[50a - 50 lines; 50b - 47 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 50a [line 17]

The word "Yoshev" יושב

should be "Yashav" ישב

as it appears in Rashi and Tosfos (since the person who sat on it had no intention to prepare it for Shabbos with this act, as the Gemara says. -Rav Yehudah Landy)

[2] Gemara 50a [line 21, 22, 24]:

she'Tzav'an b'Shemen ... Tzav'an b'Shemen שצבען בשמן ... צבען בשמן

In our text of the Gemara, these words are found in parentheses. However, this was clearly Rashi's Girsa, and it is also the Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim, the Oxford manuscript, and the earlier printings of the Shas. (The word "b'Shemen" is also added in these sources in the continuation of the Beraisa, "Af Al Pi she'Lo Tzava b'Shemen.")

[3] Rashi 50b DH b'Gurdisa d'Kanei ד"ה בגורדיתא דקני:

The words "v'Chayav Mishum Mochek" וחייב משום מוחק

should be "v'Chayav Mishum Memachek" וחייב משום ממחק (YA'AVETZ)


1)[line 3]יחדןYICHADAN- he designated them

2)[line 7]הפתקHEFTEK- (O.F. tas) heap [of merchandise, designated for sale]

3)[line 12]חריות של דקלCHARIYOS SHEL DEKEL- the spines of dried palm branches

4)[line 13]גדרןGADRAN- he cut

5)[line 14]לקשרL'KASHER- to tie [the Chariyos together]

6)[line 16]חושבCHOSHEV- he must have in mind from Erev Shabbos to sit on them on Shabbos

7)[line 17]יושבYOSHEV- he sits on them on Erev Shabbos, even without the intent that he will use them as a seat on Shabbos

8)[line 21]פקוריןPEKURIN- combed flax used (a) to wrap a wound (RASHI); (b) as a toupee (Rabeinu Chananel, cited in TOSFOS); (c) as a covering for people who have a rash on their scalp (RAMBAM Hilchos Shabbos 19:16)

9)[line 21]ציפאTZIFA- combed wool used (a) to wrap a wound (RASHI); (b) as a toupee (Rabeinu Chananel, cited in TOSFOS); (c) as a covering for people who have a rash on their scalp (RAMBAM Hilchos Shabbos 19:16)

10)[line 22]צבעןTZAV'AN (B'SHEMEN)- he dipped in oil

11)[line 22]כרכן במשיחהKARCHAN BI'MSHICHAH- he wrapped a string around it (i.e. not around his body but around the bandage itself)

12)[line 23]אין יוצאין בהםEIN YOTZ'IN BAHEM- That is, they are Muktzah and may not be moved; see Insights

13)[line 27]לא ינענעוLO YENA'ANE'O- he may not shake it off

14)[line 29]כרKAR- bolster, mattress

15)[line 29]סדיןSADIN- sheet

16)[line 41]מכניס אדם מלא קופתוMACHNIS ADAM MELO KUPASO- a person brings in a basketful

17)[line 42]קרן זויתKEREN ZAVIS- a corner of the house

18)[line 46]חפיןCHAFIN- rub, polish

19)[line 46]גרתקוןGARTAKON- with alum, a white powder that is found as deposits in wine barrels

20)[line 46]נתרNESER- natron, native carbonate of soda

21)[line 49]דבר שאין מתכויןDAVAR SHE'EIN MISKAVEN

(a)An act which is done for a certain purpose (which will be accomplished without transgressing a Melachah), but which may result in a Melachah being inadvertently performed, is called a Davar she'Eino Miskavein. The example brought in our Gemara is rubbing silver utensils with natron or sand, which may possibly smooth out the surfaces of the utensils. (Memachek, or smoothing, is one of the Avos Melachos.) Rebbi Yehudah prohibits performing such an action since it may result in a Melachah. Rebbi Shimon disagrees, claiming that even though a Melachah may result from this action, since the Melachah will come about without intent the action is permitted.

(b)Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Yehudah disagree only if it is not clear that the surfaces of the utensils will be smoothed out (i.e., that a Melachah will be done). If it is inevitable that the surfaces will be smoothed, such as when using Gartakon, the act is prohibited even according to Rebbi Shimon — even though the person rubbing the utensils with Gartakon is not the least bit interested in smoothing the surfaces. Such a situation, in which a Melachah will inevitably be accomplished, is referred to as "Pesik Reishei v'Lo Yamus."

(c)A person must have specific intent to do a Melachah on Shabbos in order to be liable for punishment or to be required to bring a Korban. Therefore, if a person rubs the utensils with natron or sand and the surfaces were smoothed, even Rebbi Yehudah will agree that the person is not obligated to bring a Korban, since the smoothing was done accidentally. Rebbi Yehudah and Rebbi Shimon argue only as to whether it is permitted in the first place to perform an action that may result in a Melachah. (See Insights to Shabbos 41:2)


22)[line 1]חופףCHOFEF- scrubs his hair with natron and sand

23)[line 1]מפספסMEFASPES- parts his hair

24)[line 1]לא סורקLO SOREK- he may not comb it

25)[line 4]גרירGARIR- [the natron and sand] definitely smooth out [the surfaces of the silver utensils]

26)[line 6]הא מעבר שיערHA ME'ABER SEI'AR- Won't it remove the hairs (a) of his beard? (RASHI); (b) on his arms or legs or face? (TOSFOS)

27)[line 8]סריסSARIS- an impotent man

28)[line 9]עפר לבינתא שריAFAR LEVEINASA SHARI- it is permitted to wash one's face with ground bricks

29)[line 9]כוספא דיסמין שריKUSPA D'YASMIN SHARI- it is permitted to wash one's face with (a) the waste of sesame seeds (after their oil has been removed) (RASHI); (b) a powder made from the waste of sesame seeds that is crushed with jasmine flowers, dried and ground (ARUCH)

30)[line 10]עפר פלפליAFAR PILPELEI- ground peppercorns

31)[line 11]ברדאBARDA- a mixture of spices described in the next line of the Gemara

32a)[line 12]תילתא אהלאTILSA OHALA- one third Ohala, an alkaline plant

b)[line 12]תילתא אסאTILSA ASA- one third myrtle

c)[line 12]תילתא סיגליTILSA SIGLEI- one third violets (O.F. violes)

33)[line 18]לא מאיסאLO ME'ISA- does not become repulsive

34)[line 20]משאMASHU- washed [their hands]

35)[line 25]גלדי צואהGILDEI TZO'AH- crusts of dirt

36)[line 25]וגלדי מכהGILDEI MAKAH- and scabs

37)[line 26]אם בשביל ליפותIM BISHVIL L'YAPOS- if he does it to beautify himself

38)[line 28]בשביל קונוBISHVIL KONO- for the honor of his Maker

39)[line 29]"כל פעל ה' למענהו""KOL PA'AL HASH-M LA'MA'ANEIHU"- "HaSh-m made everything for his praise" (Mishlei 16:4)

40)[line 40]סליקוסתאSELIKUSTA- a fragrant plant

41)[line 40]דצהDATZAH- if he stuck it into soil

42)[line 40]שלפהSHALFAH- he pulled it out

43)[line 42]סכינא דביני אורביSAKINA D'VEINEI URBEI- a knife stuck into the space between the bricks of a wall (for protection)

44)[line 44]גורדיתא דקניGURDISA D'KANEI- the place in the palm tree from which many branches start to grow at the same time

45)[line 46]הטומןHA'TOMEN- one who buries (for preservation)

46)[line 46]לפתLEFES- turnips

47)[line 46]צנונותTZENONOS- radishes

48)[last line]עליוALAV- its leaves