification] is to immerse it in a Mikvah (that is, such a utensil was used only for cold items, and thus it suffices to immerse it in a Mikvah)

44)[line 15]יטבילYATBIL- he shall immerse it in a Mikvah.

45)[line 16]יגעילYAG'IL - he shall immerse it in boiling water (HAG'ALAH)

(a)"Hag'alah" entails immersing the utensil into boiling water.

(b)Through this process, the prohibited substance that entered the walls of the utensil through boiling will be expelled through boiling.

46)[line 16]ילבן באוּרYELABEN B'UR - he shall heat it in fire (LIBUN)

(a)"Libun" entails "whitening" the utensil with the heat of a flame.

(b)Through this process, the prohibited substance absorbed in the utensil is burnt up.

47a)[line 16]השפודSHEPUD- a spit (skewer)

b)[line 17]והאסכלאASKELAH- (O.F. gradil) grill

48)[line 17]שָׁפָהּSHAFAH- (O.F. limer) file it

49)[line 20]"כָּל דָּבָר אֲשֶׁר יָבֹא בָאֵשׁ תַּעֲבִירוּ בָאֵשׁ וְטָהֵר, [אַךְ] בְּמֵי נִדָּה [יִתְחַטָּא...]""KOL DAVAR ASHER YAVO VA'ESH TA'AVIRU VA'ESH V'TAHER, [ACH] B'MEI NIDAH [YISCHATA...]"- "Every thing that comes into fire, you shall make it go through fire, and it shall be Tahor, [Nevertheless, it shall be purified] with the water of sprinkling..." (Bamidbar 31:23) - This verse refers to Hechsher Kelim, purifying utensils from the forbidden matter that has entered into their walls. Our Sugya brings this verse as the source that utensils obtained from a Nochri to be used with food must also be immersed in a Mikvah.

50)[line 23]הזאה שלישי ושביעיHAZA'AH SHELISHI U'SHEVI'I - sprinkling on the third and seventh days (TUM'AS MES)

(a)If a person became Tamei through touching a Mes or an object that was Tamei with Tum'as Mes, or by carrying or being in the same room as a Mes, he must wait seven days to become Tahor. On the third and seventh days, the person or object must have spring water mixed with the ashes of the Parah Adumah (Mei Chatas, see Background to Avodah Zarah 46:19) sprinkled on him. A person who is Tahor dips into the mixture three Ezov branches that have been bound together, and sprinkles on the person or object that is Tamei. After the mixture is sprinkled on him on the seventh day, he immerses in a Mikvah in order to complete his Taharah. (Bamidbar 19:17-19)

(b)The Gemara here asks that perhaps such a procedure is necessary for the purification of utensils purchased from Nochrim.

51)[line 24]חלקCHALAK- [the word "Ach" in the verse] divides/differentiates

52)[line 25]ארבעים סאהARBA'IM SE'AH - 40 Se'ah of water. (MEASUREMENTS OF VOLUME)

(a)The Gemara uses the following measures:

1.1 Eifah = 3 Se'in

2.1 Se'ah = 6 Kabim

3.1 Kav = 4 Lugim

4.1 Log = 6 Beitzim

5.1 Beitzah = approximately 0.0576 liters or 0.1 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions

6.40 Se'ah = approximately 331.7 liters or 576 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions

53)[line 27][ב]כל דהו[B']KOL DEHU- in any amount (even in a Mikvah that is lacking 40 Se'ah)

54)[line 29]הערב שמש כנדהHE'EREV SHEMESH K'NIDAH- [I would have thought that even after Tevilah,] the setting of the sun [would be necessary for the utensils to become permitted], just like [it is necessary for a woman who was Temei'ah with Tum'as] Nidah (to allow her eat Terumah or Kodshim or enter the Mikdash)

55)[line 30]לאלתרL'ALTAR- right away

56)[line 34]זוזא דסרבלאZUZA D'SARBELA- scissors used for cutting strips of wool

57)[line 36]בלקוחיןLEKUCHIN- utensils that are purchased

58)[line 36]וכמעשה שהיהUCH'MA'ASEH SHE'HAYAH- and like the incident that occurred (when the Jews took possession of the utensils of Midyan - Bamidbar 31:1-54, esp. 21-23)

59)[line 37]שאוליןSHE'ULIN- borrowed

60)[line 38]מנא דמרדאMANA D'MARDA- a utensil made of earth and cattle dung

61a)[line 41]כלי מתכותKLEI MATACHOS- metal utensils. This refers to a utensil made from one of the six types of metals listed in the Torah (Bamidbar 31:22): gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and lead. (See Insights to Avodah Zarah 75b.)

b)[line 42]כלי זכוכיתKLEI ZECHUCHIS- glass utensils

62)[line 43]קוניאKUNYA- (O.F. plumer) (a) earthenware utensils that are covered with lead (RASHI); (b) earthenware utensils that are covered with glass (ARUCH, cited by RABEINU TAM in TOSFOS to Kesuvos 107b, and the ROSH to Pesachim 20b)

63)[line 46]משכנתאMASHKANTA- an item given as collateral for a loan

64)[line 46]אבא, משכן ליה עובד כוכבים כסא דכספאABA, MISHKEN LEI OVED KOCHAVIM KASA D'CHASPA- a Nochri gave as collateral a silver goblet to my father

65)[line 48]דדעתיה לשקועיהD'DA'ATEI LI'SHEKU'EI- that his intention was to forfeit it

66)[line 50]צונןTZONEN- cold food or liquid

67a)[line 50]כוסותKOSOS- cups

b)[line 50]וקתוניותKITONIYOS- flasks

c)[line 50]וצלוחיותTZELOCHIYOS- bottles with a wide belly and a narrow neck

68)[line 51]חמיןCHAMIN- hot food or liquid

69a)[line 51]היורותYOROS- cauldrons

b)[line 51]הקומקמוסוןKUMKEMUSON- kettles

c)[line 52]ומחמי חמיןMECHAMEI CHAMIN- hot-water boilers

70)[line 52]האוּרUR- flame

71)[line 56]גיעולי עובדי כוכביםGI'ULEI OVDEI KOCHAVIM- the prohibited food items of idolaters (the taste of which is absorbed in their utensils, and thus a Jew may not eat any food cooked in those utensils)

72)[last line]קדירה בת יומאKEDEIRAH BAS YOMA- a pot that was used to cook non-kosher food that same day