
What is the meaning of "ha'Lo Ish Atah"?


Radak: You are a great person. This is like it says about Gid'on "Ish Yisrael" (Shoftim 7:14) - a great person in Yisrael, and "Kulam Anashim" (Bamidbar 13:3) - great people.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: You are a Gibor.


Malbim: You are responsible for appointing guards for the king. If someone could get so close to take the spear and flask, either you were negligent and did not appoint guards, or you did, and they were negligent [and slept], and you should punish them severely.


Why did he say "Shamarta El Adonecha"?


Radak, Targum Yonasan: This is like Al Adonecha, like it says (verse 16) "Al Adoneichem." Also "El he'Harim Lo Achal" (Yechezkel 18:6) is like Al he'Harim.


Did David answer Avner's question?


Malbim: He corrected him. The etiquette that one who wants to speak to the head general, he call to the general below him, this is when it is for a private matter, but not for a public matter. Then, he calls directly to the head general, for it pertains to him, due to his standing.

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