[43a - 50 lines; 43b - 37 lines]
1)[line 7]דמות מניקהDEMUS MENIKAH- a form of a nursing woman
2)[line 7]וסר אפיסSAR APIS- and the form of the ruler who looked after the world
3)[line 10]גריואGERIVA- a Geriva is a measure of volume equal to a Se'ah (1 Se'ah = approximately 7.2, 8.29, or 14.4 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions); i.e. the image of a man holding a large measure of grain for distribution
4)[line 12]ציציןTZITZIN- fins or hairs
5)[line 12]בין פרקיוBEIN PERAKAV- between its joints
6)[line 20]סטרוSITRO- he hit him on the jaw
7)[line 23]בטיב של עבודת כוכביםB'TIV SHEL AVODAS KOCHAVIM- [he can nullify the Avodah Zarah only if he is proficient] in the nature of idolatry
8)[line 28]הנמרNAMER- a leopard
9)[line 29]ומזוטו של יםMI'ZUTO SHEL YAM- the edge of the sea that is covered with water in high tide
10)[line 29]ומשלוליתו של נהרSHELULISO SHEL NAHAR- the edge of a river that is flooded when the river swells
11)[line 30]בסרטיאSERATYA- a wide street
12)[line 30]ופלטיא גדולהPELATYA GEDOLAH- a wide, open plaza in a city where people gather for business
13)[line 38]בטבלאB'TAVLA- on a board
14)[line 44]היכלHEICHAL- the sanctuary
15)[line 44]אכסדרהACHSADRAH- a covered porch (open on at least one side)
16)[line 44]אולםULAM- the entrance hall to the Heichal
17)[line 44]עזרהAZARAH- the inner courtyard of the Beis ha'Mikdash
18)[line 48]שפודין של ברזלSHEPUDIN SHEL BARZEL- [the Menorah the Chashmona'im made was comprised of] skewers of iron, covered in tin (see Tosfos to Menachos 28b, DH Shepudim)
19)[line 48]בבעץB'BA'ATZ- with tin
20)[line 1]בדמות ארבע פנים בהדי הדדיB'DEMUS ARBA PANIM B'HADEI HADADEI- in the form of those that have four faces together. This refers to a type of angel known as the Chayos ha'Kodesh, who support the Heavenly Throne. See below, entry #23.
21)[line 9]אופניםOFANIM- see below, entry #23:c.
22)[line 9]ושרפיםSERAFIM- fiery angels
23)[line 10]וחיות הקדשCHAYOS HA'KODESH - the Fearful Beings of the Holy Sanctuary
(a)At the time of the destruction of the first Beis ha'Mikdash, the Shechinah (the presence of HaSh-m) departed from its dwelling place above the Keruvim in the Kodesh ha'Kodashim. At that time, Yechezkel ha'Navi was shown the Ma'aseh ha'Merkavah - the vision of HaSh-m's chariot - for a second time.
(b)Yechezkel saw the throne of HaSh-m supported by four Chayos (angels referred to as "Keruvim"). Each Chayah had the body of a man, and four wings. "And each one had four faces; one face was that of a Keruv, the second face that of a man, the third face that of a lion, and the fourth face that of an eagle" (Yechezkel 10:14). The first time that Yechezkel had seen this vision, the first face of each Chayah was that of an ox. At Yechezkel's behest, HaSh-m changed it to that of a Keruv.
(c)Beside each Chayah was an Ofan - an angel shaped like a wheel (hence the name, "Ofan"). The Ofanim were full of eyes, and they moved together with the Chayos, rolling in whichever direction the Chayos turned without turning around. Additionally, when the Chayos flapped their wings and rose into the air, the Ofanim rose with them. According to the RAMBAM there are ten levels of angels. The most exalted of the angels are the Chayos ha'Kodesh and below them are the Ofanim. The angels of the sixth level are called Mal'achim (see Hilchos Yesodei ha'Torah 2:7).
24)[line 10]ומלאכי השרתMAL'ACHEI HA'SHARES- ministering angels
25)[line 13]ומזלותMAZALOS- constellations
26)[line 15]שילשול קטןSHILSHUL KATAN- a small worm (i.e. the smallest of HaSh-m's creations)
27)[line 18]וגבעותGEVA'OS- hills
28)[line 33]השיריןSHEIRIM- bracelets; brooches (O.F. nosche - Moed Katan 12b)
29)[line 34]הקומקמסיןKUMKEMASIN- the pots