
What if the wife of the adulterer's father is not his mother?


Targum Yonasan: The Torah writes "Eishes Aviv", irrespective of whether she is his mother or not.


Which of the four Misos does one receive for Eishes Av?


Sanhedrin, 54a: We learn via a Gezeirah Shavah "Demeihem bam" "Demeihem bam" from Ov ve'Yid'oni in Pasuk 27, that Eishes Av is subject to Sekilah. 1


Where the Torah writes specifically "be'Even Yirgmu osam".


Why is Eishes Av mentioned next to Eishes Ish?


Moshav Zekenim: Because when David Hamelech commited adulterey with Bas Sheva 1 , it was decreed that Avshalom would commit adultery with his David Hamelech's) concubines. 2


Even though 'Whoever says that David sinned [with Eishes Ish] erred' (Shabbos 56a), he did something and was punished for what appeared like Eishes Ish (PF).


Moshav Zekenim: Achitofel instructed Avshalom to do so, because a concubine has no Kidushin and one is permitted to marry Mefutas Aviv.

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