Revach L'Daf
יום ב', פרשת במדבר
Bava Metzia 96

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  • Summary of the Daf
  • 1. If the owner is with the Shomer at the time that he received the item even though he was not with him at the time of the Ones he is Patur, but if he was with him at the time of the Ones but he was not with him at the time he received it he is Chayav.
  • 2. A Sho'el is Chayav for the Mezonos of the animal that he borrows.
  • 3. If a Sho'el borrowed an animal for the purpose of Revi'a or he borrowed it so that people will think that he is wealthy, or if he borrowed the animal to work with it less than the value of a Perutah it is a Safek if he is Chayav in Onsim.
  • 4. If a Sho'el borrows two animals to work with them exactly the value of the Perutah it is a Safek if he is Chayav in Onsim.
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  • 5. If someone borrows from two partners and one of the partners is with in his Melachah or if two partners borrow and the owner is one of the partners in his Melachah it is a Safek if he is Patur for Onsim.
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  • 6. If someone borrows from a woman and her husband is with him in his Melachah or if a woman borrows and the owner is with her husband in his Melachah it is a Machlokes between R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish if the Sho'el is Patur.
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  • 7. If someone lends an item and he lends the services of his Shali'ach to the Sho'el it is a Machlokes between R. Yoshiyah and R. Yonasan if the Shali'ach is like the owner and it is a She'eilah with the owner.
  • 8. If the owner lends the services of his servant to the borrower it is a Safek if it is considered a She'eilah with the owner.
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  • 9. If someone sells his field for the fruit according to R. Yochanan the buyer may bring Bikurim and read the Parshah of Bikurim because a Kinyan Peiros is like a Kinyan ha'Guf.
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  • 10. Reish Lakish says the buyer may bring Bikurim but he may not read the Parshah of Bikurim because a Kinyan Peiros is not like a Kinyan ha'Guf.
  • 11. If someone tells a caretaker you shall annul all of the Nedarim that my makes from now until I return from the place that I am going if the caretaker annuls the Nedarim it is an effective according to R. Yoshiyah.
  • 12. R. Yonasan says the Nedarim that the caretaker annuls are effectively annulled because a Shali'ach of is just like the person who sent him.
  • 13. If a husband is using an animal of the Nichsei Melug of his wife and it does he is Patur because it is regarded as a She'eilah with the owner.
  • 14. If a woman rents a cow and she subsequently gets married and the cow dies it is considered a She'eilah with the owner according to the Rabanan who hold that if a renter lends out the cow that he rented and it dies b'Ones the borrower must pay the renter.
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  • 15. According to R. Yosi who holds that if a renter lends out the cow that he rented and it dies b'Ones the borrower must pay the owner even so the husband is Patur from paying because a husband is considered a buyer of the Nichsei Melug of his wife.
  • 16. In Usha the Sanhedrin decreed that a woman who sold her Nichsei Melug during the lifetime of her husband and than she dies hr husband may take the property from the buyer.
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  • 17. If money of Hekdesh is inherited by a wife and it was not known that it was Hekdesh the husband is Mo'el when he spends the money.
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  • 18. If a borrowed animal dies from routine Melachah the Sho'el is Patur because he didn't borrow the animal in order to keep it in its pen.
  • Brief Insight

    If someone borrows from two partners and one of the partners is with in his Melachah it is a Safek if he is Patur for Onsim. The Ketzos ha'Choshen explains that the Safek is only regarding the half of the partner that was with him in the Melachah but the half of the other partner he definitely must pay, and the half that he pays is given to that partner but the partner who was with him in the Melachah doesn't receive anything since it is because of him that he is Patur from half. The same is true regarding the case of two partners who borrow and the owner is with one of the partners in his Melachah that the Safek is only regarding the partner who was together with the owner but the other partner must pay half.
  • Quick Halachah

    If a lender instructs a Shali'ach to lend his services to the borrower it is not a She'eilah with the owner, while some argue and hold that a Shali'ach of a person is like him. If he instructs his non-Jewish servant to lend his services to the borrower it is a She'eilah with the owner because the hand of a servant is like the hand of the master. If the servant lent his services without the knowledge of his master it is not considered a She'eilah with the master. (Shulchan Aruch CM 346:6)
  • Chakirah
    If someone borrows from two partners and one of the partners is with him in his Melachah it is a Safek if he is Patur for Onsim. What is the Safek? Since he is Patur completely if he borrows from only one person he should be Patur from half when he borrows from two people and one of them is with him in the Melachah.
  • Author's Suggestion
  • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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