
Where was the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav placed in the Mishkan?


Rashi: It was situated in between the Shulchan and the Menorah, drawn slightly toward the entrance (in the east). 1 All three were in the inner (west) half of the twenty Amos of the Heichal.


See Torah Temimah, citing Yoma, 33b .


What is the significance of the order in which the Torah lists the major Keilim in the Mishkan?


Seforno: After discussing the Kisei (the Throne - the Aron) inside the Kodesh Kodshim), it discusses the Shulchan and the Menorah that came in honor of the One who sits on the Throne. 1


The Menorah on the right, the Shulchan on the left, as the Pasuk writes in Mishlei (3:16) "Long life on its right and on its left, wealth and honor".


What are the ramifications of the statement "ve'es ha'Menorah Nochach ha'Shulchan"?


Yoma, 33b: Given that the Shulchan was placed two and a half Amos away from the north-wall and the Menorah, two and a half Amos away from the south wall, 1 the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav had to be drawn slightly to the east, to allow them to be close to each other. 2


See Torah Temimah note 29 as to why this was necessary.


Refer to 25:37:1:2 as to why this was necessary..


Why does the Torah begin with the Shulchan, but only mention that it is in the north after stating the the Menorah should be in the south?


Perhaps it is because, based on the Gemara in Bava, 25b 'ha'Rotzeh she'Yachim, Yadrim; ve'she'Ya'ashir, Yatzpin' (Someone who wants to become wise should turn to the south; to become rich, he should turn to the north!'), it is to teach us that even though the Pasuk always begins with the Shulchan, 1 the correct approach is to give precedence to wisdsom over riches. 2


Refer to 2:23:1:1-4.


Indeed, Hashem blessed Sh'lomoh with both precisely as a reward for givng precedence to wisdom. See also Oznayim la'Torah.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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