[71a - 42 lines; 71b - 47 lines]

1)[line 1]מעשה דבית חורוןMA'ASEH D'VEIS CHORON

The Mishnah (Nedarim 48a) relates an incident that occurred in Beis Choron where a person (the Madir, whom we shall call Reuven for convenience) had made a vow prohibiting his father (the Mudar, Yakov) from benefiting from him. When Reuven married off his son, he wanted Yakov to join in the celebration. For this purpose, he gave to an acquaintance a gift of the courtyard where the wedding would be held and the entire meal, but he specified that he was only giving it to him so that Yakov could come to the meal. The acquaintance stated that if the courtyard and the meal were truly his, he was making them Hekdesh to the Beis ha'Mikdash. Reuven objected, saying that they were only given to him for the express purpose of letting Yakov participate in the celebration. The Chachamim ruled that Yakov was still forbidden to benefit from the courtyard and the meal, because it still belonged to Reuven.

Rebbi Yosi forbids the Mudar from benefiting from the Madir (a) because he suspects that at times the person will not really Mafkir his possessions (make them ownerless), as in the incident in Beis Choron (RAN to Nedarim 43b DH Ela), or (b) because it does not resemble Hefker but rather it is as if he gave it to him directly, similar to what transpired in Beis Choron (TOSFOS ibid. DH Ela).

2)[line 5]במפרשB'MEFARESH- when the husband set an explicit time limit [to his Neder]

3)[line 5]אבל בסתםAVAL BI'STAM- but if the Neder was open-ended, he must divorce her immediately


4)[line 1]בבגדי צבעוניןBIGDEI TZIV'ONIN- colorful garments

5)[line 4]דברים שבינו לבינה רב הונא אמר הבעל מיפרDEVARIM SHE'BEINO L'VEINAH, RAV HUNA AMAR, HA'BA'AL MEIFER- (It seems (according to Rashi) that the words "Devarim she'Beino l'Veinah" in this context do not have their normal meaning. Rather, these words refer to a certain particular vow, in which the woman swears not to use a depilatory agent to remove pubic hair.)

6)[line 7]שועלSHU'AL- fox

7)[line 7]בעפר פירB'AFAR PIR- the dirt of his den (something to which he is accustomed)

8)[line 15]מנוולתMENUVELES- disgraceful

9)[line 17]מירתח רתח עילואיMIRTACH RASACH ILAVAI- he was angry with me

10)[line 27]המדיר את אשתוHA'MADIR ES ISHTO- one who forbids his wife with a vow

11)[line 37]ומערה לאשפהU'ME'ARAH L'ASHPAH- and pour out in to the garbage (the Gemara (72a) discusses the meaning of this phrase)

12)[line 43]ברדופהB'REDUFAH- anxious to go

13a)[line 43]"אז הייתי בעיניו כמוצאת שלום""AZ HAYISI V'EINAV K'MOTZ'EIS SHALOM"- "... then (therefore) I am in His eyes like one who found peace (like a bride who was found perfect in her father-in-law's house)." (Shir ha'Shirim 8:10)

b)[line 44]שנמצאת שלמהSHE'NIMTZEIS SHELEIMAH- who was found perfect

14)[line 45, 46]אישי... בעליISHI / BA'ALI- (a) my husband after Nisu'in / my husband after Kidushin (RASHI); (b) my bridegroom / my master or provider (RASHI to Hoshea 2:18)