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10. Punishing non-Jews "for Shabbos" 11. Eruv Tavshilin 12. Spending for Shabbos/Yom Tov/etc.
13. Shamai ha'Zaken 14. Anonymous gifts 15. שמאי הזקן

Shmuel Katz asked:

The following question was asked:

a) A person wanted to buy a set of seforim that would help him learn, but they were expensive. He wanted to know if this is one of those things that Hash-m gives you the money back for, like we find by Food for Shabbos. Beitza 16a , He pointed out that the Gemara only mentions your "Son "for Talmud Torah, but not yourself ?

I thought, that it is a Kal VeChomer for oneself, and the Gemara was only speaking in the normal way, that people spend money on their Children's education. As the reason Borrow from Hash-m ( for the Joy in Hash-m ), Hash-m will repay, applies just as equally to oneself. ( see Tos. " Kol ")

b) On further investigation, the Marsha points out that all the Pesukim that are quoted to prove the fact that it is on Rosh Hashana that Hash-m decides a person"s "Mezonot " refers to "Food " and Not "Money". What would be so wrong about quoting Pesukim refering to Money, that it is decided on Rosh Hashana.

Could it be that on Rosh Hashana, it is not a person's money ( income ) that is decided, But rather his ability to enjoy it, the food that he is able to eat ?

Please share with us your thoughts,


Shmuel Katz, R.B.S.

The Kollel replies:

a) The Ritva (quoted in Shitah Mekubetzes) says that this rule applies to expenses for any Mitzvah. However, Tosfos (DH Kol) seems to learn that it only applies to everythng besides the exceptions specified.

b) Your explanation is a good one according to the Ritvah, see Perush Rivavan. According to Tosfos, however, we must say that these Mitzvos are different than other Mitzvos.

Dov Freedman