
Why does the the Torah write "Zos ha'Torah" (rather than 'Zos ha'Chukah')?


Menachos, 110a #1: To teach us that someone who studies Torah will not need to bring an Olah, a Chatas, a Minchah (on a Chet) or an Asham. 1


Menachos, 110a #2: To teach us that someone who studies the Dinim of the Olah (and of each of the other Korbanos) is considered as if he had brought it. 2


The Gemara omits Milu'im and Shelamim from the list even though the are mentioned in the Pasuk ? See Torah Temimah, note 141.


This only applies when the Beis-Hamikdash is not standing. It cannot substitute for actually bringing a Korban which can be brought. See Oznayim la'Torah DH 'Zos ha'Torah la'Olah', who elaborates.


Seeing as all the Korbanos listed in the Pasuk have already been discussed, why does the Torah list them all here?


Zevachim, 79a: In order to compare all the Kodshim to one another: Like the Olah they all require a K'li Shareis ? a knife to Shecht; like the Minchah they may only be eaten for one day and one night 1 and they render Kodesh via absorbtion; like the Chatas they can only be purchased with Chulin money, be performed with the right hand and render Kodesh via absorbtion; like the Asham, their Kedushah does not extend to the fetus or to the placenta and their (the animals') bones are permitted. Like the Milu'im, if they are leftover they must be entirely burnt, 2 But not the animal that is designated as a substitute; 3 Like the Shelamim the Korbanos are subject to Pigul ? both as regsrds being Mefagel and as regards becoming Pigul 4 (and like the Shelamim, 5 the Avodah of all Korbanos must be performed Lish'man ? both as regards Shinuy Kodesh and Shinuy Ba'alim ? Zevachim, 4b).


Sifra: Like the Milu'im, the K'lalim and P'ratim of all the Korbanos were said at Sinai.


With the exception of the Olah, some of the Milu'im and the Shelamim.


Like the leftover Milu'im were burnt.


Which did not pertain to the Miliu'im. See Torah Temimah, note 151.


See Torah Temimah, note 157.


See Torah Temimah, note 155.


What is the definition of "Milu'im"?


Rashi: Inauguration 1 (Here it refers to the Korbanos that were brought to inaugurate the Kohanim.)


Ramban (Sh'mos 28:41): It is an expression of completion.


Ha'amek Davar: "Milu'im" here refers to the Korban Todah 2 - which explains why the Torah mentions it in between the Asham and the Shelamim, where the Todah ? and not the Milu'im - is discussed. 3


See Sifsei Chachamim.


See Oznayim la'Torah DH 've'la'Asham ve'la'Milu'im', who eelaborates.


See Shelishi in Tzav.


Why does the Pasuk mention six kinds of Korbanos?


Moshav Zekenim: The world, which was created in six days, exists in the merit of Korbanos 1 - the world stands on Torah, Avodah and Gemilus Chasadim (Avos 1:2). 2


Why must we expound a reason for six? The Torah listed all the Korbanos taught here. This is why it omitted Bechor, Ma'aser and Pesach! Perhaps since it included Milu'im, which was not taught here (rather, in Tetzaveh, and below starting from 8:14), we must find a reason why it lists six. (PF)


Tosfos ha'Shalem (on Pasuk 2): Nowadays, Milah is in place of Korbanos. The Chasam Sofer (in Teshuvah 1:158) who also says this, supports it from Bereishis Rabah 48:4-5. However, everywhere, Chazal (also the Chasam Sofer himself - Bamidbar 7:1), say that Tefilah (Avodah of the heart - Ta'anis 2a) is in place of Korbanos, wheres according to the Gemara in Menachos 110a, Torah replaces Korbanos.

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