PERET AND OLELOS (Yerushalmi Peah Perek 7 Halachah 3 Daf 32b)
[ãó ñà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä àéæå ôøè äðåùø áùòú äáöéø' äéä áåöø ò÷õ àú äàùëåì äåñáê áòìéí åðôì ìàøõ åðôøè äøé æä ùì áò"ä
(Mishnah): What is Peret? That which falls off when picking grapes. If he cut off a cluster by its stalk and it became intertwined in the foliage and fell to the ground and grapes dispersed; they belong to the owner.
äîðéç ëìëìä úçú äâôï áùòä ùäåà áåöø äøé æä âåæì àú äòðééí òì æä ðàîø (îùìé ëá) àì úñéâ âáåì òåìéí
One who places a basket under the vine while cutting off the grapes, he is stealing from the poor. About such a case, the pasuk states (Mishlei 22:28), "Do not remove an ancient boundary".
àéæäå òåììåú ëì ùàéï ìå ìà ëúó åìà ðèó àí éù ìä ëúó àå ðèó äøé æä ùì áòì äáéú àí ñô÷ ìòðééí
What are Olelos (gleanings that must not be picked in the vineyard and are left for the poor)? Any cluster that does not have Kasef (grapes leaning on other grapes) or Natef (the lowest grapes do not hang down). If it has Kasef or Natef, it belongs to the owner. If it is doubtful, it belongs to the poor.
òåììåú ùáàøëåáä àí ð÷øöú äéà òí äàùëåì äøé æä ùì áò"ä åàí ìàå äøé äåà ùì òðééí
Olelos on the joint of a vine - if it can be cut off with the cluster, it belongs to the owner; if not, it belongs to the poor.
âøâø éçéãé øáé éäåãà àåîø àùëåì åçëîéí àåîøéí òåììåú:
A single stalk - R. Yehuda says that it is considered to be a whole cluster; Chachamim say that it is Olelos.
âîøà äãà àîøä ôøè áðùéøúå ÷ãù ìéú äãà ôùéèà ùàìúéä ãàéìôà ãàéìôà ùàì ì÷è áðùéøúå îäå ùé÷ãù
(Gemara): (The Mishnah taught that one may not place the basket under the vine.) This teaches that as soon as the grape begins to fall from the cluster, even before it lands on the ground, it already belongs to the poor. Why not use this to answer Ilfa's question (found in Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 6 Halacha 5) - could the owner consecrate the produce before it hits the ground? (Does produce become Leket as soon as it falls from the hand or only when it reaches the ground? Since we can assume that there is no difference between Peret and Leket, our Mishnah seems to answer this.)
[ãó ñà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé ùîåàì áø àáãåîà ùðééà äéà ùäåà âøí ìå ùìà éøã ìàøõ:
Answer (R. Shmuel bar Avduma): One could say that it is the placing of the basket that prevents them from falling on the ground.
àéæå äéà òåììåú ëå': àéæå äéà ëúó ôñéâé' æå òì âáé æå àéæå äéà ðèó äúìåéåú áùãøä åéåøãåú
(The Mishnah defined Olelos as any cluster that does not have Kasef and Natef.) What is Kasef? Grapes leaning on other grapes. What is Natef? The lowest grapes do not hang down.
ø' áà áùí øá éäåãà åäï ùéäéå ëåìï ðåâòåú áôñ éãå
(R. Ba citing Rav Yehuda): They are only called Olelos if he can hold them in the palm of his hand. (The Gemara assumes that it means that he can hold all of a tree's Olelos in his palm.)
ìà ëï àîø øáé çééà îòùä ùù÷ìå òåììåú ùáò ìéèøéåú áöéôåøéï
Question: Didn't R. Chiya say that it once happened in Tziporin that the Olelos weighed seven Litra?! (Note: Some translate the phrase as 'it once happened that the Olelos weighed seven Tziporian Litra'.)
àîø øáé çéððä ùàí ðúðä òì âáé èáìä åäï ùéäå ëåìï ðåâòåú áèáìä
Answer (R. Chinana): Rather, it means that the grapes must be spread widely enough around the cluster that if he would isolate them in their current position, they would all rest on the palm of his hand rather than on each other.
áï ìåé ùðúîðä ìå îòùø èáì åîöà áúåëå òåììåú äøé æä òåùä àåúï úøåîú [ãó ìâ òîåã à] îòùø áî÷åí àçø åòåììåú ìàå ùì òðé äí
Question: 'If a Levi was given Maaser Tevel (meaning that the Terumos Maaser had not yet been separated from it) and he found Olelos with in it, he can make them Terumas Maaser.' Don't the Olelos belong to the poor, so how can give them as Terumas Maaser (when they are not obligated in Maaseros)?
øáé àáéï áùí øáðï ãúîï àðé àåîø òí äð÷øöåú òí äàùëåìåú:
Answer (R. Avin citing Rabbanan of Bavel): There I can say that they were Olelos that were still attached (and therefore still belong to the owner).