
Why did he say "v'Atah Marom"?


Rashi: In all judgments, You have the upper hand. All justify Your verdict.


Radak: Even though Resha'im succeed, do not say that no one supervises and sees, like people who lack Emunah say. Really, He sees - "Im Yisaser Ish ba'Mistarim va'Ani Lo Er'enu" (Yirmeyah 23:24). However, most people are astounded about this. Therefore, the verse teaches that Hashem is above, and sees everything. It says also "Im Oshek Rash v'Gazel... Al Tismah... Ki Gavo'ah me'Al Gavo'ah Shomer" (Koheles 5:7). When people told Mal'achi "Shav Avod Elokim u'Mah Betza Ki Shamarnu Mishmarto...; Anachnu Me'ashrim Zedim", he said "Az Nidberu Yir'ei Hashem... "va'Yakshev Hashem va'Yishma", "v'Shavtem u'R'isim Bein Tzadik l'Rasha..." (Mal'achi 3:14-16, 18). This will be in the days of Mashi'ach, when sinners will be eradicated.


Malbim: Even though Resha'im and sinners sprout, You are always above, and Your hand will always catch them to punish them. A human rushes to punish one who sins against him, for (a) he will not always be able to punish him, and (b) perhaps he will die, and he will not be able to punish him. However, Your hand is on top, and You are "l'Olam" (eternal)!

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