
Why did Yehudah say "v'Nichyeh, v'Lo Namus"? Why was "v'Lo Namus" not superfluous?


Seforno: "V'Nichyeh" via food; "v'Lo Namus" at the hand of Yosef, if we return without Binyamin.


Rashi: He said "v'Nichyeh" due to Ru'ach ha'Kodesh. Through this, [Yaakov will find out that Yosef is alive, and] his spirit will be revived. 1


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: We will live without pain. And if not, [we will live with pain, but] at least we will not die.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: This is for the inference. If we do not go, do not say that we will merely lack [comfortable] life. We will die! 2


Ohr ha'Chayim #3: If we do not go, we will die in the upper world (to come). Hashem will say, why did you not toil to save your lives?!


Gur Aryeh: We may interpret this phrase because the term "we will live" is extra; the next phrase already says, "... and not die."


Hashem has many Sheluchim (ways to save! Tana d'Vei Eliyahu Rabah 28 says so about punishments.) Perhaps since they knew of no other Hishtadlus to save their lives, they were obligated to go, in spite of Safek danger to Binyamin. (PF)


Why does it say "Yisrael"?


Ha'amek Davar: Yehudah told him with a proper heart that he has no fear, for he trusts in the name Yisrael - you overpowered an angel and people!


Why did Yehudah say, "Gam Anachnu... "?


Rashi (according to Gur Aryeh): Binyamin might be detained, or he might not; but if we do not go, we will all die of famine! The elaboration in the Pasuk seems necessary; all of them are included in "we"! Yehudah was making two arguments - a) If we go, Binyamin might be harmed; but if we stay he will surely die! b) Binyamin is but one person; but if we do not go, we will all perish along with him.


Ohr ha'Chayim, Ha'amek Davar: We, in addition to Binyamin, for whom you are concerned about a Safek, will live. If we do not go, also he will die with us!


Why did Yehudah put the brothers' lives before Yaakov's?


Ohr ha'Chayim #1: This hints to the Halachah (Rema YD 251:3) that one's own life has precedence over one's father's life.


Ohr ha'Chayim #2: He left what is more important (his father' life) for last.


Ohr ha'Chayim #3: Not only the brothers will live through going, rather, also Yaakov, for there is no bread in all the land, except for Egypt.


Why did he mention their children at the end?


Ohr ha'Chayim: One's children are dearer to him than his own body. We see that David wished that he had died in place of Avshalom (Shmuel II 19:1)!

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