

úåñ' ã"ä ëìì åôøè äîøåç÷éï æä îæä

(Summary: Tosfos draws a distinction between where the K'lal u'Perat pertain to one topic and where they don't, and explains the Sugya in Sanhedrin accordingly.)

ðøàä ìø"é ãáëìì åôøè äîøåç÷éï æä îæä ãôìéâé úðàé ãäëà, åääåà ãôìéâé ðîé àáéé åøáà áøéù áðåú ëåúéí (ðãä ãó ìâ.) äééðå ãå÷à áçã òðéðà, àáì áúøé òðéðé ìë"ò àéï ãðéï...


Clarification: The Ri explains that the K'lal u'Perat that are far apart, over which the Tana'im are arguing here, and that over which Abaye and Rava arre arguing at the beginning of 'B'nos Kutim' (Nidah, Daf 33a) discuss the same topic, but if they discuss two different topics, both opinions agree that 'Ein Danin' ...

ëãîåëç áô"÷ ãôñçéí (ãó å: åùí) åáëì äîðçåú (îðçåú ðä: åùí).


Source: ... as is evident in the first Perek of Pesachim (Daf 6b & 7a), and in 'Kol ha'Menachos' (Menachos, Daf 55b & 56a).

åääéà ãðâîø äãéï (ñðäãøéï ãó îå: åùí) âáé "åäåîú åúìéú" àí ðçùáðå ëúøé òðéðé ìôé ùîøåç÷éï éåúø îàåúí ùáëàï åùáðãä, àúéà ääéà ãðâîø äãéï ëë"ò...


Clarification (Gemara Sanhedrin): And as for the case in 'Nigmar ha'Din' (Sanhedrin, Daf 46a & 46b) in connection with "ve'Humas ve'Salisa", it depends - if, because they are further apart than those in our Sugya and in NIdah, we consider it like two contexts, then it goes according to both opinions ...

àáì àí ðçùáéä ëçã òðéðà, àúé ñåâéà ãäúí ëî"ã àéï ãðéï.


Clarification (Gemara Sanhedrin [cont.]): ... whereas if we consider it like one context, then that Sugya will concur with the opinion that holds 'Ein Danin'.



úåñ' ã"ä ìãîéí éúøéí

(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ ãàé ìà ëúéá àìà "ëåéä" ,ä"à àôéìå àéú ìéä çáåøä, ãîé ëåéä äåà ãîùìí, àáì úøúé ìà îùìí...


Expanation #1: Rashi explains that, had the Torah written only "Kevi'ah", we would have thought that even if there is also a wound, he pays for the burn, but not for both ...

÷î"ì ãîùìí úøåééäå âí öòø âí ðæ÷.


Expanation #1: ... Therefore it comes to teach us that he must pay both for the Tza'ar and for the wound (See Hagahos ve'Tziyunim).

åàéï ðøàä ìø"é, ãäà öòø áî÷åí ðæ÷ ðô÷à ìï î"ôöò úçú ôöò" ?


Refutation #1: The Ri however, does not agree with this explanation, since we learn Tz'ar where there is also Nezek from "Petza Tachas Patza".

åòåã, ãìîä äéä ìðå ìåîø ùäöòø éôèåø àú äðæ÷ åàú äøôåé?


Refutation #2: Furthermore, why would we even think that the Tza'ar would exempt him from paying Nezek and Ripuy?

åðøàä ìø"é 'ìãîéí éúøéí' ùîùìí áöòø ùéù áå øåùí éåúø îáöòø ùàéï áå øåùí...


Explanation #2: The Ri therefore explains 'Damim Yeseirim' to mean that he pays more for Tza'ar where there is a scar than Tza'ar where there is not ...

àò"ô ùàéï îöèòø áæä éåúø îáæä...


Implied Question: ... because, even though the one is not more painful than the other ...

îùìí éåúø ìôé ùîúâðä îçîú äøåùí.


Answer: ... he must pay more because of the shame that the scar causes.



úåñ' ã"ä òìå áå öîçéí ëå'

(Summary: Tosfos establishes it where Beis-Din did not make an initial assessment.)

ëùìà àîãåäå îééøé...


Clarification: It speaks where they did not initially assess it ...

ãàé áàîãåäå, äà àîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó öà.) 'àîãåäå åäéä îúðåðä åäåìê, àéï ðåúðéï ìå àìà ëîå ùàîãåäå'.


Reason: ... because if they did, the Gemara will say later that if after they assessed him, it got progressively worse, he only pays according to the assessment.



úåñ' ã"ä ùðéúðä øùåú ìøåôà ìøôàåú

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Torah needs to insert the word "Yerapei".)

åà"ú, åäà î"øôà" ìçåãéä ùîòéðï ìéä?


Question: But we already know this from "Rapo" on its own?

åé"ì, ãä"à ä"î îëä áéãé àãí, àáì çåìé äáà áéãé ùîéí ëùîøôà ðøàä ëñåúø âæéøú äîìê.


Answer: We would then have thought that it iws confined to a man-made wound, but that, to cure one that is delivered by Hash-m is akin to interfering with the Divine decree.

÷î"ì ãùøé.


Answer (cont.): The Torah therefore teaches us that it is permitted.



úåñ' ã"ä òáø òì ãáøé äøåôà

(Summary: Tosfos explains what the Chidush is.)

ìà çùéá ìéä ôåùò ë"ë.


Clarification: This is not considered quite as negligent.



úåñ' ã"ä ôùòú áðôùê åîôñãú ìé

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

äéëà ãìà àîãåäå.


Clarification: Where they did not assess it.



TOSFOS DH RO'IN OSO K'ILU SHOMER KISHU'IN (This Dibur belongs to the Mishnah on 83b).

úåñ' ã"ä øåàéï àåúå ëàéìå ùåîø ÷éùåàéï

(Summary: Tosfos discusses the case and elaborates.)

ùëáø ðúï ìå ãîé éãå àå ãîé øâìå.


Reason: Since he has already paid the value of his hand or his foot.

ùåîø ÷éùåàéï ìà ÷àé à'øâì, ã'áøâìå' ÷àîø áâîøà 'ùáú ëùåîø äôúç ... '


Explanation #1: 'As a guard in a cucumber field' does not refer to 'his foot', because concerning his foot, the Gemara gives his Sheves as 'Someone who stands guard at the gate' ...

àáì ÷éùåàéï àéï éëåì ìùîåø.


Explanation #1 (cont.): ... since he is unable to guard a cucumber field.

à"ð, áâî' àééøé áùéáø ùðé øâìéå, ãåîéà ã'ñéîà àú òéðå' ãàééøé áñéîà ùúé òéðéå ...


Explanation #2: Alternatively, the Gemara is speaking about someone who has broken both legs, similar to the case of 'Sima es Eino', which must be speaking about where he blinded both eyes ...

ãàé òéðå àçú, òãééï äåà øàåé ìëì æä ùäéä øàåé áúçéìä.


Proof: ... because if it was only one eye, he would still be able to do all the things that he was able to do before.

åáúåñôúà (ô"è) ðîé ÷úðé 'øåàéï àåúå ëàéìå äåà çéâø ùåîø ÷éùåàéï' -îùîò ãçéâø éëåì ìùîåø.


Support: And in the Tosefta (Perek 9) too, it says that we consider him as if he was a lame man guarding a cucumber field - implying that a lame man is able to guard (a cucumber field).

åðøàä ãàí äéä îìîã úéðå÷åú ìà ðàîø ëàéìå äåà ùåîø ÷éùåàéï.


Chidush: It also would seem that if he was a Melamed of children, we would not reckon him as a Shomer Kishu'in.

åáùéáø øâìå, àí äéä òåùä îòùä îçè àå ðå÷á îøâìéåú, ìà ðàîø ëàéìå äåà ùåîø äôúç...


Chidush (cont.): And by the same token, if he breaks the leg of someone who does embroidery or who strings pearls, we will not reckon him as someone who stands guard by the gate ...

ãàí ëï, ì÷úä îãú äãéï.


Reason: ... since it would be a perversion of justice to do so.

àìà äëà áñúí áðé àãí ùàéï áòìé àåîðåú.


Conclusion: Our Sugya must therefore be speaking about plain workers who are not craftsmen.



úåñ' ã"ä ãëé îúôç äàé âáøà

(Summary:Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

ëìåîø áúçéìä ëùäéä áøéà.


Clarification: This means initially, when he was still healthy.



úåñ' ã"ä çøùå ðåúï ìå ãîé ëåìå

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case and reconciles this Gemara with the Sugya in Erchin.)

ò"ë ìà îééøé áàåúå ù÷éèò àú éãå åùéáø àú øâìå åñéîà òéðå, àìà àôéìå áàãí ùìí, ãåîéà ã'ñéîà òéðå', ãìà àééøé áàåúå ù÷éèò éãå åùéáø øâìå ...


Clarification: This cannot be referring to the one whose hand is severed, whose leg is broken or whose eye is blinded, but to a victim who was not previously wounded, similar to 'Sima Eino', which is not speaking about the person whose hand or leg is broken ...

ãäà á'ùéáø øâìå' àéï ðåúï àìà ëùåîø äôúç ùäåà ôçåú îèçéðú äøéçéí.


Proof: ... because where he broke his leg he only pays him like a guard by the gate, which is less than someone who grinds in the mill.

åúéîä, ãîùîò äëà ãçøù ìà ùåé îéãé, îãðåúï ìå ãîé ëåìå; åáô"÷ ãòøëéï (ãó á. åùí) úðï 'çù"å ðéãøéï åðòøëéï' ?


Question: The Gemara here implies that a Cheresh is worth nothing, seeing as he has to pay his full value, whereas we learned in the Mishnah in the first Perek of Erchin (Daf 2a [See Tosfos DH 'Cheresh']) that a 'Chashu' is subject to Nedarim and Erchin'?

åàåø"ú, ãéù ìçì÷ áéï çøù áéãé àãí ìçøù áéãé ùîéí.


Answer #1: Rabeinu Tam maintains that one can draw a distinction between a Cheresh at the hands of man (who has no value) and a Cheresh at the Hands of Hash-m (who does).

åìø"é ðøàä ãäëà áàãí ùàéï áø àåîðåú, ëãôé' ìòéì.


Answer #2: Whereas the Ri explains that our Sugya is speaking about a person who is not a craftsman, as he explained earlier on the Daf ...

åëï îùîò îãð÷è 'ãìé ãååìà' 'åàæéì áùìéçåú,' äìëê ëùðúçøù àéï ùåä ëìåí...


Support: ... and that is also implied from the fact that it mentions that 'he draws water' or 'goes on errands'.

åäúí îééøé ëùéù ìå àåîðåú.


Support (cont.): ... whereas there (in Erchin) it is speaking about a craftsman.



úåñ' ã"ä ðäé ãðæ÷ åøéôåé åùáú ãëì çãà åçãà ìà éäéá ìéä

(Summary: Tosfos queries the insertion of Ripuy together with Nezek and Sheves and elaborates.)

úéîä, áùìîà ðæ÷ åùáú ãéï ùìà éúï, ùëì æä áëìì ãîé ëåìå...


Introduction to Question: It is in order to ascribe the Din of 'Lo Yiten' to Nezek and Sheves, seeing as each of them is included in 'D'mei Kulo' ...

àìà øéôåé ìîä ôùéèà ìéä ùéäéä áëìì ãîé ëåìå éåúø îöòø åáåùú?


Question: But why is it obvious to him that Ripuy should be included in 'D'mei Kulo' any more than Tza'ar and Boshes?

åðøàä ãâøñ äëà øéôåé áäãé öòø åáåùú åìà (äëà) áäãé ðæ÷ åùáú.


Answer: Therefore the correct text includes Ripuy together with Ta'ar and Boshes rather than with Nezek and Sheves.

àê àëúé ÷ùä, ãîàé ÷îéáòéà ìéä, ãìîä éôèø îøéôåé åöòø åáåùú ãëì çãà åçãà, áùáéì ùçøùå ìáñåó åðåúï ìå ãîé ëåìå?


Question #1: The question remains however, what is the Gemara's problem? Why should he be Patur from Ripuy, Tza'ar and Boshes independently just because he ultimately made him deaf and pays his full value?

î"ù î'÷éèò éãå' ùàò"ô ùäåà ðåúï ðæ÷ ùäåà ãîé éãå, ðåúï øéôåé öòø åáåùú?


Question #2: Why should this be any different than Reuven who severs Shimon's hand, where, after paying Nezek, which is the value of the hand, he nevertheless remains Chayav to pay Ripuy, Tza'ar and Boshes?

åòåã, àèå àí çáì áçøù, åëé éôèø îøéôåé öòø åáåùú?


Question #2: Moreover, does this mean that someone who wounds a Cheresh is Patur from paying Ripuy, Tza'ar and Boshes?

îéäå îäà ãúðï ì÷îï (ãó ôæ.) 'äçåáì áçøù, çééá' àéï ìã÷ã÷ ...


Refuted Question: One cannot however ask from the Mishnah later (on Daf 87a) 'Someone who wounds a Cheresh is Chayav' ...

ãîö"ì ãäúí áçøù áéãé ùîéí ëãáøé ø"ú...


Refutation #1: ... since one can establish it by a Cheresh bi'Yedei Shamayim, according to Rabeinu Tam (in the previous DH) ...

àå äåà áø àåîðåú.


Refutation #2: ... or where the victim is a craftsman (according to the Ri there).

åòåã, ãìòéì àùëçï ãçééá øéôåé ùìà áî÷åí ðæ÷?


Question #3: Furthermore, a little earlier we find that the Gemara declares Chayav Ripuy be'Makom Nezek?

åòåã úéîä, ãôòîéí îøåéç áîä ùçøùå ìáñåó -ëâåï ùäöòø åäøéôåé äéä òåìä éåúø îãîé ëåìå?


Question #4: Another problem is that it will sometimes transpire that the Mazik will benefit by ultimately rendering his victim a Cheresh - in the case where the Tza'ar and the Ripuy amount to more that the latter's full value?

åðøàä ìø"é ãôùéèà ãîùìí öòø åáåùú åøéôåé, ãëì çãà åçãà...


Answer: The Ri therefore explains that it is obvious that in fact, he pays for the Tza'ar, the Boshes and the Ripuy independently ...

åîáòé ìéä ëâåï ù÷éèò éãå éåí øàùåï åìà àîãåäå, åáéåí ùðé ùéáø øâìå åìà àîãåäå, åáéåí äùìéùé çøùå...


Explanation: And the Gemara's She'eilah is, in a case where he severed his hand on Sunday but did not assess it, broke his leg on Monday, again without assessing it and made him deaf on Tuesday ...

îé àîøéðï ãçùéá ëàéìå òùä äëì áôòí àçú åàåîãéï äëì áéçã, àå ãìîà ëéåï ùäçáìåú äéå áæä àçø æä, àåîãéï ìëì àçú øéôåé åöòø åáåùú ùìä áôðé òöîä?


Explanation (cont.): Do we make one final assessment at the end, or, bearing in mind that the Ripuy, the Tza'ar and the Boshes were performed consecutively, do we assess them independently?

åð"î ùàéï òåìä ë"ë ëùàåîãéï äëì áéçã ëîå ùòåìä ëùàåîãéï ëì àçú áôðé òöîä.


Ramifications: Because the cost will not turn out to be as high if they are assessed collectively as they would be if they were assessed independently.



úåñ' ã"ä ùáú äôåçúúå áãîéí îäå ëâåï ùäëäå òì éãå åöîúä, åñåôä ìçæåø

(Summary: Tosfos presents the reasoning behind the She'eilah.)

ùîìáã ùáúå ùáëì éåí åéåí òã ùéúøôà, ðôçúå ãîéå...


Clarification: Because, besides the Sheves of each day until he heals, his value has also depreciated ...

ùàéï áðé àãí á÷éàéï ìäëéø áéãå àí ñåôä ìçæåø, åìà éëðéñå òöîï áñô÷, ì÷ðåúå ëáøéà åùåìè áùúé éãéå ;åñáåøéï ùìà éúøôà òåã.


Reason: Since people are not sufficiently expert to know whether the wound will heal, and do not therefore enter into a Safek, to acquire him like a healthy person who has full use of both hands - because they think that he will not heal anymore.

àáì áãáø äéãåò ùñåôå ìçæåø, îåãä àáéé ùàéï ðåúï ìå àìà ùáú ùáëì éåí åéåí.


Conclusion: Whereas in a case where people know that he will heal, Abaye concedes that the Mazik is only required to pay the Sheves of each day.