(a)In what way does the payment of a Zar who eats Terumah be'Meizid differ from one who eats it be'Shogeg regarding ...
1. ... what he pays?
2. ... how he pays it?
(b)What third distinction does the Tana draw between the two, based on the fact that the Zar pays pure Chulin?
(c)Why must 'be'Meizid' mean that there were witnesses but no warning?
(d)Then why is he not also Patur from paying now, seeing as he is Chayav Misah?
(a)The payment of a Zar who eats Terumah be'Meizid differs from one who eats it be'Shogeg regarding ...
1. ... what he pays - in that the latter is Patur from Chomesh.
2. ... how he pays it - in that he pays Chulin (which does not need to be fit to become Terumah).
(b)The third distinction the Tana draws between the two (based on the fact that the Zar pays pure Chulin) is - that the Kohen is able to forego the Yisrael's Chiyuv.
(c)be'Meizid must mean that there were witnesses but no warning - because if there was warning as well, he would receive Malkos, and someone who receives Malkos is Patur from paying.
(d)He is not also Patur from paying now, even though he is Chayav Misa - because although Misah bi'Yedei Adam exempts a person from paying (should the same action obligate payment), Misah bi'Yedei Shamayim (which is what the Zar is Chayav) does not.
(a)Is a bas Kohen who marries a Yisrael permitted to eat Terumah?
(b)What must she do in the event that she eats Terumah be'Shogeg?
(c)What punishment does she receive if she commits adultery?
(a)A bas Kohen who marries a Yisrael is no longer permitted to eat Terumah.
(b)In the event that she eats Terumah be'Shogeg - she must pay the Keren (like someone who steals from a fellow Jew) but not the Chomesh (like a Zar, since she is a Kohenes).
(c)Should she commit adultery - she is sentenced to S'reifah (like a bas Kohen) and not Chenek (like a bas Yisrael).
(a)According to the Chachamim, the same two Dinim will apply if she marries a man to whom she (as a bas Kohen) is forbidden. Who might that be?
(b)What does Rebbi Meir say?
(c)Why is she ...
1. ... obligated to pay the Chomesh?
2. ... subject to Chenek (and not S'reifah)?
(d)Then on what grounds do the Chachamim argue with Rebbi Meir? Why does ...
1. ... she pay the Chomesh?
2. ... she receive S'reifah (and not Chenek)?
(a)According to the Chachamim, the same two Dinim will apply if she marries a man to whom she (as a bas Kohen) is forbidden - such as a Chalal, a Nasin or a Mamzer.
(b)According to Rebbi Meir - once she marries someone to whom she is Pasul, she becomes subject to the Din Chomesh and to Chenek.
(c)The reason that she is ...
1. ... obligated to pay the Chomesh is - because she becomes profaned. She loses her right to eat Terumah and adopts the status of a Zar.
2. ... subject to Chenek (and not S'reifah) is - because only a Kohenes whose marriage does not render her unfit to return to her father's house to eat Terumah (should her husband die) allows her to retain the status of a Kohenes, but not a marriage to someone to whom she is Pasul.
(d)The Chachamim however, argue with Rebbi Meir. In their opinion ...
1. ... she pays the Chomesh - because at the end of the day, she was not born a Zarah, in which case, to some degree, she retains the status of a Kohenes.
2. ... she receive the death penalty of S'reifah (and not Chenek) - for the same reason, because she was not a Zarah Me'ikara.
(a)The Mishnah exempts a Zar who feeds his small children or his Avadim, Terumah be'Shogeg from paying the Chomesh. Why is that?
(b)Why are they not Chayav to pay?
(c)What does the Tana say about ...
1. ... a Zar who ate T'rumas Chutz la'Aretz? Does this mean that Terumas Chut la'Aretz (see Tiferes Yisrael) is Chulin?
2. ... less than a k'Zayis of T'rumas Eretz Yisrael?
(d)What sort of payment must the Keren comprise? Does the Kohen have the right to be Mochel?
(a)The Mishnah exempts a Zar who feeds his small children or his Avadim, Terumah be'Shogeg from paying the Chomesh - because only the person who actually eats Terumah is Chayav Chomesh (as we have already learned) ...
(b)... and they are not Chayav to pay - because they do not own anything with which to pay (see Tos. Yom-Tov and Tos. R. Akiva Eiger).
(c)The Tana includes in the previous ruling, a Zar who ate ...
1. ... T'rumas Chutz la'Aretz (even though it is valid (see Tiferes Yisrael) even if it is Medama'as.
2. ... less than a k'Zayis of T'rumas Eretz Yisrael (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)The payment of the Keren comprises Chulin, and the Kohen has the right to be Mochel.
(a)Which principle determines when the payment must be Terumah, and when it must be Chulin?
(b)Which other Halachah is determined by the same principle?
(a)Whoever is obligated to pay Chomesh, must pay Terumah, and whoever is exempt from Chomesh, pays Chulin ...
(b)... and what's more, the Kohen can be Mochel, which he is not permitted to do whenever the Zar pays Chomesh (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(a)What does the Mishnah say about a case where a Sa'ah of Terumah falls into one of two boxes, one of Terumah and one of Chulin, and it is not known into which box it fell?
(b)What will the Din be if the second box was ...
1. ... Terumah Teme'ah or Meduma'as?
2. ... Tevel?
(c)Why the difference?
(a)In a case where a Sa'ah of Terumah falls into one of two boxes, one of Terumah and one of Chulin, and it is not known into which box it fell - we assume, says the Mishnah, that the Terumah fell into the box of Terumah (See TOS. Yom-Tov), and the same will apply ...
(b)... if the second box was (not Terumah but) ...
1. ... Terumah Teme'ah or Meduma'as, but not if it was ...
2. ... Tevel ...
(c)... because if we did, the Tevel would become Asur, and on what grounds would we forbid one and permit the other?
(a)If it is not known which box is Terumah, and which, Chulin, and the owner ate one of them, Rebbi Meir holds that the second box is subject to Terumah and to Chalah. What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(b)What is the basis of the Machlokes as to whether it is Patur from Chalah (Rebbi Yossi) or Chayav (Rebbi Meir)?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(d)What if ...
1. ... somebody else eats the second box?
2. ... the owner subsequently eats the second box too?
(a)If it is not known which box is Terumah, and which, Chulin, and the owner ate one of them, Rebbi Meir holds that the second box is subject to both Terumah and Chalah (see Tos. R. Akiva Eiger). According to Rebbi Yossi - it is Patur from Chalah.
(b)The basis of the Machlokes as to whether it is Patur from Chalah or Chayav is - whether it is considered Dimu'a Chulin (Rebbi Yossi [which is Patur from Chalah]) or Safek (Rebbi Meir [which is Chayav]).
(c)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yossi (in all three current cases).
(d)If ...
1. ... somebody else eats the second box - he too, is Patur from paying (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
2. ... the owner subsequently eats the second box too - he is Chayav to pay the Kohen whichever box costs less.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about a case where one of the two boxes (in the previous Mishnah) falls into Chulin?
(b)According to Rebbi Meir, the second box is subject to Terumah and Chalah (like he said it was in the previous Mishnah). What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(c)What does the Tana say about a case where ...
1. ... the second box fell into another batch of Chulin?
2. ... both boxes fell into one batch of Chulin?
(a)The Mishnah rules that in a case where one of the two boxes (in the previous Mishnah) falls into Chulin - it does not render it Meduma.
(b)According to Rebbi Meir, the second box is subject to Terumah and Chalah (like he said it was in the previous Mishnah) - but not according to Rebbi Yossi (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(c)The Tana rules that, in a case where ...
1. ... the second box falls into another batch of Chulin - it does not render it Meduma.
2. ... both boxes falls into one batch of Chulin - then it renders it Meduma (thought the hundred that is needed to be Mevatel it need only be according to the amount in the smaller box).
(a)What do Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Yossi respectively say, in a case where the owner re-sowed one of the boxes, with regard to the second box?
(b)And what will be the Din if somebody else sowed the second box?
(a)In a case where the owner re-sowed one of the boxes, Rebbi Meir rules - that the second box is subject to Terumah and Chalah, whereas Rebbi Yossi holds that it is not (see Tiferes Yisrael).
(b)If somebody else sowed the second box - it is Patur (as we explained in the previous Mishnah).
(a)What will be the Din in a regular case where someone sows Terumah seeds be'Shogeg?
(b)Under which circumstances will the seeds be Asur (like the boxes in the previous cases) should the owner re-sow both boxes?
(c)What is an example of 'Davar she'Ein Zar'o Kalah'?
(a)In a regular case, where someone sows Terumah seeds be'Shogeg - unless he digs up the ground where they are growing, whatever grows becomes forbidden.
(b)The seeds will be Asur (like the boxes were in the previous cases) should the owner re-sow both boxes - if it is a species of plant whose seeds do not rot completely in the ground ('Davar she'Ein Zar'o Kalah').
(c)An example of 'Davar she'Ein Zar'o Kalah' is - garlic and onion seeds.