BAVA KAMA 86 (17 Shevat) - Dedicated by Mrs. Idelle Rudman in memory of Harav Reuven Moshe Rudman ben Harav Yosef Tuvia Rudman, who passed away 17 Shevat 5766, in honor of his Yahrzeit.



úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ùçøùå

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Tana says that he is Chayav 'all of them', even though he already pays D'mei Kulo.)

åà"ú, åàîàé 'çééá áëåìï, ' äà ãîé ëåìå ðåúï?


Question: Why, seeing as he pays his full value, is he obligated to pay 'all of them'?

åìôé' ø"é ãìòéì ðéçà, ãîëì î÷åí éù ëàï öòø áåùú åøéôåé, àó òì âá ãùáú áëìì 'ãîé ëåìå, ' ùééê ìùðåú 'çééá áëåìï' îùåí àçøéðé.


Answer: According to the Ri earlier (on Daf 85b DH 'N'hi') this is in order, because, since in any event, he must pay Tza'ar, Ripuy and Boshes, it is appropriate to say 'Chaya be'Chulan' on account of them, even though Sheves is included in 'D'mei Kulo'.



úåñ' ã"ä ùáú âãåìä ìòáã

(Summary: Tosfos presents the reasons behind the two rulings.)

ëãé ùéöà îáéú øáå áéãå ùìéîä...


Clarification: To enable him to leave his master's house with a complete hand ...

'åùáú ÷èðä ìøá' àò"ô ùîôñéã äøá, ùàí ìà ð÷èòä éãå àå øâìå, äéä ãìé ãååìà åàæéì áùìéçåúéä, åòëùéå àéï éëåì ëé àí ìùîåø ÷éùåàéï åôúç...


Question: 'And Sheves Ketanah to the master' - Even though the master loses, because, had the hand or the foot not been severed, he would have drawn water or gone on errands, whilst now he is only able to guard cucumbers or at the gate ...

çùáéðï ìéä äùúà ëîå çìä ,ãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà ã÷ãåùéï (ãó éæ. åùí) ãàéï çééá ìäùìéí, ãðñúçôä ùãäå.


Answer: We consider it as if he had turned sick, about which the Gemara says in the first Perek of Kidushin (Daf 17a & 17b) that he is not Chayav to make it up.

åàó òì âá ãçìä àøáò ùðéí, çééá ìäùìéí...


Implied Question: And even though if he is sick for four years (the majority of six) he is Chayav to make it up ...

äúí àéï òåùä ùåí îìàëä, àáì äëà éëåì ìùîåø ÷éùåàéï àå ôúç.


Answer: ... that speaks where he does no work at all, whereas here, he is able to guard cucumbers or at the gate.



úåñ' ã"ä øáà àîø éðúï äëì ìøá âøñéðï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the text.)

åëï âøñ ø"ç.


Verifying Text: This is also the text of Rabeinu Chananel.

åáñôøéí äéä ëúåá 'äëì ìòáã' .


Refuted Text: The earlier texts read 'ha'Kol le'Eved' (See Hagahos me'ha'Rav Renshberg).

å÷ùä, ùáú ÷èðä ìîä ìà éäéä äëì ìøá?


Refutation: But why should the entire Sheves Ketanah not go to the master?

àìà 'äëì ìøá' âøñéðï...


Conclusion: The correct text is therefore 'ha'Kol le'Rav' ...

ùáú ÷èðä äëì ìòöîå, åùáú âãåìä éì÷ç ÷ø÷ò åäøá àåëì ôéøåú...


Clarification: Sheves Ketanah goes entirely to the master, and Sheves Gedolah is used to purchase Karka (for the Eved), from which the master eats the fruit ...

ùîôñéã äåà á÷èéòú éãå, ãìà îöé ìîéãìé ãååìà åìîéæì áùìéçåúà àìà ìùîåø ÷éùåàéï àå ôúç.


Reason: ... This is because he loses with the severing of the Eved's hand, since he is no longer able to draw water and go on errands



úåñ' ã"ä ôéçú àöì øáå

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies which is the correct text.)

ì"â 'åàöì òöîå ìà ôéçú, ôìåâúà ãàáéé åøáà'


Refuted Text: We do not have the text 've'Eitzel Atzmo Lo Picheis, P'lugta de'Abaye ve'Rava' ...

ãäúí ë"ò îåãå ãéðúï äëì ìøá.


Refutation: Because in such a case they would both agree that it goes entirely to the master.

àìà âøñéðï 'ôéçú àöì òöîå åàöì øáå, ôìåâúà ãàáéé åøáà . '


Authentic Text: Therefore, the correct text is Picheis Eitzel Atzmo ve'Eitzel Rabo, P'lugta de'Abaye ve'Rava'.

åîéäå âí à'âéøñà æå ÷ùä ìø"é -ãëáø àîø æä ãôìéâé á'÷åèò éã òáã òáøé?'


Question: The Ri queried this text too however, in that they already argue over this in the case of 'ha'Kote'a Yad Eved Ivri'?

åàåø"é, ãéù ìééùá áãåç÷ ' -àöì òöîå ìà ôéçú,' ùúäà áæä ôìåâúà ãàáéé åøáà...


Reinstating Refuted Text: The Ri says however, that one can resolve the problem, albeit with a Dochek - that 'Eitzel Atzmo Lo Picheis' will be a Machlokes between Abaye and Rava ...

ëâåï äëäå òì éãå åöîúä åñåôä ìçæåø ÷åãí ùéöà ìçéøåú, ãìàáéé ðåúðéï ùáú ÷èðä ìøá åùáú âãåìä ìòáã...


Reinstating Refuted Text (cont.): ... where he struck the Eved on his hand, which contracted, but which stood to heal before he went free, in which case, according to Abaye he will have to pay Sheves Ketanah to the master and Sheves Gedolah to the Eved ...

åàò"â ãìà îôñéã äòáã îéãé àìà ëì ääôñã ùì äøá äåà...


Question: ... and even though the Eved loses nothing and the entire loss lands on the master ...

î"î, ëéåï ãùí ðæ÷ äåà æä, åáðæ÷ ùì ÷èéòú éãå àéï ìøá àôé' ôéøåú ìàáéé, âí áäéæ÷ æä ìà éèåì ëìåí.


Answer: ... nevertheless, this comes under the heading of Nezek, and, since, regarding the Nezek of 'severing the hand' the master does not even receive the Peiros, he will not receive anything in the current case either.

åìøáà ðåúï äëì ìøá ùáúå ùáëì éåí åéåí.


Answer (cont.): ... Whereas Rava maintains that one gives everything - the Sheves day by day - to the master.



úåñ' ã"ä ëàéìå äï áðé çåøéï ùéøãå îðëñéäí

(Summary: Tosfos explains how the measure of Boshes is not necessarily determined by one's financial status.)

ëé éù òùéøéí ùàéï îúáééùéï éåúø îáðé çåøéï ùéøãå, åëï òðééí...


Clarification: Because there are rich people who are not more embarrassed than ordinary (free) people who have lost their wealth ...

åàéï éëåìéï ìã÷ã÷ òìéäí ë"ë àéæä îäï îúáééù ëàéìå éøã åàéæä îúáééù éåúø àå ôçåú.


Clarification (cont.): ... and one cannot accurately assess which of them are embarrassed as if they had lost their wealth and which of them are embarrassed to a larger or a lesser degree.

åëéåöà áæä îöéðå áîúðéúéï âáé 'äòáéø èìéúå' ,å'ôøò øàù ùì àùä áùå÷' ...


Precedent: We find similarly in the Mishnah (later on Daf 90a) in connection with someone who removes his friend's outer clothing or who uncovers a woman's hair in the main street'.

ãàéï îã÷ã÷éï áãáø àí äéå ùí áðé àãí ùøâéì ìäúáééù éåúø îôðéäí...


Precedent (cont.): There too, we do not examine whether there are people there before whom he/she will probably be more embarrassed or not ...

ëâåï áðé àãí çùåáéí àå ìà, àìà ùåéí ìùåîà àçú.


Precedent (concl.): ... such as important communal figures. But one makes one assessment for all cases.



úåñ' ã"ä òã ùéúëåéï ìå

(Summary: Tosfos asks what the Rabanan will Darshen from "bi'Mevushav".)

åà"ú, ìøáðï "áîáåùéå" îàé ãøù é áéä?


Question: What will the Rabanan Darshen from "bi'Mevushav"?

åùîà îáòé ìéä ìùåí ãøùä.


Answer: Presumably, they need it for some D'rashah or other.



úåñ' ã"ä àáì ìîéùí ùééîéðï áäå

(Summary: Tosfos explains how the current case differs from that of 'Niskaven Laharog es ha'Beheimah ve'Harag es ha'Adam ... '.)

åìà ãîé ì'ðúëååï ìäøåâ àú äáäîä åäøâ àú äàãí' ' ,ìëåúé åäøâ àú éùøàì' ?


Implied Question: This is not comparable to 'Niskaven Laharog es ha'Beheimah ve'Harag es ha'Adam, le'Kuti ve'Harag es Yisrael ... '.

ãäúí àéëà ÷øà- ããøùéðï áôø÷ á' ãîëåú (ãó æ:) "ááìé ãòú" ' ,ôøè ìîúëåéï ìäøåâ àú äáäîä ...', åäëà ìéëà ÷øà.


Answer: ... sincc there there is a Pasuk - as we Darshen in the second Perek of Makos (Daf 7b) "bi'Veli Da'as", 'P'rat le'Miskaven Laharog es ha'Beheimah ... ', whereas here there is no Pasuk.

åìà éìôéðï îäúí ...


Implied Question: Neither can we learn it from there ...

ãäà îáòé ìï ÷øà äëà ìøáé ùîòåï ìôèåø ðúëååï ìáééù àú æä åáééù àú æä, àó òì âá ãàéëà ÷øà áãéðé ðôùåú.


Answer: ... since we (see that) we need a Pasuk here according to Rebbi Shimon to exempt someone who intends to shame Reuven, but shames Shimon, even rhough there is a Pasuk in this regard by Dinei Nefashos.




úåñ' ã"ä òøåí áø áåùú äåà

(Summary: Tosfos initially clarifies Rashi's interpretation, and then disagrees with it.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ, ëéåï ãàéï î÷ôéã ìäìåê òøåí áôðé áðé àãí, îé äåé ëìì áø áåùú?


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that, since he does not mind walking around naked in public, is he at all subject to shame?

å÷' ìôéøåùå, î"ù ãôøéê à'áøééúà? äåä ìéä ìîôøê à'îúðéúéï ã÷úðé 'äîáééù àú äòøåí, çééá' ?


Question: But his explanation is difficult, because, why does the Gemara query the Beraisa? It should have queried the Mishnah, which says that someone who embarrasses a naked person is Chayav?

åðøàä ìôøù ãà'îúðéúéï ìà ôøéê, ãôùéèà ãòøåí áø áåùú äåà, àí øå÷÷ áå àå ñèøå...


Answer: It appears that the Gemara does not query the Mishnah because, it is obvious that a naked person is subject to embarrassment should one spit on him or slap him ...

àáì ìùåï äáøééúà îùîò ìéä 'áééùå òøåí' ùîáééùå áîä ùîâìäå åîòøéîå.


Proof #1: The Lashon of the Beraisa, on the other hand - 'Biysho Arum' - implies that he shamed him by revealing his nakedness.

åòåã, ã÷úðé 'àéï ãåîä áééùå òøåí ìáééùå ìáåù ;' åàí øå÷÷ áå àå ñåèøå, ëê îúáééù ëùäåà òøåí ëîå ëùäåà ìáåù.


Proof #2: Furthermore, the Tana concludes that one cannot compare being shamed naked to being shamed clothed; And if one spat at him or slapped him, what difference would it make whether he is naked or clothed?

åìëê ôøéê 'òøåí áø áåùú äåà -àí äåà òøåí, äéàê äòøéîå?


Explanation #2: Hence the Gemara asks 'Is a naked person subject to Boshes - in other words, if he is naked, how can one render him naked?

åäà ã÷úðé ðîé ááøééúà 'áééùå ááéú äîøçõ, çééá' ,à'áééùå òøåí' ðîé ÷àé, ùäòøéîå ááéú äîøçõ.


Explanation #2 (cont.): And the Beraisa which declares Reuven Chayav in the bathhouse also refers to the case of 'Biysho Arum', that he rendered him naked in the bathhouse ...

åäùúà à"ù äà ãôøéê 'áéú äîøçõ áø áåùú äåà' áòøîåîé', åäìà ãøê áðé àãí ìäéåú òøåîéí áîøçõ?


Conclusion: In that case, the question the Gemara poses 'Is a person in a bathhouse subject to Boshes (in his nakedness)?' is justifiable, seeing as it is the way of people to be naked in a bathhouse.



úåñ' ã"ä ãàúà æé÷à ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos discusses what the Din will be if the man himself initially raised his own clothes.)

àáì àí äåà òöîå ãìéðäå åáà çáéøå åãìéðäå èôé, ôèåø , ëéåï ùæä àéï î÷ôéã...


Explanation #1: But if he raised his own clothes and his friend came and raised them more, the latter would be Patur, since he himself does not care ...

àå ùîà àåøçà ãîéìúà ð÷è ãàúà æé÷à.


Explanation #2: ... or perhaps (it makes no difference and) the Gemara only mentions the wind because it is more common.



úåñ' ã"ä áééùå éùï åîú îäå

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the Gemara's omission of the ruling of Rav Sheishes (as cited in Sanhedrin.)

úéîä, ãìà îééúé äëà îéìúéä ãøá ùùú ...


Question: Why does the Gemara not cite the ruling of Rav Sheishes ...

ãáøéù äðçð÷éï (ñðäãøéï ãó ôä. åùí) ôøéê áôùéèåú 'åäàîø øá ùùú, "áééùå éùï åîú, çééá ?" '


Source: ... as it does at the beginning of 'ha'Nechnakin' (Sanhedrin, Daf 85a, Tosfos DH 've'ha'Amar'), where it asks simply 'But did Rav Sheishes not say "Biysho Yashen u'Meis, Chayav"?

åéù ñôøéí ùëúåá áäï 'åäàîø øá ùùú "áééùå éùï, çééá, " åì"â 'åîú'.


Added Text: Some texts therefore read 'But did Rav Sheishes not say "Biysho Yashen, Chayav"? - though they omit the word 'u'Meis'.

åìà ðäéøà ëìì, ãîä òðéï 'éùï' ì'âáøà ÷èéìà ùéåöà ìéäøâ?'


Refutation #1: This is not correct however, since what connection is there between someone who is sleeping and a dead man who is being taken out to be killed?

åòåã, îàé ÷î"ì øá ùùú, îúðéúéï äéà 'äîáééù àú äéùï, çééá?'


Refutation #2: Moreover, what is Rav Sheishes coming to teach us, seeing as the Mishnah already says 'ha'Mevayesh es ha'Yashein, Chayav'?

åîéäå àéï úéîä ë"ë ùìà äáéà ëàï îéìúà ãøá ùùú ìîéôùè áòééï...


Refutation of Question: It is not so surprising however, for the Gemara not to cite Rav Sheishes to resolve the She'eilah ...

ãëä"â àùëçï á'àéï áéï äîåãø' (ðãøéí ãó ìä: åùí) ãàéáòéà 'äðé ëäðé ùìåçé ãéãï äåå àå ùìåçé ãùîéà äåå' ...


Precedent: ... just as we find in 'Ein bein ha'Mudar' (Nedarim, Daf 35b, See Tosfos DH 'Amar leih'), where the Gemara asks whether the Kohanim (in the Beis-Hamikdash) are our Sheluchim or the Sheluchim of Hash-m ...

åìà îééúé îéìúéä ãøá äåðà áøéä ãøá éäåùò ãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ëâ: åùí) 'äðé ëäðé ùìåçé ãøçîðà ðéðäå, ãàé ùìåçé ãéãï, îé àéëà îéãé ãàðï ìà îöé òáãé åàéðäå îöå òáãé'?


Precedent (cont.): ... and it does not cite the words of Rav Huna b'reih de'Rav Yehoshua, who states in the first Perek of Kidushin (Daf 23b, See Tosfos, DH 'De'Amar') that 'These Kohanim are the Sheluchim of Hash-m; they cannot be our Sheluchim, because how can they do (on our behalf) what we ourselves cannot do?

àê ÷ùä, ãáîñ÷ðà ãäëà îùîò ãáééùå éùï åîú, ôèåø, ãîñé÷ ãîùåí ëéñåôà ãéãéä äåà.


Question: The problem remains however, that the conclusion of the current Sugya implies that if he shamed him whilst he is asleep, and he dies, he is Patur, since it concludes that it is on account of the person's own shame (and not that of the family).

åø"ú âøéñ äúí ' -åäàîø øá ùùú "áééùå, çééá' " ,åà'éåöà ìéäøâ '÷àé.


Amendment of Text in Sanhedrin: Rabeinu Tam has the text there (in Sanhedrin) 'Biysho, Chayav' - and it is with reference to someone who is being taken out to be killed.



úåñ' ã"ä ñåîà àéï ìå áåùú

(Summary: Tosfos proves that this is refers exclusively to a blind person who shames others.)

ãñåîà ùáééù ôèåø, àáì äîáééù àú äñåîà, çééá ...


Clarification: This means that a blind person who shames is Patur, though someone who shames him is Chayav ...

ãäà ìà îùúîò î"òéðéê" ùéäà ôèåø.


Reason: ... since we cannot extrapolate from "Einecha" that he should be Patur.

åëï îùîò îúåê ôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ- ãôé' ããéé÷ îúðéúéï ãìà ëøáé éäåãä, îãìà ÷úðé 'ñåîà ùáééù, ôèåø' ,ëã÷úðé 'éùï ùáééù, ôèåø' ...


Support: And so it is implied from Rashi, who explains that the Gemara extrapolates from the Mishnah not like Rebbi Yehudah, from the fact that it does not say 'Suma she'Biyesh Patur', in the same way as it says 'Yashen, she'Biyesh Patur' ...

îùîò ãìà îöé ãéé÷ îã÷úðé 'äîáééù àú äñåîà, çééá... '


Support (cont.): ... implying that one cannot similarly extrapolate it from the words 'ha'Mevayesh es ha'Suma, Chayav' ...

ãîåãä øáé éäåãä ãîáééù àú äñåîà , çééá.


Support (concl.): ... that Rebbi Yehudah concedes that someone who shames a blind person is Chayav.



úåñ' ã"ä îä ìäìï ñåîà ìà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why this does not extend to Gazlanim and Avadim.)

åà"ú, àé îä ìäìï âæìðéí åòáãéí ìà, àó âáé áåùú ìéôèøå?


Question: Why do we not similarly say that, just as there (by Eidim Zom'min), Gazlanim and Avadim are not Chayav, so too, are they Patur from Boshes?

åë"ú àùä úåëéç, ãôñåìä ìòãåú åçééáú ááåùú...


Refuted Answer: And one cannot answer that 'a woman' will refute that suggestion, who is Pasul le'Eidus, yet she is Chayav to pay Boshes

ëãëúéá "åäçæé÷ä áîáåùéå" ...


Source: ... as the Torah writes "ve'Hechzikah bi'Mevashav" (Refer to Amud Alef) ...

à"ë, ñåîà ðîé ìà àúé.


Refutation: ... because if so, we will not be able to learn a Suma either.

åé"ì, ëéåï ã"òéðéê" "òéðéê" âîø, àò"â ãòéðéê à'áéú ãéï ÷àé, ñáøà äåà ãìòðéï ãáø äúìåé áøàéä ðéúðä â"ù.


Answer: ... seeing as the Gemara learns it (Suma) from "Einecha" "Einecha", despite the fact that "Einecha" refers to Beis-Din, it makes sense to say that the Gezeirah Shavah was handed down exclusively in connection with something that has to do with vision.



úåñ' ã"ä åàéï îéòåè àçø îéòåè àìà ìøáåú

(Summary: Tosfos asks why this D'rashah is not redundant.)

úéîä, ìà ìéëúåá ùåí îéòåè, åîîéìà àúøáé?


Question #1: Let the Torah write no Miy'ut at all, in which case it will automatically include?

åëï éù ìä÷ùåú âáé 'àéï øéáåé àçø øéáåé àìà ìîòè'.


Question #2: And one can ask the same question with regard to 'Ein Ribuy achar Ribuy Ela le'Ma'et' (in Pesachim, Daf 23a [See also Mesores ha'Shas]).



úåñ' ã"ä çééáé îì÷éåú îðéï àúéà øùò øùò

(Summary: Tosfos proves that the Gezeirah Shavah "Rasha" "Rasha" is unanimous.)

øáé éäåãä ãøéù äëà â"ù ã"øùò" "øùò," åøáðï ìà ôìéâé àìà ãìà ôèøé ñåîà àôéìå áçééáé âìéåú.


Clarification: Rebbi Yehudah here Darshens the Gezeirah Shavah "Rasha" "Rasha", and the Rabanan only disagree with him in that they do not preclude a Suma even from Chayvei Galuyos.

åáàçã ãéðé îîåðåú (ñðäãøéï ãó ìâ: åùí ã"ä àúéà) âáé 'ãéðé ðôùåú îçæéøéï ìæëåú' ðîé àîø 'çééáé îì÷éåú îðéï? àúéà "øùò" "øùò;" úðéà ðîé äëé . ...'


Precedent #1: And in 'Echad Dinei Mamonos (Sanhedrin, Daf 33b, and Tosfos there, DH 'Asya') in connection with 'Dinei Nefashos Machzirin li'Z'chus' too, the Gemara, in answer to the Kashya 'Chayvei Malkiyos Minayin', answers 'Asya "Rasha" "Rasha" ', and supports it with a Beraisa.

åñúîà ãâîøà ãøéù ìä áô"÷ ãîëåú (ãó ä:) âáé 'àéï äòãéí æåîîéï ðäøâéí òã ùéâîø äãéï òì ôéäí.'


Precedent #2: And the S'tam Gemara at the beginning of Makos (Daf 5b) also Darshens it in connection with 'Ein ha'Eidim Zom'min Neheragim a she'Yigamer ha'Din al-Pihem'.

åäà ãàîø áôø÷ ÷îà ãñðäãøéï (ãó é.) 'îàé èòîà ãøáé éùîòàì ãàîø îëåú áë"â? àîø àáéé àúéà "øùò" "øùò;" øáà àîø îì÷åú úçú îéúä òåîãú ...


Implied Question: And when the Gemara, in the first Perek of Sanhedrin (Daf 10a) asks why Rebbi Yishmael maintains that Makos requires twenty-three judges, to which Abaye answers 'Asya "Rasha" "Rasha", and Rava that 'Malkos is in place of Misah' ...

ìàå îùåí ãìéú ìéä ìøáà "øùò" "øùò," àìà îùåí ãìà öøéê, ãîâåó äîì÷åú ùîòéðï ãäåé áë"â, ãîì÷åú úçú îéúä, åîéúä áë"â.


Answer: ... it is not because Rava does not hold of "Rasha" "Rasha", but because it is not necessary there, since from Malkos itself one can learn twenty-three, due to the fact that Malkos is in place of Misah.

åìòðéï 'îçæéøéï ìæëåú åàéï îçæéøéï ìçåáä' ...


Implied Question: Regarding 'Machzirin li'Zechus ve'Ein Machzirin le'Chovah' (where Rava concedes to "Rasha" "Rasha") ...

ìà ùééê ëì ëê 'îì÷åú úçú îéúä òåîãú'...


Answer: The principle 'Malkos be'Makom Misah Omedes' is not so applicable.

ãùîà áîéúä ãå÷à îùåí "åùôèå äòãä åäöéìå äòãä."


Reason: ... since perhaps it applies only to Misah, on account of the Pasuk "ve'Shaftu ha'Eidah, ve'Hitzilu ha'Eidah" (which does not apply to Malkos).

åëï áôø÷ ÷îà ãîëåú (ãó ä.) âáé 'îùìùéí áîîåï åàéï îùìùéí áîëåú' ,ãàîø 'îðà äðé îéìé? àîø àáéé àúéà "øùò" "øùò" ;øáà àîø áòéðï "ëàùø æîí" ,åìéëà... '


Implied Question: And similarly in the first Perek of Makos (Daf 5a) in connection with 'Dividing Malkos into two or three, bur not Malkos', where, in reply to the Gemara's question from where we know it, Abaye answers 'Asya "Rasha" "Rasha", and Rava, 'We need "ka'asher Zamam", which is not there (should one divide the Malkos into two or three). (continued on next Amud)