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7. Bi'ah b'Shogeg 8. Rabeinu Chananel on Rashi 9. Taking The Law Into One's Hands
10. Rashi DH Davka Nitkal Aval Shavar 11. Adam Mu'ad l'Olam: Inconsistency

Yehuda Mendlowitz asked:

Acc. to the rabbeinu chananel how does a case happen that one is nizuk but not intending to damage a person but doesn't intend to embarrass him besides for our case here.(Is there another case?) From what I understand he is arguing with Rashi and this is what he says.

Yehuda Mendlowitz, Silver SPring USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Yehuda,

I don't see any arguement. Intent to do damage even without intent to embarrass makes a person pay even for Boshes. Without intent to damage but acting with Peshiah, disregard, isenoughto obligate payment for the other 4- Nezek, Tzaar, Ripui, Sheves but not Boshes. Both Rashi and R Chananel agree on this.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner