
Why does the Navi discuss Avshalom's beauty?


Radak: It caused his rebellion. He became haughty about his beauty and his hair, and he thought that no one of David's sons is worthy of kingship like himself, and he rebelled. Perhaps he had heard that the king intended to make Shlomo king. Therefore he rebelled against his father, and deceived Yisrael.


Malbim: This is an introduction to his rebellion. After Amnon died, Avshalom was the oldest 1 . Also due to his beauty and attributes he thought that no one of David's sons is worthy of kingship like himself. His father intended to make Shlomo king, either due to hatred for Avshalom 2 , or because the Navi told him "a son will be born to you


Kil'av was second to Amnon (3:3)! Is there a source that Kil'av had already died? Radak (Melachim I, 1:5) was unsure about this. Malbim himself (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 3:1) says that [later] Adoniyahu thought to rule, even though Kil'av was older, because people said that perhaps Kil'av was really the son of Naval (David married Avigayil shortly after Naval died), or because he always learned Torah and was not interested in being king! This requires investigation. (PF)


If it was only due to hatred for Avshalom, why would David not give to kingship to an older son? We know that Adoniyahu was still alive! (PF)

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