A PERSON'S FOUR AMOS ACQUIRE (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 2 Daf 21b)
äúéá ø' éò÷á áø àéãé áùí ø"ù áï ì÷éù åäà úðéðï øàä àú äîöéàä åðôì ìå òìéä åáà àçø åäçæé÷ áä æä ùäçæé÷ áä æëä áä
Question (R. Yaakov bar Idi citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): Doesn't the Mishnah (Maseches Bava Metzia) teach that when a person falls on an ownerless object (he does not acquire it even though it is in his surrounding four Amos) so that if someone else would come a take it, they would acquire it? (This questions the law of Reish Lakish above, in daf 36 (e)).
à"ì úôúø ëùìà àîø éæëå ìé àøáò àîåú ùìé
Answer: When the person did not say that his four Amos should acquire for him.
åäúðé ðôì ìå òìéä ôéøñ èìéúå òìéä îòáéøéï àåúå îîðä
Question (Mishnah): 'If he fell on it or he spread his garment on it, they may remove him from it'?
à"ì òåã äéà ëùìà àîø éæëå ìé ã' àîåú ùìé
Answer: Here also, he did not say that his four Amos should acquire for him.
[ãó ìå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åäúðé ø"ç ùðéí ùäéå îúëúùéï òì äòåîø åáà òðé àçø åçèôå îìôðéäí æëä áå
Question (R. Chiya's Baraisa): If two poor men were arguing over a sheaf and another poor man came and snatched it from in front of them, he acquires it.
à"ì òåã äéà ëùìà àîø éæëå ìé ã' àîåú ùìé
Answer: Here also, he did not say that his four Amos should acquire for him.
àîø øáé éåçðï æå áâéèéï îä ùàéï ëï áîúðä
(R. Yochanan): This ability to acquire with one's four Amos applies to a woman acquiring a Get but not to acquiring a gift.
øåáä ãøáé éåçðï øåáä ãøéù ì÷éù
R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish each discussed a case that brings out his Chidush - R. Yochanan said that four Amos do not acquire a gift and Reish Lakish said that four Amos acquire an ownerless item...
øåáä (ãøáé éåçðï)[ãø"ì] îä àí îöéàä ùàéï æåëä áä îãòú àçøú ã"à æåëåú ìå îúðä ùæåëä áä îãòú àçøú ìà ë"ù ùã"à æåëåú ìå
The Chidush of Reish Lakish is brought out in the case of an ownerless item - if an ownerless item does not have anyone giving it to the receiver and the receiver's four Amos acquire for him; for a gift, that has the donor giving it, his four Amos should certainly acquire it.
øåáä (ãø"ì îä îúðä ùàéðå æåëä áä îúåê ã"à äøé äåà æåëä áä îãòú àçøú îöéàä ùäåà æåëä áä îúåê ã"à ìà ë"ù)[ãø' éåçðï îä àí îúðä ùæåëä áä îãòú àçøú àéðå æåëä îúåê ã' àîåú îöéàä ùàéðå æåëä îãòú àçøú ìà ë"ù]
The Chidush of R. Yochanan is brought out in the case of a gift - if a gift that is acquired from another, does not acquire within a person's four Amos, an ownerless item that is given by another should certainly not acquire within four Amos.
äúéá ø"æ ÷åîé ø' éåñà åäúðéðï åëï ìòðéï ä÷ãåùéï
Question (R. Zeira to R. Yosa): (Questioning R. Yochanan's statement (above (g), that the four Amos law only applies to a Get) - the Mishnah (in Maseches Gitin) teaches that it applies to Kidushin?
à"ì äéà âéèéï äéà ÷ãåùéï
Answer: Gitin and Kidushin are the same (as the Torah compares them).
åäúðéðï åëï ìòðéï äçåá
Question: The Mishnah also applies the four Amos law to a debt?
à"ì ùëï àí à"ì æø÷éäå ìéí åéäà îçåì ìê îçåì ìå
Answer: The reason that it is effective there is not because of the law of four Amos, but rather, it is because the lender could even tell the borrower to throw the money into the sea and he will forgive the loan.
[ãó ìå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îòúä àôé' ÷øåá ììåä æëä äìåä åäúðéðï ÷øåá ììåä çééá äìåä
Question: If so, even if the borrower throws it and it lands close to the borrower, it should be a valid repayment; but the Mishnah teaches that in such a case, the borrower would still owe the money?!
ùëï àí àîø ìé' æø÷äå òã ùéëðñ ìøùåúé åòãééï ìà ðëðñ áøùåúå
Answer: He still owes there because when the lender told him "Throw it to me!", he meant into his domain.
à"ø àáåä ëì àéìéï äúåúáúä ãäåä ø"æ îåúéá ÷åîé ø' éñà ø"ì îåúéá ÷åîé ø' éåçðï î÷áì îéðé ôúø ìé' áàéìéï ôøúééà:
(R. Abahu): All of these questions that R. Zeira asked R. Yosa were asked by Reish Lakish to R. Yochanan and R. Yochanan accepted the questions and answered in the same way that R. Yosa answered.