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1. Is it odd to buy a good pair of shoes? 2. sheid 3. Shlomo ha'Melech

Chaim Marenberg asked:

Shalom ubracha, congratulation for the page!.

i hope you understand my english.My question is:

I have heard from the Talmud the text that tells us about Ashmeday, shelomo... guitin 68. Is it true that the Maharal said that all this event related on the talmud was a methaphor?)look at:


Chaim Marenberg, ARgentina, cordoba

The Kollel replies:

The Maharal does have a very lengthy explanation in Chidushei Agados stating that many of the things mentioned here are not to be taken in a literal physical sense, and explains at length their deeper meaning. [However, he does not say that Sheidim do not exist etc.]

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose