[a - 35 lines; b - 52 lines]

1)[line 5]לארגוליL'ARGULEI- [the nine year old boy knows how] to seduce someone to sin

2a)[line 6]מסתמיך ואזיל רי יהודה הנשיאMISTAMICH V'AZIL- he was leaning and walking

b)[line 6]אכתפיהA'KASFEI- on the shoulders of

c)[line 7]שמעיהSHAM'EI- his attendant

3)[line 8]אמשEMESH- yesterday

4)[line 11]אייל קמצאAYAL KAMTZA- a type of locust

5)[line 11]דכןDACHAN- Tahor, i.e. Kosher

6)[line 11]משקה בית מטבחיאMASHKEH BEIS MITBECHAYA- the water that was used and the blood that was found in the slaughtering-area of the Azarah

7)[line 12]ועל דיקרב למיתא מסאבV'AL DI'YEKAREV L'MISA MESA'EV- and that one who touches a corpse becomes Tamei

8)[line 17]זמנו של שטר מוכיח עליוZEMANO SHEL SHTAR MOCHI'ACH ALAV- the date of a document proves from when it goes into effect (and as such, it does not need the phrase, "from this day")

9)[line 19]כל סייעתוKOL SIYATO- all of his colleagues

10)[line 24]מניינאMINYANA- [you were in that] court (lit. count)

11)[line 25]מנרתיקהLECHESHE'TETZEI CHAMAH MI'NARTIKAH- (lit. when the sun comes out of its sheath) when the sun comes up

12)[line 28]כל האומר על מנת כאומר מעכשיו דמיKOL HA'OMER AL MENAS K'OMER ME'ACHSHAV DAMI

(a)It is possible to make a condition ("Tenai") in all Kinyanim (acquisitions; the word Kinyan connotes a change of ownership or status, such as sales, gifts, Gitin and Kidushin) such that the Kinyan will not take effect unless one or both of the parties involved fulfill the specified condition.

(b)A person may specify that the Kinyan will take place retroactively upon fulfillment of the Tenai, or that it should only take effect at the time that the Tenai is fulfilled. If he does not specify either way, and he uses the formulation "Im" ("if") in his Tenai, the Kinyan will only take effect at the time that the Tenai is fulfilled. However, if the person uses the formulation "Al Menas" ("on the condition that..."), Rebbi maintains that the person intends for the Kinyan to take effect retroactively upon fulfillment of the condition.

13)[line 33]שושיבאSHOSHIVA- a type of grasshopper that has a long head

14)[line 34]סוסבילSUSBIL- a type of grasshopper


15)[line 2]חופיןCHOFIN- they cover

16)[line 19]דיקרב בדיקרבDI'YEKAREV BEDI'YEKAREV- one who touched one who touched a corpse

17)[line 34]בוקי סריקיLO TEISLU BEI BUKEI SERIKEI B'RAV NACHMAN- (lit. do not suspend empty bottles from Rav Nachman) do not attribute empty statements to Rav Nachman


(a)When there is a doubt as to whether an object is Tahor or Tamei, if the object is found in Reshus ha'Rabim the object is Tahor. If it is found in a private, concealed place, it is judged to be Tamei.

(b)This is learned from the case of the Sotah woman. In the case of a Sotah, where only two people were present at the time that there arose a question as to her status, she is judged Teme'ah/culpable and is prohibited to her husband. Similarly, whenever there are only two people present (i.e. a Reshus ha'Yachid l'Tum'ah), if a doubt arises regarding the status of a person or an object, he or it is judged to be Tamei. Whenever more than two people frequent a certain area, it is a Reshus ha'Rabim l'Tum'ah. If a doubt arises regarding the status of a person or an object, he or it is judged to be Tahor.

19)[line 38]הלכה ואון מורין כןHALACHAH V'EIN MORIN KEN- this is the Halachah, but if an individual asks this question (even a Talmid Chacham) we do not give him this ruling. If someone acts in accordance with this ruling, we need not correct him.

20)[line 43]מיא בשיקעתא דבנהראMAYA B'SHIK'ASA DEB'NAHARA- water in the depths of the river

21)[line 48]קליותKELAYOS- parched grain

22)[line 51]והסלתותVEHA'SELASOS- and the fine flour