[70a - 34 lines; 70b - 45 lines]

1)[line 1]מצוה לקיים דברי המתMITZVAH L'KAYEM DIVREI HA'MES- it is obligatory to fulfill the wishes of a dying man [so that he does not die even earlier of anxiety]

2)[line 5]מילי אחרניתאMILEI ACHRANAISA- other matters

3)[line 6]מינח ניחא ליהMEINACH NICHA LEI- he was [in actuality] agreeable [to provide his sons with enough of an allowance to meet their needs]

4)[line 7]לזרוזינהו הוא דאתאL'ZARUZINHU HU D'ASA- his intention was to accustom them to act with alacrity [and fend for themselves so that they would not become pampered gluttons; he did not, however, wish to starve them]

5)[line 8]פעוטותPE'UTOS- young children [between the ages of six and nine, depending upon when they have developed acumen enough to understand the basic idea of a business deal] (Gitin 59a)

6)[line 10]אפוטרופוסAPOTROPOS- a steward (O.F. seneschal) [who represents the interests of an orphan as an agent of Beis Din] (RASHI to Sukah 27a)

7)[line 12]אין מעשה קטנה כלוםEIN MA'ASEH KETANAH KLUM- Although this statement refers to a Shelish, who differs from an Apotropos in that he was appointed by the father on his deathbed, they are similar enough that our Gemara is able to compare them.


8)[line 17]המדיר את אשתו מליהנות לוHA'MADIR ES ISHTO MI'LEHANOS LO- one who forbids his wife from receiving any benefit from him with a Neder (see Background to 66:2). This affects only support and not marital relations, since a) he cannot forbid marital relations as he is already beholden to provide his wife with them (RASHI); b) this terminology does not imply a prohibition on marital relations (TOSFOS DH ha'Madir).

9)[line 18]יעמיד פרנסYA'AMID PARNAS- he should appoint a third party to support his wife

10)[line 20]בכהןB'CHOHEN- if it was a Kohen [who may not remarry his wife after divorcing her who made such a Neder]

11)[line 22]שלא תטעום אחד מכל הפירותSHE'LO TIT'OM ECHAD MI'KOL HA'PEIROS- forbidding her to taste a specific type of produce. At this point the Gemara assumes that the wording of his Neder was, "The benefit of your marital relations should be prohibited to me if you eat such-and-such a type of food" (TOSFOS to 71a, DH Bishlama).

12)[line 26]תתקשטTISKASHET- adorn herself with a perfume or other cosmetic

13)[line 27]בעניות שלא נתן קצבהB'ANIYOS SHE'LO NASAN KITZVAH- regarding poor women, [their husbands must divorce them only] when [his Neder forbade her] for an unlimited amount of time

14)[line 29]משועבד להMESHUBAD LAH- he is beholden to [support] her [as he promised to do so in her Kesuvah]

15)[line 29]כל כמיניה דמפקע לה לשיעבודה?KOL K'MINEI D'MAFKA LAH L'SHIBUDAH?- is it within his ability to throw off this lien?

16)[line 30]קונם שאיני עושה לפיךKONAM SHE'ANI OSAH L'FICHA

See Background to 66:2.

17)[last line]צאי מעשה ידיך במזונותיךTZE'I MA'ASEH YADAYICH LI'MEZONOSAYICH- your earnings should go toward your support; i.e., I will neither support you nor receive your earnings


18)[line 4]איני ניזונת ואיני עושהEINI NIZONES V'EINI OSAH- I do not wish to either receive support nor earn [for my husband]

19)[line 9]לא ספקהLO SAFKAH- that which she earns is not enough [to support her]

20)[line 10]הדר קושיין לדוכתיהHADAR KUSHYAN L'DUCHTEI- our question [of how her husband is able to avoid his responsibility through making a vow] returns to its place

21)[line 11]דברים גדוליםDEVARIM GEDOLIM- [her] basic needs

22)[line 13]רגילה בהוREGILAH BEHU- she is used to them (these extras)

23)[line 15]בית נשאBEIS NASHA- her father's household [from before her marriage]

24)[line 15]קא מגלגלא בהדיהKA MEGALGELA BAHADEI- she was willing to go along with [his customs when married to] him

25)[line 16]אדרתןADARTAN- prohibit me with a vow

26)[line 17]לא מצינאLO MATZINA- I am unable

27)[line 18]לא זילא בה מילתאLO ZILA BAH MILSA- it is not disgraceful for her

28)[line 20]איבעית אימאI'BA'IS EIMA- if you would prefer, say [the following answer to how he is able to avoid his responsibility through making a vow]

29)[line 20]הדירה כשהיא ארוסהHIDIRAH KESHE'HI ARUSAH- he prohibited her with a vow when she was betrothed [to him] (see Insights)

30)[line 21]הגיע זמן ולא נשאוHIGI'A ZMAN V'LO NIS'U- if the time has arrived [for them to marry, which is twelve months after their betrothal] and they have not married [due to a delay on the part of the husband]

31)[line 22]אוכלות בתרומהOCHLOS BI'TERUMAH (TERUMAH GEDOLAH)

(a)See Background to 30:9.

(b)According to Torah law, a woman betrothed (Arusah) to a Kohen may eat Terumah. However, the Chachamim decreed that she may not do so either for fear that her husband will annul the marriage retroactively when he finds blemishes upon her after the marriage, or for fear that she will give her siblings to eat from her Terumah. Originally, this decree only prohibited her from eating Terumah for the first twelve months of the betrothal. After that point, she was given a place to live on her own and she was checked for blemishes by his female relatives so that she would be able to eat Terumah (Kesuvos 57a).

32)[line 22]מאי שנא עד שלשים יום?MAI SHENA AD SHELOSHIM YOM?- The Gemara cannot give the same explanation that it gave before, since she is not yet married to him. Since she is receiving food from him through a third party anyway, it will not be obvious to anyone at any point that her husband has prohibited her from receiving support from him (TOSFOS DH Tefei).

33)[line 24]הא סברה וקבלה!HA SAVRAH V'KIBLAH!- she has thought [it over] and [willingly] accepted [the fact that she will not receive support from him, since she was aware of the situation beforehand]!

34)[line 25]כסבורה אניKI'SEVURAH ANI- I thought

35)[line 26]גבי מומיןGABEI MUMIN- regarding blemishes [that a husband before marriage thought would not bother him, only to discover after the fact that they were indeed bothersome to him]

36)[line 26]מחוורתא כדשנינן מעיקראMECHAVARTA KED'SHANINAN ME'IKARA- it is clear [that the correct answer is] as [one of the two ways in which] we answered originally

37)[line 27]לאו שליחותיה קא עביד?LAV SHELICHUSEI KA AVID?- is he not fulfilling the directive of [the husband, in which case in it is no better than if the husband had done so himself]?

38)[line 28]כל הזן אינו מפסידKOL HA'ZAN EINO MAFSID- whomever supports [my wife] will not lose; i.e., I will reimburse him

39)[line 29]קולוKOLO- lit. his voice; i.e., my voice

40)[line 30]הרי אלו יכתבו ויתנוHAREI ELU YICHTEVU V'YITNU- they may write [a bill of divorce] and give [it to his wife, which is only possible if they are his messengers]. The Gemara assumes that the reason why "Kol ha'Zan Eino Mafsid" did not make the Parnas into a Shali'ach is because it was stated in the plural form.

41)[line 31]בדליקהBI'DELEIKAH- in the case of a fire [on Shabbos that is threatening to consume possessions of a Jew]

42)[line 31]כל המכבהKOL HA'MECHABEH- whichever [Nochri] who extinguishes [the fire]

43)[line 32]כי האי גוונאKI HAI GAVNA- a similar situation [when it comes to any other prohibition, since there is no concern that one will come to transgress that prohibition]

44)[line 33]המודר הנאה מחבירוHA'MUDAR HA'NA'AH ME'CHAVEIRO- one who is the subject of a vow prohibiting his fellow from deriving any benefit from him

45)[line 34]חנוני הרגיל אצלוCHENVANI HA'RAGIL ETZLO- a shopkeeper from whom he [who made the vow] often [purchases]

46)[line 36]לעלמאL'ALMA- to the world at large

47)[line 40]גדירו לגדורGEDEIRO LI'GDOR- he [who made the vow] has a fence to erect

48)[line 40]לקצורLI'KTZOR- to harvest

49)[line 43]הלהHALAH- the other one; i.e., he who made the vow

50)[line 44]מופקרין לכל מי שיחפוץMUFKARIN L'CHOL MI SHE'YACHPOTZ- are ownerless [and therefore available] to all who wish [to take them]