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4. Tosfos D"H "v'Im" 5. last tosfos on 122b 6. The Third Tosfos on the Mishnah
7. רש״י ד״ה אם רוב ישראל אסור

yaacov benzaquen asked:

Is the chiluk tosfos makes at the end between a melachas heter garua and one which is not garua, refering to the secondary use of the object in general, or to the particular tzorekh heter for which i want to use it now?

yaacov benzaquen, palo alto, ca

The Kollel replies:

The Biurei Hadaf of Shas Lublin explains Tosfos as referring to the Tzorech Heter present at the time, not the general secondary use.

Kol Tuv,

Yaakov Montrose