
Who are "Eilei ha'Aretz"?


Rashi: They are Chorei Yehudah 1 and Binyamin. They were Tzadikim. It says about them "ka'Te'enim ha'Tovos he'Eleh Ken Akir Es Galus Yehudah" (Yirmeyah 24:5).


Rashi (Yirmeyah 39:6): These are the Sanhedrin. Nebuchadnetzar killed them for permitting Tzidkiyah's oath. (Here it says that that he exiled them! - PF) Radak (39:6) - they are the officers of Yehudah.


Why does it say "Holech Golah"?


Radak: This is like b'Golah. It is a noun (exile), like Sho'ah. The same applies to "Klei Golah" (Yirmeyah 46:19).

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