REDEEMING NETAH REVAY AND THE STATUS OF SURIA (Yerushalmi Peah Perek 7 Halachah 5 Daf 34a)
ø"æ áòé ÷åîé øáé àáäå îðééï ùäåà èòåï çéìåì
Question (R. Zeira to R. Abahu): What is the source that Netah Revay needs to be redeemed?
÷åãù äéìåìéí ÷åãù çéìåìéí ìà îúîðòéï øáðï áéï ä"é ìçé"ú
Answer (R. Abahu): The pasuk states (Vayikra 19:24), "...shall be sanctified to praise" [Kodesh Hilulim] and it is expounded as reading 'Kodesh Chilulim' - 'sanctified to be redeemed' as the Rabbis interchange the letter 'Hei' with the letter 'Ches'.
úðé øáé àééáå áø ðâøé ÷îéä øáé ìà ãøáé éùîòàì (åé÷øà ëæ) åàí âàì éâàì àéù îîòùøå çîéùéúå éåñó òìéå ôøè ìðèò øáòé ùàéï îåñéó òìéå çåîù
R. Aivu bar Nagri taught this teaching of R. Yishmael to R. Ila - the pasuk states (Vayikra 27:31), "And if a man redeems some of his tithe, he shall add its fifth to it" - this excludes Netah Revay, where a fifth is not added.
çæø åúðé ÷åîé' ùúé âàåìåú äï àçú ìîòùø ùðé åàçú ìðèò øáòé:
He then taught before him that there are two redemptions (indicated in the double wording of the pasuk) - of Maaser (Sheni) and of Netah Revay.
úîï úðéðï øáé éäåãà àåîø àéï ìðëøé ëøí øáòé [áñåøéà] åçëîéí àåîøéí éù ìå
(Mishnah in Maseches Terumos): R. Yehuda says that for a gentile, there is no law of Kerem Revay in Suria. The Chachamim disagree.
àîø øáé àìòæø ëéðé îúðé' àéï ìðëøé ëøí øáòé ëì òé÷ø
(R. Elazar): The Mishnah actually teaches that there is no Kerem Revay for a gentile at all.
øá áéáé àîø áòåï ÷åîé ø"æ áùí ø"à [ãó ñã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àúéà ãøáé éäåãà ëá"ù òì ãòúéä ãøáé ëîä ãáéú ùîàé àåîøéí ìà ìîãå ìðèò øáòé àìà îîòùø ùðé ëîä ãúéîø àéï îòùø ùðé áùáéòéú åãëååúä àéï ðèò øáòé áùáéòéú ëï øáé éäåãà àåîø ìà ìîãå ðèò øáòé àìà îîòùø ùðé ëîä ãúéîø àéï îòùø ùðé áñåøéà ãëååúé' àéï ðèò øáòé áñåøéà
(Rav Bayvei): They asked about R. Zeira's teaching in the name of R. Eliezer- R. Yehuda follows Beis Shammai - according to Rebbi - just as Beis Shammai say that they learned Netah Revay from Maaser Sheni - just as there is no Maaser Sheni in Sheviis, so too there is no Netah Revay in Sheviis - similarly, R. Yehuda says that they learned Netah Revay from Maaser Sheni and just as there is no Maaser Sheni in Suria, so too there is no Netah Revay in Suria (like Beis Shammai).
à"ì çîé îä àîø ìà àîø àìà àéï ìå çåîù åàéï ìå áéòåø äà ùàø ãáøéí éù ìå
(R. Zeira): Look at what Beis Shammai said - they only said that there is no need to add a fifth and there is no Biur (of Netah Revay); this means that it still has sanctity in Suria; (but R. Yehuda says that there is no sanctity of Netah Revay in Suria at all!)
øáé éäåãà àåîø àéï ìðëøé ëøí øáòé áñåøéà ùîåàì áø àáà áòé äà áù"à ìà ìîãå ðèò øáòé àìà îîòùø ùðé ëîä ãúéîø àéï î"ù áùáéòéú åãëååúé' àéï ðèò øáòé áùáéòéú åãëååúé' ùìéùéú åùùéú äåàéì åàéï áäï îòùø ùðé ìà éäà áäï ðèò øáòé
As said, R. Yehuda says that there is no sanctity of Netah Revay in Suria. Shmuel bar Abba asked - But Beis Shammai learned Netah Revay from Maaser Sheni - just as there is no Maaser Sheni in Sheviis, similarly there is no Netah Revah in Sheviis; so too if in the third and sixth year (of the Shemittah cycle) there is no Maaser Sheni separated, there should also be no Netah Revay in those years...?
àîø ø' éåñé ùìéùéú åùùéú àò"ô ùàéï áäï îòùø ùðé éù áäï îòùø òðé ùáéòéú àéï áäï îòùø ëì òé÷ø
(R. Yosi): In the third and sixth years, although there is no Maaser Sheni, there is Maaser Ani; but in Sheviis, there is no Maaser at all!
[ãó ñä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] çéôä ùàì àú øáé éåãà àîøéðï ìà ìîãå ðèò øáòé àìà îîòùø ùðé ëîä ãúéîø àéï î"ù áñåøéà åãëååúé' àéï ðèò øáòé áñåøéà ãëååúé' ìà ìîãå úøåîú úåãä àìà îúøåîú îòùø ëîä ãúéîø àéï úøåîú îòùø áîãáø åãëååúé' ìà úäà úøåîú úåãä áîãáø
Question (Chaifa to R. Yudah): We said that Netah Revay is learned from Maaser Sheni - just as there is no Maaser Sheni in Suria, so too there is no Netah Revay in Suria. Similarly, let's say that since they learned Terumas Todah (1/10th of the Todah loaves i.e. 4 of the 40 loaves, are given to the Kohen) from Terumas Maaser (1/10th of Maaser Rishon received by the Levi is given to the Kohen) - just as there was no Terumas Maaser in the desert, so too there was no Terumas Todah in the desert...?
à"ø éåñé ìà ìîãå îîðå àìà ìùéòåøï
(R. Yosi): They only learn from it the quantity that must be given.
úðé øáé éåñé á"ø éäåãà ø' àìéòæø á"ø ùîòåï àåîø ìà ðúçééáå éùøàì áðèò øáòé àìà ìàçø àøáò òùøä ùðä ùáò ùëéáùå åùáò ùçéì÷å
Baraisa (R. Yosi b'R. Yehuda/ R. Eliezer b' R. Shimon): Yisrael only became obligated in Netah Revay after the 14 years - 7 years of conquering and 7 years of dividing the Land.
àîø øá çñãà àúééà ãøáé éåñé á"ø éäåãà áùéèú øáé éäåãà àáåé ëîä ãøáé éäåãà àîø ìà ìîãå ðèò øáòé àìà îî"ù ëîä ãúéîø àéï î"ù àìà ìàçø àøáò òùøä ùðä åãëååúé' àéï ðèò øáòé àìà ìàçø àøáò òùøä ùðä
(Rav Chisda): R. Yosi b'R. Yehuda is following the view of R. Yehuda his father - just as R. Yehuda said that Netah Revay is learned from Maaser Sheni, which didn't apply until after the 14 years, so too Netah Revay. (R. Yehuda also says that there is no Netah Revay in Suria.)
àîø øáé éåñé åäåà áùéèú áðå ñåøéà ìîãä îé"ã àéï é"ã ùðä ìîãä îñåøéà
(R. Yosi): R. Yehuda actually followed his son's view - Suria was learned from the 14 years but the 14 years were not learned from Suria. (The 14 years exemption preceded the Suria exemption (which was only relevant many years later when King David conquered Suria) - if so, it should say that R. Yehuda learned that since there was no obligation of Revay in the 14 years, so too there is no obligation of Revay in Suria, like Maaser.)
OBLIGATING REVAY IN TITHES (Yerushalmi Peah Perek 7 Halachah 5 Daf 34a)
ëúéá åáùðä äçîéùéú úàëìå àú ôøéå ø' éåñé äâìéìé àåîø äøé àú ëîåñéó ôéøåú çîéùéú òì ôéøåú øáéòéú îä ôéøåú çîéùéú ìáòìéí àó ôéøåú øáéòéú ìáòìéí
The pasuk states (Vayikra 19:25), "And in the fifth year, you may consume its fruit". R. Yosi Haglili says - (Isn't it obvious that if the Torah only prohibited the first four years, that its fifth year is permitted? Rather,) it is to add a law of the produce of the fifth year to that of the fourth year. Just as the fifth year's produce belongs to the owner, so too the fourth year's produce.
[ãó ñä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ø"æ øáé éåñé áùí øáé éåçðï àúéà ãøáé éåñé äâìéìé ëøáé éäåãà ëîä ãø"é òùä àåúä ëðëñéå ëï ø"é äâìéìé òåùä àåúå ëðëñéå
(R. Zeira/ R. Yosi citing R. Yochanan): R. Yosi Haglili follows R. Yehuda that he views the fourth year produce as his own.
øáé éøîéä áòé ÷åîé ø"æ ëãáøé îé äåà òåùä àåúå ëðëñéå îäå ùéäà çééá áîòùøåú
Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Zeira): According to the one who views it as his own, is it obligated in Maaseros?
à"ì ëéé ãàîø øéá"ì ãàîø øáé àáåï áùí øéá"ì ìà ñåó ãáø äìëä æå àìà ëì äìëä ùäéà øåôôú ááéú ãéï åàéï àú éåãò îä èéáä öà åøàä îä äöéáåø ðåäâ åðäåâ åàðï çîééï öéáåøà ãìà îôøéùéï
Answer (R. Zeira): It is like R. Yehoshua ben Levi, as R. Avun said in his name - this Halacha is not the end of the matter; rather, any Halacha that is in doubt in Beis Din and you do not know its resolution, go and see how the people act and act that way - and we see that the people do not separate Maaser.
àîø øáé îðà àìå ðàîø ëá"ù åéù öéáåø òåùéï ëá"ù
Question (R. Mana): The actions of the people are no proof - the question was according to Beis Shammai!
àîø øáé àáåï ëìåí ìîãå ðèò øáòé àìà îîòùø ùðé ëîä ãúéîø àéï î"ù çééá áîòùøåú ãëååúéä àéï ðèò øáòé çééá áîòùøåú
(R. Avun): (Proof for Beis Shammai) Since Beis Shammai learned Netah Revay from Maaser Sheni, we can say that just as Maaser Sheni (if the wrong order was used and it was separated before Maaser Rishon, it) is not obligated in Maaser Rishon, so too Netah Revay is not obligated in Maaser.
øáé áà øáé çééà áùí øáé éåçðï òéñú î"ù áéøåùìéí ëø"î ôèåøä îï äçìä ëøáé éäåãä çééáú áçìä
(R. Ba/ R. Chiya citing R. Yochanan): A dough of Maaser Sheni in Yerushalayim, according to R. Meir (who views Maaser Sheni money as 'Mamon Gavo'ah' - 'the property of Hashem'), is exempt from Challah; according to R. Yehuda, it is obligated in Challah.
àîø øáé éåðä ìà àîøå àìà áéøåùìéí àáì áâáåìéï ìà
(R. Yona): This is true only inside Yerushalayim, but if the dough was made outside, it is certainly exempt from Challah.
øáé áà áø ëäï áòé ÷åîé øáé éåñé ëãáøé îé ùäåà çééá áôøè îäå ùúäà çééáú áçìä
Question (R. Ba bar Kohen to R. Yosi): According to Beis Shammai who (in the Mishnah) obligated Kerem Revay in Peret, is it obligated in Challah?
[ãó ñå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à"ì åìà ø' éäåã' äéà åñáøéðï îéîø ëì äãà äìëúà ø"é ëá"ù:
Answer (R. Yosi): It is R. Yehuda who reasoned like Beis Shammai (and R. Yehuda views Maaser Sheni as 'property of the owner'), so it is certainly obligated in Challah, even outside Yerushalayim.