TOSFOS DH Asham Taluy she'Eino Kalil Lo Kol she'Chen
úåñôåú ã"ä àùí ùàéðå ëìéì ìà ëì ùëï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Chatas is not Yochi'ach.)
ìà ùééê ìîéîø çèàú úåëéç
Implied question: Why can't we say that Chatas is Yochi'ach?
ãàéëà ìîéîø îä ìçèàú ùëï ãîä ìîòìä åùëï öã ëøú åùëï áàä áöáåø:
Answer: We can say that Chatas [is not Yochi'ach] because its blood is put above, and it pertains to Kares, and it comes b'Tzibur.
TOSFOS DH Minchas Chotei Harei Hi k'Chatas
úåñôåú ã"ä îðçú çåèà äøé äéà ëçèàú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how we learn the law of Minchas Chotei.)
àéï æä ìîã îìîã
Implied question: This is Lamed (learned from) Lamed (something learned from another source. In Kodshim, we do not learn Lamed from Lamed!
ãàò''â ãçèàú éìôéðï ìîöåä îùìîéí ìòéì îëì î÷åí òëåáà áâåôéä ëúéáé
Answer: It is not. Even though we learn Chatas from Shelamim l'Chatchilah above (8a), in any case the Ikuv is written in Chatas itself.
åîðçú ðãáä ëàùí
Citation: Minchas Nedavah is like Asham. (Tzon Kodoshim says that this begins a new Dibur. This is the Dibur ha'Maschil.)
ìàå îùåí ãîàùí éìôà ìîöåä
Implied question: We learn from Asham l'Chatchilah (even though Asham is learned from Shelamim)!
ãîðçä âåôä àéú÷ù ìùìîéí ëàùí àìà ìîéîøà ãìà äåé ëçèàú
Answer: (We do not.) Minchah itself is compared to Shelamim, like Asham. Rather, [we say that it is like Asham] to say that it is not like Chatas.
TOSFOS DH Ba Le'ovdah b'Yad Ovdah b'Yamin k'Chatas
úåñôåú ã"ä áà ìòåáãä áéã òåáãä áéîéï ëçèàú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the source for the right hand.)
ãëúéá áä àöáò ãéìôéðï îâæéøä ùåä îîöåøò ãàöáò äåé éîéï
Explanation: It is written [regarding Chatas] "Etzba". We learn from a Gezeirah Shavah to Metzora that it is the right [thumb].
åà''ú äìà àéáòéà ìï ôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (ì÷îï ãó ð.) àé éìôéðï äé÷ù îâ''ù
Question: It was a question below (50a) whether or not we learn a Hekesh from a Gezeirah Shavah!
åàé îöåøò çåìéï [äåà] äåä àúé ùôéø
Answer: If Metzora is considered Chulin, this is fine.
åîéäå òãééï ÷ùä ìî''ã ãìà áòé (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ìîã ÷ãù åîìîã ÷åãù ëãôøéê áôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (âí æä ùí)
Question: However, this is still difficult according to the opinion that does not require that [both] the Lamed is Kodesh and the Melamed (source) is Kodesh (even if the Melamed is Chulin, he does not learn Lamed from Lamed - below, 50a)!
TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan Ikar Kra liched'R. Yehudah brei d'R. Chiya Hu...
úåñôåú ã"ä äëé âøñéðï òé÷ø ÷øà ìëãø' éäåãä áøéä ãøáé çééà äåà ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks that elsewhere, it connotes unlike this.)
úéîä ãáøéù îðçåú (ãó á:) îùîò ãàéãê ãøùà òé÷ø ãôøéê àáéé îëãé îçùáä ãôñéì øçîðà äé÷éùà äåà
Question: In Menachos (2b) it connotes that the other Drashah is primary, for Abaye asks "this that intent disqualifies, it is a Hekesh"!
TOSFOS DH Hora'asah Ko'ach Pesach v'Nasata Ko'ach bi'Shelamim
úåñôåú ã"ä äåøòúä ëç ôñç åðúú ëç áùìîéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the question.)
ãáæîï ùìîéí ôñç ìùí ùìîéí ëùø åàéìå áæîï äôñç ùìîéí ìùí ôñç ôñåìéí
Explanation: At the time of Shelamim, Pesach l'Shem Shelamim is Kosher, but at the time of Pesach, Shelamim l'Shem Pesach is Pasul;
åäìà éù ôñå÷ áôñç ìôñåì ùìà ìùîå åàéìå áùìîéí àéï ôñå÷:
[This is difficult, for] there is a verse regarding Pesach to disqualify Lo Lishmah, and there is no verse for Shelamim!
TOSFOS DH Amar R. Eliezer Lo Im Amarta b'Chatas
úåñôåú ã"ä àîø ø' àìéòæø ìà àí àîøú áçèàú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses R. Eliezer's opinion.)
ãéï äåà ùàçøéí ëùøéí ìùîå
Explanation: It is proper that other [Korbanos] are Kosher l'Shem [Chatas].
[å÷ùä] ðäé ãìà ãîé ìôñç î''î ÷''å àéëà åà''ë [ðéîà] (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) éôñìå ðîé îäàé ãéðà ãîåúø çèàú áà òåìä ëîå îãéðà ãîåúø ôñç áà ùìîéí
Question: Granted, [Chatas] is unlike Pesach. In any case, there is a Kal v'Chomer. If so, we should say that also [other Korbanos l'Shem Chatas] are Pasul from this Kal v'Chomer that Mosar Chatas is an Olah (even though Mosar Olah is not a Chatas), just like from the Kal v'Chomer that Mosar Pesach is a Shelamim!]
åé''ì ãòé÷ø èòîå ñîéê à÷øà ãëúéá æáç ôñç äåà áäåééúå éäà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) ëãàéúà áôñçéí (ãó ñá:)
Answer: [R. Eliezer's] primary reason relies on the verse "Zevach Pesach Hu" - it will be in its state, like it says in Pesachim (62b. He does not rely on the Kal v'Chomer.)
åö''ì ãäà ìà àí àîøú ã÷àîø øáé àìéòæø ìãáøé øáé éäåùò ÷àîø àìéáà ãøáé éåçðï
Consequence: We must say that according to R. Yochanan, what R. Eliezer said [to R. Yehoshua] "no - if you say...", was according to R. Yehoshua's words (but R. Eliezer himself disagrees).
åøáéðå úí îöà áñôø éùï áøéùà ãùîòúà åøáä àîø áàçøéí ìùí çèàú áåé''å (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) åøáä ìà áà àìà ìôøù ãáøé øáé éåçðï
Alternative text: R. Tam found in an old Sefer at the beginning of this Sugya "and Rabah said, regarding others l'Shem Chatas", with a Vov (and Rabah). Rabah comes only to explain R. Yochanan's words;
åø' éåçðï òöîå îåãä ãáàçøéí ìùí çèàú ôìéâé åìà àîø àîøå ãáø àçã àìà áàçøéí ìùí ôñç
R. Yochanan himself agrees that they argue about others l'Shem Chatas. He said "they said the same matter" only regarding others l'Shem Pesach.
TOSFOS DH Hagahah Iy Iflug b'Lishman v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä äâ''ä àé àéôìåâ áìùîï ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that there is still room to err.)
åúéîä äùúà ðîé ãôìéâé áùìà ìùîï àðé éëåì ìèòåú áãáøé áï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) áúéøà ùéôñåì é''ã ìùîå ùçøéú åìôøù èòîå îùåí ãî÷öúå øàåé
Question: Also now that they argue about she'Lo Lishman, I can err about Ben Beseira's words, that [Pesach] is Pasul Lishmah in the morning of the 14th, and explain that his reason is because part [of the day] is proper [for Pesach]!
åé''ì ãîæä àéðå çåùù îùåí ãùåí úðà ìà îëùéø ôñç ùçøéú àìà æä
Answer: [The Tana] is not concerned for this, because no Tana is Machshir Pesach in the morning other than him (Ben Beseira. The Halachah does not follow him, so even if people err about his opinion, they will not rule incorrectly.)
TOSFOS DH Hagahah Echad ba'Boker v'Lo Shenayim ba'Boker (This Dibur is on the next Daf.)
úåñôåú ã"ä äâ''ä àçã áá÷ø åìà ùðéí áá÷ø