More Discussions for this daf
1. "Muchlefes ha'Shitah" 2. Transferring water from one reshus to another 3. Rosho ve'Rubo
4. Ten Tefachim 5. Urinating on Shabbos 6. חוץ לד' אמות אם נפל בידו אתי לידי חיוב חטאת
7. בור ברה''ר וחולייתו גבוה י' טפחים

Saul brooks asks:

How could there be a tayku on wondering if urinating starts from the bladder-if so -when i walk home and have to urinate and i run inside the house from outside i would be guilty of carrying from rshus harabim to rshus hayachid

Saul brooks,