
From where would Yosef obtain seeds for planting? (According to Rashi this was only the second year, and another five years of famine had been forecast, during which there was destined to be "no plowing or harvesting.")


Rashi: When Yaakov arrived in Egypt, the famine stopped. 1


Ramban and Seforno (to 47:18): It was now in fact the seventh and final year of the famine.


Refer to 47:7:1:3 or 47:10:1:1. This was despite the forty-two years that that the famine had been destined to last - seven years each for the lean cows and the sparse ears of grain of the dreams, another 14 years for Pharaoh's relating the dream to Yosef, and another 14 for Yosef repeating it back to Pharaoh. The remaining years 40 years were served to them when they went into exile for 40 years in the time of Yechezkel (Rashi to Yechezkel 29:11; Moshav Zekenim to 41:5,16; also see Ramban (citing Midrash) to 47:18 (refer to 47:12:1:3*)).



Rashi writes: "'Give seeds (Zera)' - to plant the earth." Why explain this way?


Gur Aryeh: It is not that the Egyptians wanted to eat the seeds, due to the famine. Rather, the term "Zera" implies seeds for the purpose of Zeri'ah' (planting).


Rashi writes that the famine stopped when Yaakov arrived in Egypt. But if so, Yosef's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream would be disproven retroactively?


Ramban (to 47:18) #1: Since the famine continued full-force in Kena'an, 1 and, what's more, before the eyes of all the people it stopped in Egypt when Yaakov came before Pharaoh and the water of the Nile rose to meet him, Yosef's integrity was not in danger of being jeopardized.


Ramban (to 47:18) #2 (citing Midrash): The famine later resumed after Yaakov died. Refer to 47:12:1:3.


Gur Aryeh: Refer to 47:13:1.2:2 and 47:13:1.2:3.


Mizrachi (to 47:13): Indeed, Yosef had not specified that the seven years of famine would occur in Egypt specifically.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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