
What is the meaning of the word "Nashafta"?


Rashi and Ramban #2: It means that Hashem blew. 1


Ramban #1 (citing Ibn Ezra): It means that Hashem covered the water over the Egyptians at night-time. 2


Rashi (in Menachos, 53a), Ramban #3 and Targum Yonasan: It means Hashem blew, as if it had written 'Nashavta'. 3


As in Yeshayah, 40:24 (Rashi).


From the Lashon "Neshef" (night-time - Ibn Ezra).


Since a 'Fey' and a 'Veis' are interchangeable (See for example, Pe'ah, 6:1, and Yo'el 1:17) - See also Rashi on Lech-L'cha Bereishis, 15:11).


Hashem caused the water to congeal with "the breath of His nostrils". How did He cause the water to melt?


Ramban and Seforno: Hashem miraculously performed both actions using the same breath!


Hadar Zekenim: He caused the water to melt and crash down on the Egyptians with the Breath of His Mouth - a double miracle. 1


Hadar Zekenim: Since normally, breath from the mouth is cold, and from the nose is hot. Here, Hashem's [hot] breath from the nose froze the water, and His [cold] breath from His Mouth melted the frozen water.


To whom does the description "Adirim" pertain?


Rashbam: It describes the (turbulent) water.


Menachos 53a and Mechilta: Hakadosh Baruch Hu, who is called 'Adir' 1 caused Yisrael, who are called 'Adirim' 2 to be paid from (by punishing) the Egyptians, who are called here 'Adirim', 3 to sink like lead in the water, which is called 'Adirim'. 4


Seforno: It refers to the officers and heads of the Egyptian army.


See Torah Temimah, note 18. Mishnah Berurah (51:17, citing the Pri Megadim): The note under "be'Mayim" is a 'Tipcha', to show that it is not connected to "Adirtm" - and one must therefore pause between them. (Some ask that likewise, in Pasuk 14, there is a 'Tipcha' under "Yoshvei", even though it is undoubtedly connected to "Pelashes"? Perhaps when one cannot err to expound differently, notes are assigned for other reasons (refer to 12:40:3:1* and to Bereishis 44:18:151:1). The Gematriya of ha'Tipcha is 103, the same as Avimelech - PF.)

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