
Why does it say "Hine Avadai Yaronu mi'Tuv Lev v'Atem Titz'aku mi'Ke'ev Lev"?


Refer to 65:13:3:1, 65:13:5:1.


Radak: Normally, after eating and drinking, they rejoice and raise their voices in song. You will raise your voices in wailing amidst pain and a broken spirit.


Malbim: My servants will sing and rejoice over the building of Tziyon; it is not over your afflictions. You, "ha'Shechechim Es Har Kodshi", will scream amidst a pained heart (external pain).


Why does it add "umi'Shever Ru'ach Teyelilu"?


Malbim: The inner spirit is broken, for it sees that your hope is lost.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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