
What is "Lilchom [Es Moshel]"?


Rashi citing Chulin 6a: When you sit to combat the ruler (learn from your Rebbi).


Rashi: It is to eat [R. Yonah - on the king's table].


What is "Es Asher Lefanecha" that you must understand?


Chulin 6a: Refer to 23:2:1:1.


Rashi: Put to your heart to know if he is stingy or generous.


R. Yonah #1: "Es" is like Min, like "k'Tzeisi Es ha'Ir" (Shemos 9:29). Ask and investigate the king's servants who ate on his table beforehand, and left. Know and perceive among those who left, which succeeded and were pleasing to their master, and which lost. Contemplate their deeds, and then you will understand how to be pleasing to the king, and guard from every conduct that he does not desire.


R. Yonah #2: Understand those who sit in front of you. Do not sit above one who is more esteemed and better than you. Understand what place is proper for you. "Bin Tavin" is like "va'Avinah va'Am uva'Kohanim" (Ezra 8:15).


Malbim: Understand who sits in front of you - do not forget that you sit with the ruler! Sometimes at the time of the meal, one forgets his fear and honor, and he is Chayav Misah. Also refer to 23:2:2:1.

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