ZEVACHIM 36 (5 Sivan) - Dedicated l'Zecher Nishmas Reb Chaim Aryeh ben Aharon Stern Z'L by Shmuel Gut of Brooklyn, N.Y.

[36a - 48 lines; 36b - 41 lines]

1)[line 3]òøìéíARELIM- uncircumcised individuals

2)[line 3]ìùáø òöîåú äôñçL'SHABER ATZMOS HA'PESACH - [with the intention to] break the bones of the Korban Pesach (KORBAN PESACH: SHEVIRAS ETZEM)

(a)It is a Mitzvah for all Jews to offer a Korban Pesach on the fourteenth of Nisan in the afternoon, as it states in the Torah, "and the whole assembly of the congregation of Yisrael shall slaughter it towards evening" (Shemos 12:6). The Pesach is an unblemished male lamb or goat within its first year that is roasted in its entirety.

(b)An adult (who was Tahor and was not far from the Beis ha'Mikdash on the fourteenth of Nisan) who willfully did not offer the Korban Pesach is liable to the Kares punishment.

(c)In order to eat from the Korban Pesach, a person must be "appointed" to the Korban before it is slaughtered. This appointment is called "Minuy." Each Pesach must have appointed to it people who are able to eat at least a k'Zayis of the meat on the night of the fifteenth of Nisan. The Korban is sacrificed in the name of all the people who were appointed for that specific Pesach animal. The people appointed to the Pesach then eat at least a k'Zayis of the Pesach together in a "Chaburah." (Some Tana'im maintain that a single Pesach may be split into many Chaburos eating in different places - Pesachim 86a.)

(d)No bones of the Pesach are allowed to be broken (Shemos 12:46).

(e)The verses limit the people who are permitted to eat the Korban Pesach. Nochrim, people who are Tamei and men who are uncircumcised are prohibited from eating the Korban Pesach (Shemos 12:43-44).

3)[line 4]ìàëåì äéîðå ðàLE'ECHOL HEIMENU NA- to eat the Korban Pesach raw. The Korban Pesach must be fully roasted before it is eaten. One who eats it in a half-raw state violates a Torah prohibition (Shemos 12:9). Nevertheless, the Korban is not invalidated.

4)[line 8]áðåúøB'NOSAR

See Background to Zevachim 35:24.

5)[line 9]"ìà úåúéøå îîðå òã á÷ø""LO SOSIRU MIMENU AD BOKER" - " Do not leave any of it over until the morning" (Shemos 12:10) (KORBAN PESACH: NOSAR)

(a)If any meat of a Korban remains after the time that was allotted for it to be eaten, it is termed "Nosar" and it must be burned. With regard to the Korban Pesach, the verse states, "Do not leave any of it (i.e. the Korban Pesach) over until the morning. Anything that is left over until the morning must be burned in fire" (Shemos 12:10). The repetition of the phrase "until the morning" signals that the verse is referring to the mornings of two different days, and can be understood as follows: "Do not leave any of the Korban Pesach over until the morning (which is Yom Tov). If anything is left over, on the following morning (which is Chol ha'Moed), it must be burned."

(b)The Torah warns us four times not to allow the meat of a Korban to remain past the time during which it may be eaten, each of which is counted as an individual Mitzvah. The first three apply to specific Korbanos (Korban Pesach, in Shemos 12:10 and SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah #8; Korban Pesach Sheni, in Bamidbar 9:12 and Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah #382; the Chagigah that is brought with the Pesach, in Devarim 16:4 and Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah #486). The fourth time this prohibition is written is with regard to the Korban Todah (Vayikra 7:15 and 22:30), which serves as the source for the prohibition of leaving over meat from any Korban after the allotted time (Sefer ha'Chinuch Mitzvah #142). (The Minchas Chinuch 8:5 suggests that the latter Lav applies even to the three Korbanos for which the Isur of Nosar is written explicitly; however the Acharonim reject his suggestion based on the Gemara here in Zevachim.)

6)[line 13]"åáùø æáç úåãä ùìîéå""U'VESAR ZEVACH TODAS SHELAMAV"- "And the flesh of his Korban that is slaughtered as the type of Shelamim known as a Todah (thanksgiving offering)..." (Vayikra 7:15). This verse teaches the prohibition against leaving a Todah beyond its time.

7)[line 14]ìúåãäL'TODAH (KORBAN TODAH)

(a)The Todah (thanksgiving offering) is a form of Shelamim that is eaten for only one day and one night (Vayikra 7:15). Korbenos Shelamim that are offered by an individual may be brought from male or female sheep, cows or goats. They are Kodshim Kalim, and may therefore be slaughtered in the entire Azarah (and not only in its northern part). Before its slaughter, the owner presses his hands on the head of the animal (Semichah). The blood of the Shelamim is cast on the lower half of the Mizbe'ach at the northeastern and southwestern corners only (Shetayim she'Hen Arba). Nesachim (a meal offering consisting of flour and oil and a wine libation) are brought as part of the Korban (Bamidbar 15:3-12). The meal offering is completely burned on the Mizbe'ach and the wine is poured into one of the Sefalim (the silver libation pipes located at the top of the southwest corner of the Mizbe'ach) (RAMBAM and RA'AVAD Hilchos Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 2:1). The amount of flour, oil and wine needed depends upon the animal offered, as specified in Bamidbar ibid.

(b)An animal that is sacrificed as a Todah is brought together with forty loaves of bread, ten each of the following:

1.Chalos Matzos - Matzos mixed with oil;

2.Rekikin - flat Matzos saturated with oil;

3.Soles Murbeches - Matzos made of boiled flour mixed with oil;

4.Loaves of leavened bread. (Vayikra 7:12-13)

(c)One loaf of each type of bread is given to the Kohen who performs the Zerikas ha'Dam of the Todah (Vayikra 7:14). (These four loaves are known as Terumas Lachmei Todah.) The Chazeh (breast) and Shok (thigh) of the Shelamim are given to the Kohen (Vayikra 7:34). Certain fats and other parts of the Korban are offered on the Mizbe'ach (Vayikra 3:3-4, 9-10, 14-15). The owner and his guests (men or women) eat the rest of the Korban inside the borders of the city of Yerushalayim. The meat may be cooked in any fashion and is eaten on the day that it is slaughtered and the following night.

8)[line 14]çìéôéïCHALIPIN- lit. exchanged ones. These are animals designated to replace others that had been set aside for a Korban Todah and were then lost. If the original Korban Todah was recovered after a replacement was designated, both the original and replacement animals are sacrificed as a Korban Todah.

9)[line 15]úîåøåúTEMUROS (TEMURAH)

(a)The Torah prohibits making a Temurah, which is a Chulin animal exchanged for an animal designated as a Korban in an attempt to transfer the Kedushas ha'Guf of the Korban onto a replacement Korban. The verse states, "Do not transfer or exchange it (an animal that has been designated as a Korban) [for another animal], neither a good animal for a bad one nor a bad one for a good one. If you do exchange an animal [of Kodesh] for another animal [that is not], both the original animal and the one given in exchange for it will be Kodesh" (Vayikra 27:10). The CHINUCH explains that the reason for the prohibition of Temurah is to teach us the proper reverence that we must have for objects of Kedushah (SEFER HA'CHINUCH #351, #352). (For a definition of Kedushas ha'Guf as opposed to Kedushas Damim, see Background to Avodah Zarah 13:16:c-e.)

(b)For example, the Mishnah (Temurah 26b) teaches that a person can make a Temurah by taking two animals, one of which was designated as a Korban, and saying "Zo Tachas Zo" ("This [animal] is instead of this [animal]") or "Zo Temuras Zo" ("This is in place of this") or "Zo Chalifas Zo" ("This is in exchange for this"). The second animal, or the Temurah, is usually a valid Korban. If it has no Mum (blemish that invalidates it), it must also be offered on the Mizbe'ach (unless the original Korban was a Chatas or an Asham).

(c)A person who intentionally makes a Temurah receives Malkus (lashes). Sometimes, even if a person makes a Temurah b'Shogeg (unintentionally), he receives Malkus (see Chart to Temurah 17a). (For a discussion of the difference between Temurah and Chilul (redemption), see Background to Bava Metzia 57:2.)

10)[line 16]ùìîé ðæéøSHALMEI NAZIR (NAZIR)

(a)If a person makes a vow to become a Nazir without stipulating a time period, his or her Nezirus lasts for a period of thirty days. If the person stipulates a time period, his or her Nezirus lasts for whatever amount of time he stipulated. During this period, the Nazir is not allowed to

1.cut his hair;

2.become Tamei by touching or being in the same room as a corpse;

3.consume any products of the grapevine (Bamidbar 6:1-21, SEFER HA'CHINUCH #377). Transgressing any one of these prohibitions makes the Nazir liable to Malkus, as long as he was warned beforehand.

(b)When a Nazir completes his period of Nezirus, he must offer three sacrifices: a male sheep as an Olah, a female sheep as a Chatas, and a ram as a Shelamim. Together with the Shelamim he brings 6 and 2/3 Esronos of Soles (fine flour), which are made into twenty loaves of Matzah, ten Chalos (unleavened loaves) and ten Rekikin (flat Matzos). He then shaves off his hair and burns it under the pot in which the Zero'a (the right hind leg) of the Shelamim is cooked (Bamidbar 6:18). (Sefer ha'Chinuch #377)

11)[line 17]ùìîé ôñçSHALMEI PESACH

(a)There are two opinions with regard to the Korban to which the term "Shalmei Pesach" refers (see RASHI here, RASHI to Rosh Hashanah 5a DH Shalmei Pesach, and TOSFOS to Zevachim 9a DH u'Shelamim):

1.CHAGIGAS ARBA'AH ASAR - the Korban Shalmei Chagigah that is brought together with the Korban Pesach on the fourteenth of Nisan. The Torah requires that each Korban Pesach be eaten by a designated group of people. When many people share a Korban Pesach such that there is not enough meat to provide a full meal for each of them, a Korban Chagigah is brought along with it. The members of the group eat the Korban Chagigah before the Korban Pesach to ensure that they eat the Korban Pesach Al ha'Sova (when they are satiated) (see Insights to Pesachim 70:1). (This Korban Chagigah is not to be confused with the Korban Chagigah that a person must bring during all festivals. Every Jewish male is obligated to come to the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash on Pesach, Shavu'os and Sukos, and bring an animal as a Korban Chagigah, as the Torah states, "Shalosh Regalim Tachog Li ba'Shanah" (Shemos 23:14).)

2.MOSAR HA'PESACH - if an animal was designated for a Korban Pesach but was not actually offered as one for any reason (e.g. it was lost on the fourteenth of Nisan), it is called "Mosar ha'Pesach" and may be offered at any time as a Korban Shelamim. A Mosar ha'Pesach is identical to a Shelamim in every way other than that which it may be eaten for only one day and the following night, instead of the two days and intervening night allowed for a regular Korban Shelamim. (See Background to Pesachim 70:8.)

12)[line 18]åçìåú åø÷é÷éí ùáðæéøV'CHALOS U'REKIKIM SHEB'NAZIR

See above, entry #10-b.

13)[line 32]ëì ëîéðéäKOL KEMINEI?!- (lit. Is everything from him?) does the slaughterer have any power to make a Tamei person or an Arel actually eat sacrificial meat or burn sacrificial parts? For even if the slaughterer tells a Tamei and Arel to perform these forbidden acts, they undoubtedly would disregard this advice.

14)[line 33]àéï ãí îáèì ãíEIN DAM MEVATEL DAM (MIN B'MINO EINO BATEL)

See Background to Zevachim 35:6.

15)[line 36]ùìà ìî÷åîå ðîé î÷åîå ÷øéðà áéäSHE'LO LI'MEKOMO NAMI MEKOMO KARINA VEI- the incorrect place is also considered as its place; i.e. if the blood was applied to the wrong area of the Mizbe'ach, the offering effects atonement for its owner and he need not bring another offering in its stead (although the meat of the offering is forbidden to eat)

16)[line 38]î÷åí ùéäà îùåìù áãí ááùø åáàéîåøéïMAKOM SHE'YEHEI MESHULASH B'DAM B'VASAR UV'EIMURIN- [in order for improper intent to take effect and disqualify the Korban, the intent must be for] a place that has a three-fold function (Meshulash): it is fit to offer blood, meat, and Eimurim; i.e. where all three are offered or consumed

17)[line 41]"ãáø øò""DAVAR RA"- "[You shall not slaughter for HaSh-m, your G-d, an ox or a lamb in which there will be a blemish,] any bad thing..." (Devarim 17:1).

18)[line 45]òééìé òééìàAILEI AILA- it was actually brought up [into the Heichal]


19)[line 2]"ìà úæáç ìä' à-ì÷éê ùåø åùä àùø éäéä áå îåí, ëì ãáø øò; ëé úåòáú ä' à-ì÷éê äåà""LO TIZBACH LA'SH-M EL-KECHA SHOR VA'SEH ASHER YIHEYEH VO MUM, KOL DAVAR RA..."- "You shall not slaughter for HaSh-m, your G-d, an ox or a lamb in which there will be a blemish, any bad thing, [for that is an abomination to HaSh-m your G-d]" (Devarim 17:1) - This verse teaches that a Korban that has a "bad thing" (an exposed blemish) is an abomination.

20)[line 13]ìàìúøL'ALTAR- immediately

21)[line 22]îøâìà áôåîéä ãøá ãéîé áø çéððàMARGELA B'FUMEI D'RAV DIMI BAR CHINENA- it was a common saying in the mouth of Rav Dimi bar Chinena

22)[line 23]áùø ôñç ùìà äåöìäBASAR PESACH SHE'LO HUTZLEH- the meat of the Korban Pesach that was not roasted. See above, entry #2.