
Why does it say "Ani l'Dodi"?


Torah Temimah: Refer to 2:16:1:1.


Rashi: You requested to build the Beis ha'Mikdash with us - I am to my Beloved; you are not to Him. You will not build with us - "Lo Lachem v'Lanu Livnos Bayis lEi'lokeinu" (Ezra 4:3), "v'Lachem Ein Cheek u'Tzedakah v'Zikaron bi'Yrushalayim" (Nechemyah 2:20).


Malbim (Melitzah): She is connected to her supreme Beloved (death via Neshikah) and said "I am to my Beloved." Now this clinging begins with her great desire for Elokim, and her supreme Beloved brings to her roses that sprouted from her Tzedakah and good deeds, for a nice smell.


What is the significance of "ha'Ro'eh ba'Shoshanim"?


Rashi: He grazes His flock in roses - in a good pasture, comfortable and nice.


Seforno: Refer to 2:16:2:2.


Malbim (Mashal): He brought to her fragrant roses, for a remembrance of his love.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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