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1. Learning laws of a Nazir from the Leviyim 2. Quiz Question

Yossi Klein asks:

In Question 4, it says that the correct answer is (c).

>> 4. From where do we know a מצורע must shave with a razor?

a) נזיר

b) לוים

c) צד השוה of A&B.

d) הלכה למשה מסיני

e) Sevara<<

Answer (c) is incorrect because the gemora is docheh the tzad hashove because motzara has kula that it's a korban oleh vyored

Yossi Klein

The Kollel replies:

Yossi, you are right. What we wrote fits according to the Hava Amina of the Gemara before what Rava from Barnish said to Rav Ashi.

Purim Sameach

Dovid Bloom