
What do we learn from "Kol Kevudah Vas Melech Penimah"?


Yevamos 77b: Men of Mo'av may not enter Kahal Yisrael, "because they did not go out to greet you with bread and water." Perhaps also women should be forbidden - they should have gone to greet the women of Yisrael! "Kol Kevudah Vas Melech Penimah" - it is improper to go out 1 , even to greet the women.


Shevu'os 30a: This teaches that women do not normally come to Beis Din for judgment (rather, they send a man to plead their case).


Rashi: They whom all honor depends on them - entourages of the king, who conducted themselves modestly.


Radak: She stands inside the palace.


Malbim: In the box that he brought for a gift, inside is all the honor of the Bas Melech - all the dear things proper for a Bas Melech, e.g. precious ornaments.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): Honored spiritual matters that are proper for a Bas Melech.


However, if a wife exiled to a refuge city earns enough to feed herself, her husband can tell her to feed herself. We do not say "Kol Kevudah Vas Melech Penimah", so she need not work, and he must feed her (Gitin 12b). (PF)


Why does it say "Mishbetzos Zahav Levushah"?


Rashi: Their garments are more esteemed than the Mishbetzos Zahav of Kohanim Gedolim.


Malbim: Also in the box that he brought for a gift is an esteemed garment made of checkered gold; the Ashirim brought this.


Malbim (Derech ha'Muskal): The Nefesh will be clothed in good Midos, which are metaphorically called garments. Dear Midos are dearer than gold.

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