[63a - 55 lines; 63b - 53 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 63a [line 25]:

The words "Kad Havina bar Tamnei Serei Shenin v'Havah" כד הוינא בר תמני סרי שנין והוה

should be "Kad Havina bar Tamnei Serei Shenin Havah" כד הוינא בר תמני סרי שנין הוה

(Oxford manuscript)


1)[line 1]יין חרדליYAYIN CHARDALI- (a) a dark red wine, i.e. a woman with a dark complexion (RASHI); (b) an ugly woman (ARUCH)

2)[line 1]מסב רחבMASAV RACHAV- a wide couch, i.e. a large woman

3)[line 4]קינמוןKINAMON- (a) fragrant cinnamon, the dried bark of the cinnamon tree, cultivated mainly in Ceylon; (b) aloeswood or lignum aloes, which grow in the East Indies and tropical Southeast Asia. (There are indications that they used to grow in the Holy Land.)

4)[line 4]ריחן נודףREICHAN NODEF- their fragrance would waft

5)[line 6]גזאי דצימצמאי מלכתאGAZA'EI D'TZIMTZEMA'I MALKESA- (a) the treasures of Queen Tzimtzema'i (RASHI); (b) it is set aside in a king's storehouse with which the queen alone may adorn herself (the word "Metzamtzem" means "Mekashet" — to adorning oneself, as explained by the Pesikta d'Rav Kahana) (MAHARSHA, citing the ARUCH)

6)[line 7]סייףSAYIF- a sword

7)[line 7]קשתKESHES- a bow

8)[line 7]תריסTERIS- a shield

9)[line 7]אלהALAH- a club

10)[line 8]רומחROMACH- a spear

11)[line 9]"וכתתו...""V'CHITESU..."- "And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks" (Yeshayah 2:4).

12)[line 10]ביריתBIRIS- a metal ring worn around the thigh to hold up leggings. It does not receive Tum'ah because it is not directly useful to people. It is a utensil that serves a utensil (the leggings). The Sages did not worry that a woman would take it off to show her friends since she would thereby uncover her leg, an unthinkable embarrassment.

13)[line 11]כבליםKEVALIM- two Biris rings attached by a chain

14)[line 11]קולפאKULFA- (O.F. macugue) club, mace

15)[line 14]אשרגא בטיהראA'SHERAGA B'TIHARA- That is, the beauty of wearing weapons is that the weapons show a person's power and confidence. In the times of Mashi'ach, a display of power will be totally unnecessary (since everyone will be perfectly safe without any weapons) just as a torch is unnecessary and useless in the light of day. Therefore, weapons will lose their beauty.

16)[line 16]שיעבוד גליותSHIBUD GALUYOS- the oppression and subjugation of the people of Yisrael by the nations of the world, due to the Diaspora

17)[line 16]מסייע ליה לרבי חייא בר אבאMESAYEI'A LEI L'REBBI CHIYA- The Rabanan of the first Beraisa support the statement of Rebbi Chiya bar Aba (which contradicts Shmuel's statement).

18)[line 23]"חגור חרבך על ירך גבור הודך והדרך""CHAGOR CHARBECHA AL YARECH, GIBOR HODECHA VA'HADARECHA"- "Gird your sword upon your thigh, O mighty one, it is your majesty and splendor" (Tehilim 45:4).

19)[line 25]הוה גמירנאHAVAH GAMIRNA- I had learned

20)[line 27]ליגמר איניש והדר ליסברLIGMAR INISH V'HADAR LISBAR- one should first learn the simple meaning of Shas and then go over it and try to understand its deeper meanings

21)[line 27]סימן זרותSIMAN ZARUS- The Dikdukei Sofrim #70 is not Gores these two words, and they are indeed ambiguous. There are those who say that it is a mnemonic for:

1.Rebbi Elazar,

2.Reish Lakish,

3.v'Salmideihem (those who quoted the teachings in their names)

22)[line 28]המחדדין זה לזה בהלכהHA'MECHADEDIN ZEH LA'ZEH B'HALACHAH- that sharpen one another when learning Halachah (to attain the correct Halachah)

23)[line 28]מצליח להםMATZLI'ACH LAHEM- makes them successful

24)[line 28]"והדרך צלח רכב על דבר אמת וענוה צדק ותורך נוראות ימינך""VA'HADARCHA TZLACH RECHAV AL DEVAR EMES V'ANVAH TZEDEK, V'SORECHA NORA'OS YEMINECHA"- "And this is your splendor: gain success, ride high on truthfulness and righteous humility, may it guide you to awesome deeds with your right hand" (Tehilim 45:5) - The Sages describe the great deed and the rewards alluded to in this verse.

25)[line 30]הגיס דעתוHEGIS DA'ATO- if he became haughty

26)[line 32]בימינה של תורהB'YEMINAH SHEL TORAH- they will merit the things that are promised to those who learn Torah in the correct fashion, as described in the verse, "Orech Yamim b'Yeminah" (Mishlei 3:16), according to the teaching of Rava bar Rav Shila

27a)[line 35]למיימינין בהL'MAIMININ BAH- (a) for those who learn it to the best of their ability; (b) those who learn Lishmah. (For a thorough explanation of the meaning ofTorah Lishmah, see Nefesh ha'Chayim, Sha'ar Revi'i.)

b)[line 36]למשמאילים בהL'MASME'ILIM BAH- (a) for those who learn it with less than their full capability; (b) those who learn she'Lo Lishmah

28)[line 37]הנוחין זה לזה בהלכהHA'NOCHIN ZEH LA'ZEH B'HALACHAH- (a) who learn Halachah with each other in a pleasant manner; (b) who lead each other while learning together to understand the Halachah correctly

29)[line 38]"אז נדברו...""AZ NIDBERU..."- "Then those who fear HaSh-m spoke to one another, and HaSh-m hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared HaSh-m, and took heed of his name" (Malachi 3:16) - In this verse, the word "Nidberu" refers to speaking.

30)[line 39]"ידבר עמים תחתינו...""YADBER AMIM TACHTENU…"- "He subdues nations under our dominion and kingdoms beneath our feet" (Tehilim 47:4) - In this verse, the word "Yadber" refers to (a) pleasantness and humility or (b) subduing.

31)[line 41]כמאמרהK'MA'AMARAH- exactly as stated

32)[line 43]"באשר דבר מלך שלטון...""BA'ASHER DEVAR MELECH SHILTON..."- "Since a king's word has authority, who would dare say to him, 'What are you doing?'" (Koheles 8:4) - Since the next verse states that one who keeps the commandments shall feel no evil thing, we learn that one who keeps the commandments has the ability (kiv'Yachol) to tell HaSh-m what to do.

33)[line 46]"היושבת בגנים...""HA'YOSHEVES BA'GANIM..."- "O you who dwell in the gardens (synagogues and study-houses), your fellow scholars are listening to your voice of Torah, let Me hear it" (Shir ha'Shirim 8:13).

34)[line 48]המדגילים זה לזהHA'MADGILIM ZEH LA'ZEH- (a) who gather one another together to learn Torah since they do not have a teacher (RASHI); (b) who learn incorrectly, and never arrive at the true interpretation of the Torah. Nevertheless, HaSh-m loves them for their effort (TOSFOS Avodah Zarah 22b DH Ragla, citing RABEINU TAM).

35)[line 49]צורתא דשמעתאTZURSA D'SHEMAITA- the outline or background of the topic, which they did once learn from a teacher

36)[line 50]במתאB'MASA- in the city

37)[line 50]למיגמר מיניהL'MIGMAR MINEI- to learn from him

38)[line 51]מטיל בכיסMATIL B'CHIS- a person who gives a Talmid Chacham money with which to do business for half of the profit

39)[line 52]נוקם ונוטרNOKEM V'NOTER- takes revenge and remembers the wrong done to him

40)[line 53]חגריהו על מתניךCHAGREIHU AL MASNECHA- gird him on your loins, i.e. stay close to him

41)[line 53]אם עם הארץ הוא חסידIM AM HA'ARETZ HU CHASID- if an Am ha'Aretz (an unlearned Jew) appears to be meticulous in his keeping the Mitzvos


42)[line 4]מיפאMEIFA- to bake

43)[line 5]נבח בה כלבאNAVACH BAH KALBA- a dog barked at her

44)[line 5]איתעקר ולדהIS'AKAR VELADA- her fetus was miscarried

45)[line 5]מרי דביתאMAREI D'VEISA- the owner of the house

46)[line 6]לא תידחליLO SIDCHALI- do not fear

47)[line 7]שקילי ניביהSHAKILEI NIVEI- his canine teeth have been removed

48)[line 8]שקילין טופריהSHKILAN TUFREI- and his claws have been removed

49)[line 9]שקולא טיבותיך ושדיא אחיזריSHEKULA TIVUSICH V'SHADYA A'CHIZREI- your good intentions were useless (lit. the good that you did has been removed and thrown on the thorns)

50)[line 10]כבר נד ולדKEVAR NAD VLAD- the fetus has already been aborted

51)[line 10]מאי דכתיב "שמח בחור..."MAI DI'CHSIV "SEMACH BACHUR…"- Apparently, Rav Huna's statement is quoted in our Gemara because (a) it refers to the world to come (that is, the Day of Final Judgment), a subject discussed in an earlier Sugya, and (b) there is an argument as to whether the verse he is discussing ("Semach Bachur...") is to be taken literally, or refers to learning Torah, just as we saw with regard to the verse "Chagor Charbecha" in an earlier Sugya. (M. KORNFELD)

52)[line 11]"שמח בחור בילדותך...""SEMACH BACHUR B'YALDUSECHA..."- "Rejoice young man in your childhood, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth, follow the path of your heart and the sight of your eyes; but be aware that for all these things El-kim will call you to account" (Koheles 11:9).

53)[line 18]אצעדהETZ'ADAH- a bracelet

54)[line 24]שלשלתSHALSHELES- a chain

55)[line 34]היו פסיעותיהן גסותHAYU PESI'OSEIHEN GASOS- they took wide steps

56)[line 34]היו בתולותיהן נושרותHAYU BESULOSEIHEN NOSHROS- their hymens tore because of their wide steps

57)[line 37]איתער בהוIS'AR BEHU- he woke up

58)[line 38]יישר!YEYASHER!- well-said!

59)[line 38]כי אתא רב דימיKI ASA RAV DIMI- when Rav Dimi came to Bavel (from Eretz Yisrael)

60)[line 39]אריג כל שהואARIG KOL SHEHU- a woven cloth of a minute size

61)[line 40]ציץTZITZ- the golden band worn by the Kohen Gadol on his forehead

62)[line 41]טסTAS- plate

63)[line 45]שיטה אחתSHITAH ACHAS- on one line

64)[line 45]כי סליק רב דימיKI SALIK RAV DIMI- when Rav Dimi went up

65)[line 47]ברםBERAM- truly, however

66)[line 51]מוסף שק על הבגדMUSAF SAK AL HA'BEGED- a minute piece of Sak (a sack made of goat's hair) has an additional Halachah not found in the laws of a minute piece of Beged (an article of clothing), namely that even though the piece of Sak is not woven (it is braided), it may become Tamei