
BARLEY AND WHEAT SEEDS (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 4 Halachah 3 Daf 20a)

îùðä [ãó ë òîåã à] äî÷ìó áùòåøéí î÷ìó àçú àçú åàåëì åàí ÷éìó åðúï ìúåê éãå çééá.


(Mishnah): If a person peels barley kernels, he may do so one at a time and eat them. But if he peeled and had several in his hand, he is obligated (to tithe).

äîåìì îìéìåú ùì çéèéí îðôéç òì éã òì éã åàåëì åàí ðéôç åðúï ìúåê çé÷å çééá:


One who rolls (dried) wheat seeds in his fingers may winnow (blow) them from one hand to the other (to remove the chaff). However, if he did this and put several in his lap, he is obligated.

âîøà à''ø æòéøà éëéì àðà î÷ìó úøúé úøúé


(Gemara) (R. Zeira): I permit peeling two at a time.

åúðé ëï áùòåøéí ùðéí ôèåø ùìù çééá áçéèéí ùìù ôèåø àøáò çééá.


Support (Tosefta): For barley, two are exempt and three are obligated; for wheat, three are exempt and four are obligated.

äåðà áø çéððà åøá úçìéôà áø àéîé äååï éúáéï ÷åîé øáé ìòæø


Huna bar Chinana and Rav Tachlifa bar Imi were sitting in front of R. Elazar.

àîø øáé éåðä àéï ëåìäåï áø àéîé ääï áø øá àéîé àéï ëåìäåï áø øá àéîé


Clarification (R. Yona): If (whenever we mention Rav Tachlifa, he's Rav Tachlifa) who is not Bar Imi, then in this story it was Rav Tachlifa Bar Rav Imi. And if (whenever we mention Rav Tachlifa), he is (Rav Tachlifa) Bar Rav Imi, (then in this story he was not Bar Rav Imi).

[ãó ìå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åäåééï ìéä òã ÷éùøé àöáòåúéä åäååï ñáéï îéðéä åäôê àôåé ìëåúìà åçåé ìåï îìà ùéòìåï.


(Continuing with the story): R. Elazar's palm was full of barley until his knuckles. R. Huna and Rav Tachlifa were taking from him seeds, one by one and peeling and eating them. R. Elazar faced the wall and peeled all of them and showed them a fist full of peeled barley.

åúðé ëï åáìáã ùìà éðôç ìà á÷ðåï åìà áúîçåé.


Support (Baraisa): ...as long as he doesn't winnow them using a funnel or a large bowl.

åìòðéï ùáú òã ëâøåâøåú.


For the Melacha of Borer (selecting) on Shabbos, one is only liable if there was a quantity of a dried fig.

øáé çééà áø àãà áòé ÷åîé øáé îðà äëà àú àîø áùòåøéï ùúéí ôèåø ùìù çééá åëà àú àîø äëéï.


Question (R. Chiya bar Ada to R. Mana): You said that for barley, two are exempt and three are obligated. But for wheat, the Mishnah seems to permit a full hand...?

àîø ìéä ùðééà äéà äëà ùäåà îçæéø àú äîåúéø.


Answer (R. Mana): In the case of the wheat he will return whatever remains (after he eats).

åúðé ëï áîä ãáøéí àîåøéí áæîï ùàéðå ñîåê ìâåøï àáì äéä ñîåê ìâåøï àôé' éúø îëï îåúø îôðé ùäåà îçæéø àú äîåúø:


Support (Baraisa): When (does peeling more than two barley seeds establish an obligation)? When he isn't close to the threshing floor (so he won't return whatever remains). However, if he was close, even more than that is permitted, since he will return whatever remains.