[54a - 33 lines; 54b - 37 lines]

1)[line 1]"[ìáðéîéï àîø éãéã ä' éùëï ìáèç òìéå] çôó òìéå ëì äéåí åáéï ëúôéå ùëï""[L'VINYAMIN AMAR...] CHOFEF ALAV KOL HA'YOM U'VEIN KESEIFAV SHACHEN"- "[To Binyamin he said, 'Beloved of HaSh-m, He shall surely dwell upon him;] He hovers over him all day long, and dwells between his shoulders" (Devarim 33:12). This verse depicts HaSh-m hovering over Binyamin. The Tana of this Beraisa, however, interprets it to be referring to Binyamin himself. He longs after the strip of land belonging to Yehudah upon which the Mizbe'ach is built, as if it is an itch he cannot scratch (Chafifah).

2)[line 2]àåùôéæëï ìä÷á"äUSHPIZCHAN LA'HASH-M- a host for the Almighty

3)[line 5]îåì÷ àú øàùä îîåì òåøôä åîáãéìMOLEK ES ROSHO MI'MUL ORPAH U'MAVDIL- and he performs Melikah, cutting the back of the neck of the bird with his right thumbnail, making sure to cut both Simanim (the trachea and the esophagus), and he separates the head from the rest of the body

4)[line 5]åîîöä ãîä òì ÷éø îæáçU'MEMATZEH DAMAH AL KIR HA'MIZBE'ACH- and he squeezes out the blood by pressing the cut part of the head and body of the bird onto the wall of the Mizbe'ach

5)[line 8]ëê äúðå àåéøà ãáðéîéï ÷ø÷ò ãéäåãäKACH HISNU: AVIRA D'VINYAMIN KARKA D'YEHUDAH- this is what they (Binyamin and Yehudah) stipulated [between themselves]: that the airspace would belong to Binyamin while the land itself would belong to Yehudah

6)[line 10]øá îúøâí áàçñðúéä éúáðé îãáçàRAV METARGEM, B'ACHSANTEI YISVENEI MADBECHA- Rav translates the verse (Bereishis 49:27), "Binyamin Ze'ev Yitrof," as, "In his portion will be built the Mizbe'ach"

7)[line 17]ôåøç àîä òì éñåãPORE'ACH AMAH AL YESOD- the ramp extends one Amah over the base

8)[line 20]îìáïMALBEN- a square wooden form or hearth

9)[line 22]îôåìîåúMEFULAMOS- damp stones taken from the sea that have been smoothed by the pounding of the surf (RAMBAM Hilchos Beis Ha'Bechirah 1:14)

10)[line 23]å÷åðéàV'KUNYA- molten lead


11)[line 1]ãâééæ ìéäD'GAYEZ LEI- that he cuts it (the base) down after it is poured

12)[line 1]ãîçéú îéãé îúåúéäD'MACHIS MIDI MI'TUSEI- that he lowers something underneath it; i.e. before they fill the form with rocks and cement, they cover the Amah-wide strips of land with wooden beams, which are as thick as the height of the form

13)[line 3]àáðéí ùì ÷øðåú çìåìåúAVANIM SHEL KERANOS CHALULOS- stone blocks of the Mizbe'ach corners; i.e. they were hollow, and there were holes in the surface of the corners of the Mizbe'ach that extended down into their bodies

14)[line 10]áðåéå ùì òåìíB'NOYO SHEL OLAM- with the beauty of the world; i.e. the Beis ha'Mikdash

15)[line 17]ìîáðééä áòéï òéèí, ãîãìéL'MIVNEYEI B'EIN EITAM, D'MIDLEI- [they thought] to build it in Ein Eitam (a peak overlooking Yerushalayim), which is elevated

16)[line 18]ðéúúé áéä ÷ìéìNISESEI BEI KALIL- it should be slightly lowered


The Torah commands to bring a Minchah offering on Shavu'os called the Shtei ha'Lechem (Vayikra 23:16-17) that consists of two loaves of bread that are Chametz, made from two Esronim of fine wheat flour (approximately equal to 4.32, 4.98 or 8.64 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions). In conjunction with the Shtei ha'Lechem, various Korbenos Olah, a goat as a Korban Chatas and two sheep (the Kivsei Atzeres) that are Zivchei Shelamim are offered (ibid. 23:18-19). (These sheep were the only Shelamim brought by the Tzibur, and the only Shelamim that were Kodshei Kodashim.)


(a)ASHAM VADAI - The Torah specifies five cases where the Korban Asham Vadai is brought. The animal offered is usually a ram that costs at least two Sela'im. The first three involve transgressions:

1.ASHAM ME'ILOS: a person who has benefit from Hekdesh b'Shogeg must bring a Korban Asham, besides paying the amount he benefited plus a fine of Chomesh (Vayikra 5:14-16; see Background to Shevuos 34:24).

2.ASHAM GEZEILOS: a person who steals money from a fellow Jew, swears in Beis Din that he holds no such money and later admits his sin, must return what he stole, pay a fine of Chomesh, and bring a Korban Asham to receive atonement (Vayikra 5:20-26).

3.ASHAM SHIFCHAH CHARUFAH: a person who has relations with a Shifchah Charufah (e.g. a maidservant who was owned by two partners, and freed by one of them, who is betrothed to a Jewish slave) must bring a Korban Asham, whether he did the sin b'Mezid or b'Shogeg (Vayikra 19:20-22; see Background to Kidushin 23:11b).

4.ASHAM NAZIR: this Korban (a sheep within its first year) is brought by a Nazir who becomes Tamei during his period of Nezirus (Bamidbar 6:12; see Background to Zevachim 23:6).

5.ASHAM METZORA: this Korban (a sheep within its first year) is one of the Korbanos brought by a Metzora upon the completion of his Taharah process (Vayikra 14:12, see Background to Zevachim 32:20:c-e).

(b)ASHAM TALUY - If a person is in doubt whether or not he committed a transgression for which he must bring a Korban Chatas, he temporarily brings a Korban Asham Taluy, which is a ram worth two Sela'im (Vayikra 5:17-19). If he later discovers that he did indeed sin, he must offer a Korban Chatas; the Asham Taluy only provides temporary atonement during the period of doubt. (For further details of the Asham Taluy, see Background to Bava Kama 110:23:4:b)